That demo actually got me really excited for this project, it sounds way more promising than I initially thought.
Glad they released some snippets. I'm not sure from hearing just that if I'm going to be all that into it, but what I hear is good enough to be encouraging.
In all honesty, I am a little bit too. I can guarantee they'll sound much better on actual material. People usually don't try to get vocals perfect on demos because they are probably the hardest thing to get just right.
I too am a little disappointed. I have to keep reminding myself that it's just a demo.
I kind of agree with the both of you cause the vocals reminded me of Remnant's stuff, it's probably just because it's a demo, but just being in the vein of BTA vocals was a let down, I really expected something a little more extreme. Not that I mind that style, it's just not what I *wanted* in this band.
You know, I wonder if Jason is writing anything musically. The bass is following the guitar most of the time and I can't tell if it's even a real bass or not.

There's like...4 styles of vocals in that clip, none of which are to my liking. Come to think of it, the vocals in BTA were what shifted them from becoming one of my truly favourite bands.
The part I was referring to was the singing, actually. I just woke up and it sounded like gang vocals to me. :goggly:

Edit: I love hearing the Aletheian vocals in there though.
^Turns out there are no Aletheian vocals. It's Jason Wisdom full time. They just released a full song on bandcamp. Listening to it now.


Obviously, it's great.

Edit: Apparently there's two full songs on there. Awesome.
They released a video on their facebook of Alex playing and said they are going to have a demo and kick-starter out soon. So it's totally not another case of Wintersun.

There was no link at the time. This should have been enough to inform you that one was coming and to look out for it. Get out of my thread.
Rawshik said:
I am wrong.
Apology accepted.

Their kickstarter video was pretty cool, but I did cringe a bit when Jason said he'll be making metal without any of the various -core elements, when it was the -core fad that made his music popular to begin with.