AiX's LoG Style - Mix Practice


Oct 21, 2011
Wanted someone else's ears on this, spent a few hours this evening editing and mixing this a bit :D
A song from user AiX, so decided to give it a shot!

I've grinded on this for too long. Had a little fun with the small amount of editing I did and tracking a few more guitar bits to supplement the song (although I think my guitar wasn't quite in tune, but I'm too lazy to do a retake) They sound too gainy, but I can't quite get a sim to go under enough gain and not sound wimpy :(
Didn't automate too much further into the song, so may not be all too lively >_>

Employing Revalver/SD2 blending kick+snare in itself and from a few samples found on this forum/No sim on Bass, just eq+comp
Mix A Post Samples/RedoubtMix LoG Style A.mp3

Mix C *Update* Post Samples/RedoubtMix LoG Style C.mp3
Any advice or tips are welcomed :D
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The snare sounds very tiny, needs more volume and body, I think. The guitars are heavy on the mids, might want to think about lowering the mid knob on the amp a bit.
Thanks guys, finally went about adjusting it :D

I'm not entirely sure what is desirable when it comes to guitars (or much else if anything) More often When I'm eq'n I get freaky thinking it's just getting too wimped out when I get to cutting things.
Anyways, does this mix sound better? I did notice just how much the guitars were trampling on everything, also changed the snares around - prior they just sounded like thuds, smashed down some more on the bottom mic channels and brought em up some.
Here we go :) Post Samples/RedoubtMix LoG Style C.mp3

Course now the guitars just sound like a fizzy mess, which I never can get around it seems. The kick sounds a bit too loud too, I dropped it about 3db but it still seems a bit overbearing... :/
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Mmm about that, this time around I ran the separate verb track mono although prior it was in stereo.
Is anyone selective on what snare mic channels are being run into verb? For example having just the bottom mics hitting the reverb aux instead for more wash? Or the top mics instead for a bit more clarity? When is it a good idea to mono/stereo a snare's reverb track? Always stereo? I only hit mono on it because I got a bit tired of hearing all that wash over the rest of the kit, and level adjustments didn't help much.

I think I may have dipped too much into the guitars...