Jaques Chirac is a fucking traitor


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
This mother fucker just gave Yasser Arrafat permission to travel to France for medical treatment. I have several problems with this.
#1 Yasser Arrafat is a terrorist leader.
#2 I thought we we at war with terrorism.
#3 This is a country we are supposed to embrace as a partner in the war on terrorism?
#4 This is the country that John Kerry wants to win over? for America?

I hope the whole world gets a big old nuke right on it's head and moreimportantly I hope John Kerry gets his brains blown out.
Then hopefull his wife will kill herself
Why the fuck would we want France as a partner? Now they are supporting terrorists? We should just nuke them. Sounds fun to me

First Iraq, then France!


Jacque Chirac, President of Socialist France

I have tried my best to stop your current President, George W. Bush, but at every turn I have been outmaneuvered. We Frenchman have a long and storied history of retreating and surrendering, but President Bush doesn't give us this chance, he just ignores us.

Does he not know we are French? We are the smartest, we are the most sophisticated, we know how to surrender the best, so listen to us: the way to deal with terrorists is not to fight, but to give them what they want!

Besides, wouldn't John Kerry look really good as President of France? He almost a Frenchman already.

Buzzard said:
This mother fucker just gave Yasser Arrafat permission to travel to France for medical treatment. I have several problems with this.
#1 Yasser Arrafat is a terrorist leader.
#2 I thought we we at war with terrorism.
#3 This is a country we are supposed to embrace as a partner in the war on terrorism?
#4 This is the country that John Kerry wants to win over? for America?
Yup. John Kerry wants the support of the UN too, despite the fact that it's a forum for tin-pot dictators, and the only major players that aren't with us in Iraq were BRIBED BY SADDAM HUSSEIN, MR KERRY! To quote Dennis Miller - First Iraq, then Chirac.

I hope the whole world gets a big old nuke right on it's head and moreimportantly I hope John Kerry gets his brains blown out.
Then hopefull his wife will kill herself
Signed. Of course, I will do this when I'm president and you, the posters on this forum, and all the bands and anyone else I like, will join me in a colony on Mars, where Heinz (a real man's ketchup) will be run by a real man.

God bless,
ok bill, i would come down and not be such a fuckin redneck for a second. I read cnn, bbc and watch french national news today and didnt see one mention about the president granting him entrance to france. in fact, Arafat has full rights to go anywhere in the world, only Israel is the one saying he cant. but if you carefully read the article here http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/10/28/arafat.health/index.html, Israel gave him the OK to go anywhere outside israel to be treated.
So therefore this means that France, and most importantly President Chirac are no traitors to Americans.
By the way, England should be considered traitors as well since they let all them muslims in their country roam around freely!!!
Buzzard said:
This mother fucker just gave Yasser Arrafat permission to travel to France for medical treatment. I have several problems with this.
#1 Yasser Arrafat is a terrorist leader.
#2 I thought we we at war with terrorism.
#3 This is a country we are supposed to embrace as a partner in the war on terrorism?
#4 This is the country that John Kerry wants to win over? for America?

I hope the whole world gets a big old nuke right on it's head and moreimportantly I hope John Kerry gets his brains blown out.
Then hopefull his wife will kill herself

Billy, its 2004........................Ive been saying this shit for over a year now................France was benifiting from the sanctions the UN imposed upon Iraq, Listening to FOX news today, Supposably Russian special forces helped saddam remove the 360,000 tons of high exsposives that Kerry is crying that Bush "overlooked"......And this is no wonder why France Russia and Germany Voted to keep us out of Iraq.This whole thing is fucked, all of our supposed allies are fucking us nice and slow like and John Kerry wants to apply the lube.............

Makes you wonder how long these fucks were doing this (and other) shit behind our backs...............
CoverUinOil said:
ok bill, i would come down and not be such a fuckin redneck for a second. I read cnn, bbc and watch french national news today and didnt see one mention about the president granting him entrance to france. in fact, Arafat has full rights to go anywhere in the world, only Israel is the one saying he cant. but if you carefully read the article here http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/10/28/arafat.health/index.html, Israel gave him the OK to go anywhere outside israel to be treated.
So therefore this means that France, and most importantly President Chirac are no traitors to Americans.
By the way, England should be considered traitors as well since they let all them muslims in their country roam around freely!!!
Yep they will welcome him in with open arms............, come on dude France and russia just got caught with there hand in the cookie jar With all the evidence Ive seen on the news ,they need to just come out and admit they were wrong ,...................Corruption at the highest level tsk tsk....... wonder what wil the UN do now?
ok u guys are saying how bad france and russia are bribed, but did u forget that the US sold all those weapons to saddam, and that if france russia and germany refused to go to war is bcs of oil. What you dont understand is that oil in iraq is powercontroled by the US making the price really really high in european countries. People here bitch about gas being $3/gallon (1galon=4litres) its $3/1Litres in europe. With prices like this, i would also have vetoed against the US. If you actualy keep a close eye on the countries that are fighting in iraq right now, most of them are trying to get deals along american deals bcs before they couldnt.
Don't you think the prices could be due to the fact that the governments over there are always bitching about pollution and decided to actually do something about it? Personally, I don't care about man made pollution. If you want clean air, go tell Mt. St. Helens because she released more pollution in that one eruption in 1980 than mankind in his history.

Anyway, I think if we do have control of the oil we have every right to raise prices on those who betrayed us.

God bless,
you have control of something that doesn not belong to you, mmmm sounds kinda like the jews and palestinians fude!
In the end it doesnt really matter anymore bcs no matter who wins this election, this country is sooo fuckin split in half that the hate is now going to be amongst people in this land.
I can't disagree with you about being divided, but it's mostly because you leftists are nincompoops and refuse to stand by Bush even if he's right.
But the oil, as long as our troops are guarding it, is ours.

God bless,
CoverUinOil said:
oh and here's a different view on the war on iraq www.motherspeak.org
Looks like EVERY other anti-war site there is: "OMG PEOPEL ARE DYIGN THIS WAR IS TEH SUCK LETS VOTE KERRY CUZ HE WONTGO TO WAR OMFG" Except Kerry's gonna do more of the same in Iraq.
Ok ur troops are guarding for what reason again??? before u were there, no one was guarding and we never heard if pipelines being blown up, but now they blowup bcs u are guarding something that belongs to them.
They're guarding to try and keep the pipelines from being blown up. And the oil doesn't belong to terrorists.
CoverUinOil said:
ok u guys are saying how bad france and russia are bribed, but did u forget that the US sold all those weapons to saddam, and that if france russia and germany refused to go to war is bcs of oil. What you dont understand is that oil in iraq is powercontroled by the US making the price really really high in european countries. People here bitch about gas being $3/gallon (1galon=4litres) its $3/1Litres in europe. With prices like this, i would also have vetoed against the US. If you actualy keep a close eye on the countries that are fighting in iraq right now, most of them are trying to get deals along american deals bcs before they couldnt.
no dude, it wasnt bribes.............its called money Laundering which is the act of taking money from a ILLEAGAL SALE and making it "clean" or give it the the appearance of being legitiment. .In this country it will get you 10 - 15 upstate...................Regardless if they were bribed or if they just simply wanted to be Saddams buddies, how could they even claim they are our allies? ..............I know you dont want to hear any shit being talked about your homeland, but christ dude , look what they have done!!!!!!!!