
i'd say they are folkish, which means that they want to preserve their customs, native religion and ethnic identity. whether you agree with them or not is up to you, but they surely aren't nazis with a taste for world domination. they believe in the connection of blood, soil and spirituality. they however support this idea for every indigeous people on this planet.

i'd say some of their ideas are quite good, while others go a bit too far. on they whole they surely aren't a nazi movement but an european identity movement!
Definately, not nazies! It depends if for nazi one considers to care and preserve cultural backgrounds and native ideas. Being part of the heathenfront there are groups accross all Europe and only certain ones are for the nordic heathendom, was even years ago the Romanic front and the main group banished it because the leader was an unleashed fascist maniac.
no, they just sell some books he wrote, most of them dealing with mythology not political stuff! i dunno if they still sell his laughable drivel "Vargsmål" though! even though some of his later work is quite interesting, this book is utter nonsence!
Hmm... okay, it's just that I was interested in the site and didn't see any overt sign of NS drivel. I was considering getting a few of there patches for my jacket, and the "Europa Erwache" button struck me...
I read an article he wrote on there dismissing christian fundamnetalists claims in america believing jesus was an anglo, and anglos were jews or something. I read it a while ago though...
Yeah but, he was DISMISSING the claims that gods chosen people were anglos, which is what the fundumentalists believed. It was just a rant... It had nothing to do with his other agendas. I like varg, I dont agree with his ideology, his view of a perfect world, but at least he is TRYING to do something. I agree with his spirit, the man stands up and FIGHTS for what he believes in, unlike the majority of this festering weak willed society. He fights, he fights against modern culture, people dismiss him as a racist wanker NOW, but the world loved him before he started to blame the jews! Burning churches and murdering poeple is all well and good but RACIST, no No NO! We cant have that, say the scum of the earth trendies so afraid of stepping on one anothers toes that they themselves dont even know what they believe anymore. Fuck this deconstructivist scum, whos only purpose it seems is to uphold the current ways of thinking, who are only a mirror for the thoughts of others, who sit on their asses and stagnate in this fucking society and say 'oh, but you couldnt do any better' FUCK THAT man. I side with the revolutionary that brings change, that brings conflict back into a conflictless world. TO LET US KNOW WE ARE STILL ALIVE!
Check this out though... I checked out the Vinlandic (north american) chapter of the AHF, and they immediately claim not to be a hate or extremist group... check it out
uh......they claim that they're not some groups of freakin' assholes...Wow.

No, serious. Everybody can say or it can appear, that something is clean, but in the end it isn't.
I can say I'm not extreme in any ways, but in reality I am. So, you get what I mean?

Look behind the whole shit if its possible. If not, then I would take a distance from whatever the thing or person is, and watch it over a long period of time.
Thrymfal said:
the rune they use as their symbol is the same one used by william pierce, a figurehead in the american racism movement.... fucking NS...
Yeah, I was watching a thing on history channel Tues. about white supremascist in america. Scary thing to see these people in their little ranch .... use nordic symbol and most of them really don't look like the brightest of the bunch. That is prob why their propaganda and spoon feeding these ideas has such a big effect on them. All you need is one strong leader to mislead you and the sheeps will follow.
Worst is that the gov is not doing a damn thing until we get another Oklahoma.
And again all they are "following" the words of the bible .... enough said.