As much as people would like to simplify it down to blaming deregulation, it's not quite all that. Although the power crisis didnt help, Cali's economy has been tanking for a variety of reasons, one of them being the effort to kill any business here with liberal psycho taxes and regulations. Another is liberal psycho environmental restrictions that make building any new structure damn near impossible, and that has an effect on construction, subsequent rent and property taxes, etc.Another, is the fact that they keep hiring more and more govt employees, even as the problem worsens. Thats right, they have added like 15% more govt workers since things started going south! Add to all that, liberal psycho Democrat control of every aspect of Cali govt, handing out all the welfare that illegal immigrants want, and more coming in by the truckload every day, and you have a state with a defecit literally greater than all other 49 combined. Gray Davis rubber-stamps ANY spending plan for ANYTHING that comes across his desk, and the legislature themselves are throwing money out the window as well. Like in San Fransisco, where govt employees can now get their sex-changes paid for by the taxpayer. They spend weeks of the taxpayer's money and time debating whether to pass a law banning the de-clawing of cats, or the right to cross-dress at work. Im serious! The entire time the economy is going down here, the fucking idiots running the show are holding fiery debates about men's rights to dress in a fucking skirt when they go to work! Thus, I boil it all down to one thing, the idiots running things. And there is one common thread among them all, they are all Democrats. From Gray the king, down to his simple legislative minions and brownshirt activists, this entire state is run by liberal Democrats from top to bottom.And they are doing all they can to throw as much money as possible out the window, on their little mission for Utopia in Cali. That is why Im voting for Ahhhnold, because he will mean the firing of a whole bunch of people in Sacramento, and some people of the opposite party getting in and balancing some things out. It'll mean there will be some people around to throw up opposition votes to block insane spending that would otherwise sail thru unopposed. Hopefully the new gov will terminate bad legislation with a veto, as well. Vote for any of these other wackos running besides the main 2 parties' candidates, and you are throwing your vote away. No 3rd party candidate is going to win this election