Against The Grain

Joan of Arc said:
The number comes from the bible. It"s called the "little flock". After the 144,000 people get into heaven, the rest will "live here on a paradise called earth".

The 144,000 ppl who make it into heaven, will "watch over" the ppl left on earth.

That is weird. I know quite a few of them but I never ask about the religion because then they would want to teach me the ways. They were extremely pushy about it with my mom. She ended up having to avoid them for over 2 years. They just would not give up... I think I scared them off though when they showed up at my parents house at like 7:30 in the morning on a Saturday. I answered the door in my boxers fucking hungover as hell and stinking like booze. Never heard from them again after that. I guess there is no saving me :grin:

Oh yeah I got a question for you Joan
Do you happen to have the S.O.I.A. movie called the Story So Far? If So, is it worth buying? I was thinking about buying it off of but only if it is worth it.
I have a sticker next to my front door that says No Jehova's. They haven't been around my house in years. My father got the sticker at some biker swap meet or some shit. They won't even look at my house when they come down my street.Later haters.
Jehovas Witnesses are soooooo funny. One day a young couple knocked at my door. The girl was kinda goodlooking and the guy looked a bit retarded. They started asking me if I thought the world is co cruel these days. I went "I would like the lady explain it to me inside, but the guy must stay outside". Their jaws dropped and I laughed tremendously, said goodbye and closed the door.
johnnieCzech said:
Jehovas Witnesses are soooooo funny. One day a young couple knocked at my door. The girl was kinda goodlooking and the guy looked a bit retarded. They started asking me if I thought the world is co cruel these days. I went "I would like the lady explain it to me inside, but the guy must stay outside". Their jaws dropped and I laughed tremendously, said goodbye and closed the door.

Mohahahaha! Good one!

Joan of Arc said:
Jehova's Witnesses? Lemme tell you about those ppl.

My in-laws are J.W.'s. I have nothing against them but my problem with them is that they don't respect what I believe, yet i am expected to respect them.

Everytime i turn around, i am going to hell for something, according to them.

They also informed me that all this child molesting shit that is going on in the catholic church would NEVER happen in their "hall". Yeah right.

So i did some research on the subject and found out otherwise. When you are a JW and this shit goes on, you are intimidated through fear to keep your mouth shut. If you need to see a counselor, you are only permitted to see one who is a JW himself. Fuckin nuts if you ask me. But don't bring up this shit to them, as they will have one of their little rehearsed answers that they always do.

Now i don't "hate" ol' dubya either, but i can't take the fact that he makes decisions based on what his religion tells him. Isn't the pres supposed to be a representative of the ppl of this country? He is not representing me that's for sure.

Why the hell does this man give a shit if women have abortions or gays get married? And who the hell is he to tell anyone what they can and can't do with their bodies? I swear i don't get him at all.

I can guarantee you that 4 more years of Bush and you can kiss a lot of these rights away. One more judge he appoints on the supreme court who feels as bush does, and abortions will become illegal. Ashcroft was also quoted as saying that "abortion and birth control are the same thing." I don't know where he gets that from, but he is just as nutty as Bush.

Geez, you would think a guy with the last name Bush would be more concerned with womens issues.

Most Jehovas I´ve known are pretty ok people, don´t think they take their religion too seriously. But I don´t like that they visit non-members after accidents or deaths in the family, things like that. Sneaky fuckers using depressed people, why wont they visit people when they have had twins or their mom has defeated cancer?