Iraqi PM says he wishes he could quit

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Iraq prime minister wishes he could quit - Yahoo! News

Remember what I said about Iraqis wanting to have everything done for them and then at end-game they can take the credit for it? Well here you have it, folks. Iraqis want everything given to them and not have to lift a finger themselves...this is their culture. Even their politicians in high places are not exempt from this.

What did he think was going to happen? Did he think it was going to be easy? We basically handed over their government to them after most of the dirty work was done so they could take over and finish it themselves, and it's still not good enough for them. These people have no sense of responsibility or sense of duty. This is evident even in other Muslim countries; in negotiations, they are notorious for wanting everything and giving nothing.

Fuck Iraq and fuck the Middle East.