Ahhnold to run for Cali Governor

Keyser Soze said:
ok... sooo we have

the Terminator... Larry Flynt and Angelyne running... only in California... I LOVE Cali ;)

Hehe, that ought to be interesting....but seriously....Angelyne?!?! To call her a "has been" would be an insult to genuine has-beens. Actually, now that I think about it, she never "was"!! What was she famous for anyway?! Oh yeah, DD's and 10lbs of make-up. :rolleyes:

I've seen her a couple of times at least, driving around LA in her pink corvette. She must be like pushing 60, no?
All you need to run is 65 signatures, $3,500 to file and be a resident of California. It's gonna be VERY ugly if the recall succeeds!

I'm not a Gray Davis fan, but he's
getting railroaded. The big deficit is due to Enron manipulating the power supply so the governor had to contract for energy at whatever price. Any governor, GOP, Demo or Green, would have made that deal because
the alternative - Cali without electricity - would've plunged the state into a DEPRESSION, not a little recession like we have now!
It's bad, but would've been MUCH worse! If you want to string up somebody, look at the Board of Directors of Enron and start there!
Obviously the main fault of the energy crisis was energy deregulation - which has yet to be a success for non-energy-company-owning peoples anywhere - but Gray reacted as something of a sucker - buying a new energy contract at absolute peak prices. Ultimately the fault of Reliant and Enron and the like but part of the blame for the crisis still lies with Gray. Note that this does not mean I would vote for Arnold. I hated Arianna's book, and she talks about cars too much. I like Camejo. HE has experience, he is a businessman, he's not owned by any companies or parties (major ones that is). Either that or Coleman.
As much as people would like to simplify it down to blaming deregulation, it's not quite all that. Although the power crisis didnt help, Cali's economy has been tanking for a variety of reasons, one of them being the effort to kill any business here with liberal psycho taxes and regulations. Another is liberal psycho environmental restrictions that make building any new structure damn near impossible, and that has an effect on construction, subsequent rent and property taxes, etc.Another, is the fact that they keep hiring more and more govt employees, even as the problem worsens. Thats right, they have added like 15% more govt workers since things started going south! Add to all that, liberal psycho Democrat control of every aspect of Cali govt, handing out all the welfare that illegal immigrants want, and more coming in by the truckload every day, and you have a state with a defecit literally greater than all other 49 combined. Gray Davis rubber-stamps ANY spending plan for ANYTHING that comes across his desk, and the legislature themselves are throwing money out the window as well. Like in San Fransisco, where govt employees can now get their sex-changes paid for by the taxpayer. They spend weeks of the taxpayer's money and time debating whether to pass a law banning the de-clawing of cats, or the right to cross-dress at work. Im serious! The entire time the economy is going down here, the fucking idiots running the show are holding fiery debates about men's rights to dress in a fucking skirt when they go to work! Thus, I boil it all down to one thing, the idiots running things. And there is one common thread among them all, they are all Democrats. From Gray the king, down to his simple legislative minions and brownshirt activists, this entire state is run by liberal Democrats from top to bottom.And they are doing all they can to throw as much money as possible out the window, on their little mission for Utopia in Cali. That is why Im voting for Ahhhnold, because he will mean the firing of a whole bunch of people in Sacramento, and some people of the opposite party getting in and balancing some things out. It'll mean there will be some people around to throw up opposition votes to block insane spending that would otherwise sail thru unopposed. Hopefully the new gov will terminate bad legislation with a veto, as well. Vote for any of these other wackos running besides the main 2 parties' candidates, and you are throwing your vote away. No 3rd party candidate is going to win this election
That's right xSamahinx. Finally someone with some common sense. Also let's not forget all the businesses that have literally packed it in, left and are still leaving Cali.
I don't usually post on political threads, especially on a music forum, but I'm really fed up with how much of a mess Gray has made of this state.
I wonder why more Cali residents aren't pissed about having to pay a sky high energy bill?!
Just because Arnold has a thick accent doesn't mean he's a dummy. He's actually a very smart businessman that made his money before he was ever in movies. I'll take a smart businessman over a incompetent politician any day.
xSamhainx said:
Another, is the fact that they keep hiring more and more govt employees, even as the problem worsens. Thats right, they have added like 15% more govt workers since things started going south!

Unfortunately, not in those spots where they needed new employees. Because of all the recent cuts in the budget to try to save the California economy under Davis, 500 California Highway Patrol employees (including officers!) were laid off. The Highway Patrol Academy in Sacramento, CA has been shut down for the duration and the last two graduating classes before the academy was closed were both laid off immediately following commencement. There's something very wrong when you're laying off officers of your state police force and you're trying to fill those spots because of all the officers retiring in the first place. (Don't blame me for the response time of the CHP to your crash site. Blame Davis!)

Vote for any of these other wackos running besides the main 2 parties' candidates, and you are throwing your vote away. No 3rd party candidate is going to win this election
No. If you're not voting, you're throwing your vote away. Face it, only about 45% of the people who are eligible will be voting which means that the majority of THAT will be the ones who decide who the next CA governor will be. So, only about 25% of the people are making the decisions. :ill:
Yet another good reason for this recall: The California State Legislature recently voted to raise the tuition fees at all state funded colleges, including UC's, CS's and community colleges. According to a friend of mine, since no notification was sent out that the fees had been raised and the students's accounts were being charged the extra amount of money for classes already paid for, close to 1000 students were dropped from classes at CSU Fullerton. :yell:

Had I not enrolled for a Guitar Ensemble class last night, I never would have found out that the vote was passed and would owe my school $49 for the units that I already have paid for...meaning that I would have been dropped from the classes. Some schools have also raised the prices of the books (seemingly to pay for the state budget deficit) and something else that I've heard is that if you're not already enrolled in a school's system, you'll be hard pressed to enroll if you're just coming in straight from high school since enrollement is now being limited.

And I was wondering why the school bookstore was empty today. Class starts on Monday! :ill:
as a UCI student, I'm feeling the tuition hike too, to the tune of $2000 a qrtr up from $1500 or so last year. But, what reason do I have to believe that any of the likely winners of this election will RAISE the UC and CSU budget? It seems to me, the frontrunner, despite his experience as a Kindergarten Cop, is more likely to cut the budget again in the name of fiscal responsibility. It seems to me that de-educating the workforce is a pretty shortsighted way of saving short-term cash.