Iraqi forces take over security in '07

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Iraq forces to take over security in '07 - Yahoo! News

It's going to be quite funny. While on one hand I'm glad to see the troops are returning home to handle, you know, OUR OWN PROBLEMS, I can't wait for all the backstabbing, two-faced Iraqi politicians and people to beg us to come back, and I hope we tell them to go fuck their mothers.

We never should've been there in the first place, anyway, because it was all a fucking lie anyway. I have no problem with going into Iraq to get rid of Saddam, and that was my problem with Bush. Just fucking tell the truth of why we're going in there!!!! We needed to remove Saddam Hussein, period. He didn't have to make up bullshit evidence and lie to everyone in the world about WMDs...if you have the balls to start a war, then you better be goddamn good and ready to reap the repercussions of your decision. This is why I think Bush is an idiot, not just because "he can't talk good". You lied to everyone in the military and when it came about that there was no real threat, you left everyone over there to die for your personal agenda. Ass.

When you're in Iraq and you're getting bombarded every day by those fuckers and then you find out that the reason you and your friends are being maimed and killed is over a lie, it kinda pisses you off a little bit. Just a tad. I remember everyone was like, "Shit, why are we still here, then?" That was two years ago. If Bush ever has to stand trial for his actions, I'll dance a fuckin' jig.
What war? What are you talking about? Ain't no war.

No trenches.

No battle lines.

No conscription.

No war bonds for sale.

No gas rationing.

No metal collections.

No block wardens ordering us to turn off our lights.

No neighbours arbitrarily reporting suspects to the police for warrantless arrests and questioning.

No acts of enemy sabotage on our soil.

What war? What the hell is everyone talking about?

THis generation, and the faggy generation of hippy beatnik traitors living up their student days of the late 60s, wouldn't know a war if 400,000 enemy combatants landed on the beaches of Santa Barbara!

They'd think it was some sort of surfing contest!

War! War, my ass!

Its police duty in a hellish shit hole we were told is a 5,000 year old civilisation.

When in reality, everything in the country dates from 1978, and its made like shit!


You mean a billion dollar a day waste of time.

Word to your mama's holy panties, Jurched.

A real war would require sacrifice from all citizens.
Imagine the reaction from modern day America, if we were asked to do what Roosevelt had asked 1940's America to do.
The country would fall apart.

First of all, the phrase, "draft-dodging", would be re-defined from an act of civil disobedience, to an act of anarchic rebellion.
Military recruitment would drop to near zero, and violence against the establishment would ensue at every college campus across the nation.

Secondly, Middle America would have none of it either.
If I know America,.. I know that Americans love Walmart.
Walmart has now become a lifestyle in the so-called Red States.
If this were a real war, G.W. would be forced to ask us to give up the SUV's that we drive to Walmart to buy cheap Chinese imports.
And that is not gonna happen,.. not when you can get a DVD copy of "Titanic" for only $8.99.

At one point, Bush actually asked us to not be conservative with our consumption, and continue shopping......or else the terrorists would win.
America gave up sacrificing for the common good years ago.
This is not a war. Americans couldn't handle a real war.
This is a quest for oil gone bad.
What war? What are you talking about? Ain't no war.

No trenches.

No battle lines.

No conscription.

No war bonds for sale.

No gas rationing.

No metal collections.

No block wardens ordering us to turn off our lights.

No neighbours arbitrarily reporting suspects to the police for warrantless arrests and questioning.

No acts of enemy sabotage on our soil.

What war? What the hell is everyone talking about?

THis generation, and the faggy generation of hippy beatnik traitors living up their student days of the late 60s, wouldn't know a war if 400,000 enemy combatants landed on the beaches of Santa Barbara!

They'd think it was some sort of surfing contest!

War! War, my ass!

Its police duty in a hellish shit hole we were told is a 5,000 year old civilisation.

When in reality, everything in the country dates from 1978, and its made like shit!


You mean a billion dollar a day waste of time.



Dude, that was fucking classic! It WAS a billion dollar a day waste of time.

To answer the question, yes, I served in said "war".

It's a completely different animal over there. There are no bunkers where I was. When we'd get attacked by the mortars and rockets, we would just find a ditch to jump in, hide under a desk when we were at our base of operations, or if we were in our tents we'd just roll under our beds and pray to every God known to mankind that one didn't land on us. A few of my friends weren't so fortunate one night, though. One of my friends died when a mortar hit his tent as he was sleeping...landed directly over his head...proximity fuse...which is the worst kind. My other friend got his foot blown off in that same tent in the same attack, and had his leg amputated just below the knee. He's doing fine now, though...going to school at Texas A&M (although I'd choose another school :lol:), and actually running track for the track team!

We weren't there for very long, but for the few months we were there, it suuuuuuuuuuuuuucked. The operating procedure was that you just had to find cover somewhere in an attack...there were no bunkers. If you were around the base you may find an old Iraqi hardened hangar to wait under until the attack was over, and that was of course the safest bet. Mortars and rockets are pretty scary, but they're not guided, so we just kept telling ourselves that if one hit us, it was our time to go anyway. I'll never forget one day when they lobbed a fucking barrage at us and I'm just chilling under the desk in the operations tent and a major is lying beside me cursing, praying, and talking all at the same time, :lol:. He came over with the reserves because he felt like he needed to get his hands dirty and after the second week his attitude changed to more of a, "fuck this shit" kind of attitude, :lol:.

I was in the Air Force, and although you're getting shit lobbed at you every day and it's no picnic, it's still nothing compared to what those Army guys were doing outside the wire. THOSE guys are the ones that were really hating life and the ones that you just didn't want to be in their shoes. To this day I don't know how they did it; two year tours in Iraq and every single day you wake up you don't know if you're going to be sleeping in your tent or a coffin that night. Those guys got the worst of it...bless their souls.
What war? What are you talking about? Ain't no war.

No trenches.

No battle lines.

No conscription.

No war bonds for sale.

No gas rationing.

No metal collections.

No block wardens ordering us to turn off our lights.

No neighbours arbitrarily reporting suspects to the police for warrantless arrests and questioning.

No acts of enemy sabotage on our soil.

What war? What the hell is everyone talking about?

THis generation, and the faggy generation of hippy beatnik traitors living up their student days of the late 60s, wouldn't know a war if 400,000 enemy combatants landed on the beaches of Santa Barbara!

They'd think it was some sort of surfing contest!

War! War, my ass!

Its police duty in a hellish shit hole we were told is a 5,000 year old civilisation.

When in reality, everything in the country dates from 1978, and its made like shit!


You mean a billion dollar a day waste of time.


Your right this aint no war this is an ill concieved 911 call.

We are literally the world police.