ahhhrrrggg another band problem thread!

beyond dead

heavy metal dad \m/
Sep 26, 2007
peterborough, ontario, canada
so I just started jamming with some old buddies. they are all really talented guys! and we have been friends forever!

the other guitarist insists on rehearsing at a rehearsal spot that costs 15 bux an hour, when I have a spot with better equipment we could jam at for free. He feels it is more professional to pay for a spot. also keep in mind that I am the only one with a vehicle, so im gonna have to drive everywhere, and I already have to go to my spot to get my equipment.

the rehearsal space only has time open from 7-11 every sat. night. saturday night being the only time that me and my girlfriend dont have the kid around and can do something alone.

I told him that it was very inconvenient for me to jam at this rehearsal space, and offered we could use mine at any time,but he refused.

i was gonna talk to the rest of the guys,
but the bassists just sent all of us an email saying that the time will be 7-11 every sat. and that we need to have the money for the space before practice.

I`m really not sure of what to do. I sent them all a reply telling them that this time is inconvenient to me, and that It really is more practical
what would you do? i would like to make a compromise


Jesus fucking christ people like that drive me crazy, and if you wanna stay friends, then GTFO post haste!
wtf? dudes in a band are gonna pay for something when they don't have to?

you rrrrrrrrrreally need to distance yourself from this situation!
its a done deal now. they replied: "we have been jamming on sat. since we started the band, and will continue to do so, if thats a deciding factor for you, then thats unfortunate."

I just said: "sorry guys, but family is more important to me, and you guys are obviously unwilling to compromise."

it sucks, cause I really want to be in a band. these guys are talented, they just have a very skewed way of looking at things. through trial and error they will figure this stuff out themselves i guess.

I was new to the fold, so I guess maybe they feel I`m a little too opinionated for a new member. but they only have 2 songs, which have horrible arrangement and their tone is so shitty. moving bar chords around the neck frantically using the NECK PICKUP. It sounds like it ate a big fuck off chocolate cake, and has to slow down so it doesnt throw up all over its shoes lol the one tune is 5 slam riffs mashed together into a "song" with like 5 breaks where one person plays the riff and the rest come in on the "dun dun dun" part at the end of the riff.

am I ever gonna find decent musicians who know what sounds good? probably not. very grim lol