

Bestia Romana
Feb 14, 2003
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Ahhhhh...!Its so fucking relaxing to just sit down with good General snus,a glass of sweet red wine and AA on the background!I love to end the day in this way :D !
I know bout Patric,how many others of you are addicted to the holy and precious stuff called SNUS?
P.s.Hey, Patric!Got right few days ago more snus from Sweden!I would die without! :saint:
Here in Norway there was an anti smoking campaign a few weeks ago, it lead to the fact that alot of people stopped smoking, but as a result of this almost 90% of those who stopped smoking started to use snus...:p
Hehehe, I knew you would start a topic like this, Cadarn! Well man, I've been doing the General since I got up in the morning till now. Cause the shop ran out of Swedish snus so I tried some Danish sailor-snus and it was TERRIBLE and so strong that I felt like passing out every time I tried it.
General rules! But hey man, I think Grovsnus is even better!
Ahahahhaha!Ah,Patric!You dont know what happened weeks ago here in Roma before I got the snus from Sweden!I was walking by the Colosseum with my girlfriend, complaning that all the snus I had was over.Well, I was just finishing to say that and, fuck, what I found on the ground?A box of Grovsnus :D !!!Try to image the face of my girlfriend then!Some poor swedish tourist probably dropped down the fucking box so that the addicted to death Cadarn could find!Ah the roman Gods love me!Danish sailor-snus ?I should try it...
Well, its a kind of smokeless tobacco(tobacco,salt and water).You have this box with inside portions of tobacco in small bags, or pure tobacco you just have to compact together with the fingers.Then you can put between the upper lip and the gum and the game is done!A sense of divine relaxement will invade you :D and youll ask for more,and more,and more :headbang: .I dont know if in your country you can find(I know in USA you can)but really try to get it!
P.s.Dont believe to the infidels saying that its desgusting,they are only jealous!!!
Cadarn said:
Ahahahhaha!Ah,Patric!You dont know what happened weeks ago here in Roma before I got the snus from Sweden!I was walking by the Colosseum with my girlfriend, complaning that all the snus I had was over.Well, I was just finishing to say that and, fuck, what I found on the ground?A box of Grovsnus :D !!!Try to image the face of my girlfriend then!Some poor swedish tourist probably dropped down the fucking box so that the addicted to death Cadarn could find!Ah the roman Gods love me!Danish sailor-snus ?I should try it...

Hehe, did you pick it up?? was it used? Well, I think Grovsnus is the best thing ever made in the tobacco world! Olli seem to think so too:D Isn't he the only member who takes snus? Sailor snus is terrible, it's so loose that you can't make the ball out of it! So you just take your hand and put it up and hope that not all falls out :yuk:
No,was full and not used at all!This is the strange thing!Yeah,personally Ive seen only Olli to use this stuff.I dont think the other guys appreciate so much it.I offered one time to Olli and Fred the german snuff(the one for the nose)but they didnt like so much :p !
Arrg, sniff-snus is nasty I've heard...it itches a lot. Also, a lot of people think it's cokaine or something when you sniff it from the hand! Fredde uses snus too?

NP: Death-Mutilation
I dont think so,at least Ive never seen him use it.Eheheh!The mentol strong snuff it really crushes your head! :zombie: