aida is sick...


Overly-Cryptic Jake
yep... i think she has some flu bug or something.

puking everything up... it's a fun time at our house.

the saddest part about it is that she is being such a little trooper... she is not crying at all. she just looks at us with puppy dog eyes, and sighs a lot.

she just might be the cutest thing on the face of the earth.
my sister always shoots the evil eye at parents who were found guilty of sneaking feverish babies in the daycare at her work.
my gf works in a preschool and is always sick. I think she's finally built up her immunity to a reasonable level after like a year or so.

funny thing is, I almost never get sick from her. heh.
heh roommate is a preschool teacher and she is constantly ill from those damn Elmo-loving germ factories. i think i've been sick once (if that, and it was probably a hangover) in the 1.5 years we've lived together. muahaha!
Originally posted by deadair
i would too...

then the parents act like... "ohhh, i didn't know he/she was sick. ohhh poor baby."

Yeah really, like s/he must have been hiding it from them because s/he didn't want them to know. Sounds like somebody either doesn't pay attention....or is a liar!
i'm very pro-Arrow!

um, the missile. not this:

dear jacob,

please, along with your SO, continue doing a good job at caring for the sickened Aida.

also, those puppy dog eyes are a ploy for more interweb time.