Al Franken - Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Normally something like this would be a passing notice in the Books thread, but this book is very good and VERY important. For starters, Al Franken is a highly intelligent and quite clever man. I always loved his work with SNL and other comedies, but didn't know he had his finger on the political pulse so well. I've read a bit over a hundred pages in this book over the past 24 hours, and not only is it a thorough dissection of the lying regime America has had for nearly 4 years now, but it is HILARIOUS. I urge anyone living in the US or any that have a passing interest in our modern political disaster to read this, especially as an election is approaching. Personally I'd rather see Clinton come back but that won't happen until his wife runs in 2008, but I suppose Kerry is the lesser of two dumbasses.

Mind you, I'm a registered Republican still. :D
Isn't it funny how that is literally SHAMEFUL in this day and age? Seriously, this regime has done more damage to the right-wing than Hitler. Well maybe not, but it's at least comparable. That's fucking scary.
Well, I definately don't think the Bush regime and the neo-cons in congress represent true Republican values and ideals. Actually, I think they're quite the opposite. The party has been hijacked by extremists, the religious right, warhawks, and Dick Cheney.

I'm not sure if I'd ever feel comfortable in the Democratic party.. but right now Democrats are making a lot more sense than Republicans.
Heh, I agree wholeheartedly my friend.

My main issue with the whole partisan bit can be summed up with my thoughts of FDR: I can't believe a man would have the audacity to strengthen the US government so much that the aftereffects are still being dealt with today, nearly some 80 years later and probably will be for the next 50 if not more. BUT, it worked. So some peon (me) born years after the man's legacy was set in stone to start criticizing the New Deal holds little credence.
in actuality you can go to clinton for the narrowing gap between the parties, he was a master at marginalizing the Republicans into their fervent bible thumping base. By moving toward the center, he created less of a striking difference and has sometimes been called "the best president the republicans ever had." He finished wiping out the deficit, which Bush has blown up to insane proportions...Kerry has followed this strategy, hence the republicans' somewhat valid "flip flop" charges, but he really hasn't flopped as much as bush.

to me its even more simple...Bush is stupid. that means he's being used as a face by a powerful Oz, namely, Cheney and corporate america.

plus I've always wanted to use the word "hence" on UM :)
yeh i read his previous book "rush limbaugh is a big fat idiot and other observations" back in high school and it was pretty fucking funny. is this one out in paperback yet? hardcover books are pricey.
It's a highly entertaining book...sure the digs at Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, and Alan Colmes are hilarious, but it also uses humor to detail the misgivings of the Bush administration with a great level of accuracy. I think being a registered Republican is like being a Creed fan, they sell miilions of albums but no one will proudly own up to buying them.
Haha I was frickin' wasted last night and kept reading this book. I hope I absorbed some of it. :loco:
I picked this up and starting reading it in the book shop and I couldn't put it down. I wanted to read the chapter on Bill O'Reily and it basically confirmed everything I myself thought about that wanker. Stupid blotchy faced mick. (Extra blotchy with photshop, haha).

It was in another thread were I made mention of O'Reilly's treatment of that kid who signed the anti-war protest poster, and O'Reilly basically crucified him because his dad was also a victim on 9/11. You know, as if you should automatically be pro-war / pro-Bush just because you lost someone on 9/11. Unbelievable.

I wonder where he keeps his Peabody awards? Lying fuck.
Nice post, JayKeeley. O'Reilly has seemed to have gotten more and more wacko over the years... when he started off... I didn't think he was that bad and actually somewhat refreshing... now... he's just nuts.