Bush is a great leader

No..Lack of people to jam with as of late..I been more or less just chillin out
writing lyrics when an idea hits me right. I've been doing alot of working and spending alot of weekends with my guns (shooting, breaking them down, etc...) What about you?? Still pounding the skins or what??

MyHatred said:
:) Cool

Have you been jamming out lately?
Yeah, I actually have been working on two songs feverishly. It's only two songs because, well, they always end up being in the 15-20 minute range and could count for many:lol: . We are going to try and record in the summer if our schedules work out right. I have some demos that I will try and send you sometime. Some of my best work yet IMO. I had an interview for a new job yesterday in a different department also. I think it went well but it takes forever to hear back from them(I know from my past interviews) So if I get the job it would be a step up in pay and job title:Smokedev:
Jurched said:
This whole thread is impossible to understand. I can't even tell who's being the sarcastic wise-ass and who's being the conservative and who's the bolshevik. This is the sort of half-assedism that pervades today's political rants.

Anyway, I won't let you faggits trash the Gipper! Appropriations were never proven illegal, they pissed off the ruling Demoncrats who didn't like someone side-stepping their leftist agenda.

Exactly, the demoncrats were ruling America, even though the Iran Contra scandal took place under a republican controlled Congress. Anyway what are we arguing about? I completely support Reagan's actions.

And yes, the appropriations were never proven illegal, despite the fact that Oliver Noth, John Poindexter, Caspar Weinberger, and others were convicted of lying to congress, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, and destroying government documents. But again, they were all completely justified because they were republicans, and republicans can do no wrong.

I don't know if you're uneducated or being a wise-ass again. Both suck. Everything you've said is wrong.

It's okay, you don't need to deny the fact that Ronald "God" Reagan propped the progressive democrat Saddam Hussein onto his throne, along with the USSR and France during the 80s. After all, we have pics of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Hussein.

But again, Reagan did the right thing by supporting the progressive dicator Hussein. Not too many people were killed during Saddam Hussein's genocide. It's not like there were mass graves or anything.

Jim Wright had the clout, he used it, not enough people were found guilty, he was made to look a total ass, he lost his job as a result. Real brilliant, those indictments.

Yes, and this means that the 137 or so people in the administration which were accused and indicted of criminal activity were all innocent. After all, the S&L scandal, Iran Contra, and the funding of bin Laden certainly prove that Reagan was an honorable and honest man.

You bet your yellow ass! Anyway, Latin America was military-based socialist, not Soviet-based socialist.

Yes, the fall of the Soviet Union had nothing to do with the fact that their economy was suffering under out of control spending from the past two decades, and it certainly had nothing to do with Gorbachev's reforms which Reagan took credit for.

Nope, everyone knows that Ronald Reagan swam over to the USSR and single-handedly brought down the Soviet Union like Rambo. This is why he needs to be on Mt. Rushmore.

I will keep saying it over and over to the bullhorn blowers of total bullshit:

OSAMA has his own money, he was never trained or supported by anyone!

Why can't you Brainless idiots deposit this fact in your heads?

It's okay, it's been proven that the Reagan administration and the CIA funded the Mujahidin between 82 and 88 (at which point bin Laden left). After all, how could Al Qaeda take over Kabul without their CIA training?

But clearly, the Russians were the evil ones to invade Afghanistan, and the CIA was right to support Islamic fundamentalists. History has proven that Islamic militants really aren't dangerous, and that commies want to destroy America.
Well this post just gave away who this monkey is....Any guesses???

ConservativeWarrior said:
Exactly, the demoncrats were ruling America, even though the Iran Contra scandal took place under a republican controlled Congress. Anyway what are we arguing about? I completely support Reagan's actions.

And yes, the appropriations were never proven illegal, despite the fact that Oliver Noth, John Poindexter, Caspar Weinberger, and others were convicted of lying to congress, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, and destroying government documents. But again, they were all completely justified because they were republicans, and republicans can do no wrong.

It's okay, you don't need to deny the fact that Ronald "God" Reagan propped the progressive democrat Saddam Hussein onto his throne, along with the USSR and France during the 80s. After all, we have pics of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Hussein.

But again, Reagan did the right thing by supporting the progressive dicator Hussein. Not too many people were killed during Saddam Hussein's genocide. It's not like there were mass graves or anything.

Yes, and this means that the 137 or so people in the administration which were accused and indicted of criminal activity were all innocent. After all, the S&L scandal, Iran Contra, and the funding of bin Laden certainly prove that Reagan was an honorable and honest man.

Yes, the fall of the Soviet Union had nothing to do with the fact that their economy was suffering under out of control spending from the past two decades, and it certainly had nothing to do with Gorbachev's reforms which Reagan took credit for.

Nope, everyone knows that Ronald Reagan swam over to the USSR and single-handedly brought down the Soviet Union like Rambo. This is why he needs to be on Mt. Rushmore.

It's okay, it's been proven that the Reagan administration and the CIA funded the Mujahidin between 82 and 88 (at which point bin Laden left). After all, how could Al Qaeda take over Kabul without their CIA training?

But clearly, the Russians were the evil ones to invade Afghanistan, and the CIA was right to support Islamic fundamentalists. History has proven that Islamic militants really aren't dangerous, and that commies want to destroy America.
Hawng said:
Its horse boy. For sure.

I don't know, not every prick who stumbles into this place need be Queen Faggitron. Sounds like lots of caring, caring libs on the Anthrax forum. Perhaps some of those lames have been roused over here by Lady Galvifart?

Evil Dead said:
I voted for Bush, but let me tell you, I cannot stand to watch him speak in Public! I always shake my head, hes so fuckin stupid sometimes! Im not a big fan of the Iraq war either..Afghanistan yeah..but fuck Iraq..those people NEED someone like Hussein. They dont need a compassionate Democracy or leader..Muslims need brute force dictatorship or a Monarchy..thats all they have known. Uprising in Fallujah? GAS EM! What..some Shiites wanna revolt? Murder them and their families.. Problems solved! WE should have just pitted Iran against Iraq (again) and let them just duke it out. If we were lucky they would take Israel with em.

hahahah in a weird twisted way that actually makes sense :lol: :lol:
Jurched said:
I don't know, not every prick who stumbles into this place need be Queen Faggitron. Sounds like lots of caring, caring libs on the Anthrax forum. Perhaps some of those lames have been roused over here by Lady Galvifart?


Yes, he converted me into joining his crusade... no wait I was here before him. And besides it seems he´s not very liked on that forum either.