Aww, you beat me to posting this. :D

But yeah, this is EXTREMELY good news. I'm massive fan of Jason Wisdom's vocals, so I was excited to learn he'll be back. I don't know much about Alex Kenis's work beyond his stint with BTA for Physics of Fire, but I liked his playing on that album. Can't wait to hear some of their work. :)
Alex Kenis is from Aletheian.

Imo, old BTA and Aletheian are two of the few death metal bands in the "Christian" scene that are any good. Along with Common Yet Forbidden and that's about it.
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Does that mean the band will have generic metalcore screams or can we hope to hear decent vocals like Aletheian?

Also, rename the title to something relevant.
Actually SS will probably do it as soon as he sees it.
Does that mean the band will have generic metalcore screams or can we hope to hear decent vocals like Aletheian?

Also, rename the title to something relevant.
Actually SS will probably do it as soon as he sees it.

Tell me more about how Jason Wisdom's vocals are exactly like other metalcore bands. Edit: Tell me more about how BTA is metalcore.

No, but really. Do it.

Also, Count Seth is the guy who writes most of the BTA stuff, so I'm really not all that thrilled about this.

Wrong. As I understand it, Seth and Jason both wrote most of the songs individually.

Oh and I'm not changing the title.
It's quite common for inexperienced listeners (or just those that don't care) to have trouble discerning a growl influenced scream from a regular growl.
I'll assume you don't know the answer to my question and that we'll just have to wait til they release something.
"inexperienced" lolk.

Edit: I could have just left it that but, you know what, this is my thread so let's do this.

Generic metalcore vocals:

August Burns Red and Hope for the Dying have exactly the same concept but I thought I'd add TDWP because they are similar to the more "popular" metalcore bands.

Death growls:

Becoming The Arhcetype:

Now, with all the said (and listened to), I can see where the misunderstanding is. Jason has a way of growling mid-rage notes. Which, if you know anything about vocals, growls and screams are separate entities entirely and screams are generally used for mids and highs. However, that does not change the fact that his technique is a death growl. I've always thought of him as a very unique vocalist. He has a way enunciating words with his growls very well.

Now, come at me bro. Do you even lift? How much do you squat? Fight me irl. I'll wreck you bro.
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Wow. If we were to graph how irksome your posts became over time, you'd have just hit a positive asymptote.

You're like the Dwight to my Jim.
If I knew you in real life, I'd have to put your stuff in jello.
Things are pretty tense in this thread. I could try to join the discussion, but would probably be quickly left in the dust, so instead I'll just contribute this:


Sleep well!

If you honestly believe the vocals in "The Trivial Paroxysm" are growls, even after saying you listen to Defeated Sanity, then it really doesn't make any sense that we discuss this any further. Nevertheless you can believe what you want, it really isn't any of my business.

That's just my 2 plates.

Back on topic; there are times I actually like Jason Wisdom's screams and this band seems like something I can see myself listening to a lot. Let's just hope it doesn't become another Wintersun album or Duke Nukem Forever. (Aletheian's wikipedia page still states how they're working on their 2008 album)
>Posts middle aged woman humour
>Thinks he won

But back on topic, it appears as if they already started recording so I assume it will be out in a couple of months.
I'm cautiously excited about this. Always loved Jason's work with BTA, and felt that he brought something different to the table. Off hand, I don't know if he was the main lyricist, but "I Am" faltered in that aspect IMO after he lfet. Musically I like it, lyrically I think it isn't their best. Now as it comes to Alex, I can't say I am the biggest fan of his. In fact "Physics of Fire" is the one album that doesn't do it for me musically. The theme and lyrics are great. Love the concept. But musically it doesn't hook me.



Okay, I'll calm down in this thread now.
I certainly wouldn't call Jason's vocals "generic metalcore screams." On the other hand, I wouldn't define them as strictly "death growls," though he does do some of that. I don't think he fits neatly into any category other than a general "harsh vocals." Regardless of how you want to label it, it sounds awesome to me.

As for Physics of Fire, I like it a lot, both musically, lyrically, and thematically. The only thing that bothered me a little was the production, which I though could have been better, though it wasn't enough to be a big issue for me.
They released a video on their facebook of Alex playing and said they are going to have a demo and kick-starter out soon. So it's totally not another case of Wintersun.
oh my gosh you guys take this growl/scream garbage way too seriously...

(sorry maybe that was just provocative. :)
oh my gosh you guys take this growl/scream garbage way too seriously...

(sorry maybe that was just provocative. :)

It wasn't but calling it "garbage" really isn't fair, either.

If you like "harsh" vocals, you tend to pay attention to that so you don't take it lightly, you must understand