and you are right, kerry has killed in the name of his country..... an unarmed 14 year old boy he shot in the back while the boy was running away.... he admitted to it when he was testifying before the senate, when he stabbed hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the back calling them " butchers and babykillers", what a hero. how about him burning down villages with his zippo and slaughtering the animals of innocent villagers...... he admitted to war crimes. yet, no outrage from the media, no investigation into his medical records on those purple hearts.... yet the media/democrats have plenty of questions about bush's service in the air national guard. but the problem is that bush is not using the national guard service as THE MAIN POINT OF HIS CAMPAIGN LIKE KERRY USES VIETNAM AS THE FOCAL POINT OF HIS CAMPAIGN. since kerry uses that, it is fair game. just like how bush uses national security and it is fair game to the democrats. all of the men who served with kerry do not support him... only 2 out of about 30 from his division support him. those men stand with him in front of a camera because they are getting paid to. the number of vets who support him are a fraction of those who do not support him. he used vietnam for political purposes and he " actually voted for the 87 billion, before he voted against it" he votes for the war and then AGAINST funding our troops on the battlfield . what a patriot, what a hero. that doesn't even include the 20 years in the senate he voted against all of the weapons technology that makes us the #1 military in the world.