With just five days away from the 2004 Presidential Elections, I can't help but ponder at what paths lie ahead for America. When I get down to it, the number of paths available are few. And basically, there are two paths to choose from: President Bush's, or Presidential Candidate John Kerry's.
The Presidential Race, I am certain will be extremely close, and only one candidate will narrowly escape defeat. But, I certainly know who I am voting for as do most other Americans as the Elections are just around the corner. Sadly, there is a reasonable number of citizens that will be voting for John Kerry, who he himself, is quite amusing to watch during his speeches as he continues to contradict himself (to this day).
However, you can tell that the Democrats are nothing short of desparate. You could tell this as they constantly spewed out utter nonsense propaganda, and devised their own conspiracy theories when in itself, is laughable. Their strongest arguments in the last four years? "Bush lied", "Bush wants oil", and perhaps the strongest, "Bush stole the office." Even now liberals can't get over the fact that their beloved Al Gore was not elected. I guess they wanted an individual to carry on that great torch that Clinton bore which represented a passive President of the United States of America that did what? Absolutely nothing.
So in the aftermath of the Election 2000, the angry Democrats vowed to do everything in their power to make the Bush presidency a complete failure and to hopefully in the end, defeat him in 2004 "by whatever means necessary."
So in this ridiculous process, they have managed to undermine the confidence of voters in our election system to the degree that even the State Department has asked the Europeans to monitor this election for "fairness".
They've managed to convince voters that the election isn't fair because the voting machines are suddenly too complicated for old people and minorities. There have been endless stories about Florida this year and how to avoid a "repeat of Election 2000" by improving our voting system.
While nothing is really idiot-proof, old people and minorities managed to elect Bill Clinton twice using the same equipment. It didn't need to be overhauled until it somehow misfired and elected George Bush instead. No matter how many times they have recounted, George Bush still received more votes than Al Gore. Therefore, there must be something wrong with the voting equipment, eh? But, arguing with a democrat about this matter is useless.
Another incident that involved John Kerry, which was amusing might I add. Was when Kerry dedicated a speech he delivered two weeks ago (I believe) to the late actor Christopher Reeve. Kerry said he knew Chris for about 14 or 15 years through family and dedication to the same causes, and said Reeve left him a long voice-mail on Saturday thanking him for campaigning on the possibilities of a cure for conditions like his.
Funny thing is that it had been originally reported that Reeve died on Sunday after slipping into a coma on Thursday following complications from treatment for a bed sore. After John Kerry's speech, reports of Reeve's death were changed to remove the reference to Thursday in order to make it possible for Reeve to call John Kerry and leave a long message for him on his answering machine on Saturday night. Evidently, John didn't know anything about the coma until after the speech, but his supporting team was already on it to fix the errors. Just more media manipulation from Mr. Kerry.
And of course if that doesn't convince potential Kerry-voters, voter intimidation is always a formidable option, and one liberals are largely keen on. We've heard of all the constant bullshit how liberals have resorted to violence when one supports the opposers ... and liberals hate violence so much don't they?
Also, a liberal here is most likely going to oppose that statement and claim that republicans have done the same thing. Yeah, that's also why there were so many violent protestors during the Democratic National Convention, right (hence the sarcasm)? There might be a few incidents, but they are few and far between ... I welcome you to prove otherwise.
Disinformation, violence, media manipulation, and voter fraud. My have the democrats fallen. I like how radical liberals accuse Bush of being the next "Hitler", funny thing is, those actions I just stated were tools the Nazis used to bring Hitler into power back in '33 in Germany.
I also get a kick out of Kerry's U.S. Allies nonsense. I wonder who are these so-called "allies" that John Kerry bases his hope for alliances that will supposedly "help us" end the terrorist threat and make us secure at home, more so than the past four years? Not to mention his assurances that these same "allies" will rush to his aid and leap into Iraqi war with him. I guess he's talking about either Germany or France? But these two countries had illegal deals with Saddam Hussein under the cloak of the Oil for Food Program. They also sold Saddam Hussein military weapons and technology right up until the time our troops invadedknowing full well that they would be used against us. We have also recently discovered that at this moment, Germany is selling hardware and technology to Iran that can be adapted to help them quickly advance in the their quest for nuclear missiles.
Or perhaps Kerry is counting upon the U.N. to become stalwart allies of the U.S.? Maybe for the first time in its history the U.N. will actually help us in our fight to enforce U.N. resolutions and to dethrone villainous dictators ... ha.
Kerry appears to place endless hope upon the intervention of the U.N. for our cause. But he apparently forgets that it was the Kofi-Anan-led-U.N. that allowed illegal deals with Saddam Hussein under the Oil for Food Program. In fact, Kofi Anans son allegedly made millions of dollars administering this program, which enriched Saddam, helped him circumvent the effects of U.N. sanctions and never helped the average Iraqi.
In fact, this is the main reason these so-called allies of John Kerry did not wish to invade Iraq in the first place. They did not want to lose the money, nor have it revealed what they had done.
Well, let's study a little more. Maybe Kerry is counting on China to come to our aid. Yet Intelligence has already shown that China is one of the worst offenders in supplying hardware and technology to aid rogue nations in developing nuclear weapons. We have evidence that they did help Libya and now even, Iran.
Or maybe Kerry is referring to Pakistan? President Musharraf is already helping us to the extent that he can. He has nearly been assassinated for his help to us several times. And the father of the Pakistani nuclear weapons, Dr. Qadeer Khan, is one of the worst offenders in passing on nuclear technology to Muslim nations ... including Iran.
As for the minium amount of other countries over there. No Muslim country would ever join us in a coalition to lift up Democracy for another Muslim nation. Islam sees Democracy as a threat to the Islamic faith, hence why they hate America.
As I have said, President Bush put together the best coalition possible.The U.K. being the most formidable. However, as I have previously stated, Kerry has called them, the coalition of the coerced and the bribed", so he is not likely to get very enthusiastic support from them. Nor will he be getting much support from the Iraqi Prime Minister Allawi, whom he branded as a puppet of the Bush administration.
As Old School has announced one of the chief reasons he was pissed off in these recent months, and something I strongly agree with him on, is that fact that so many Americans will be buying the B.S. that Kerry rants on about. I wish most people had sense enough on their own to sufficiently evaluate whether or not the claims being made are wholly the truth ... or just pure nonsense. And in the end, even possible. Liberals like to think they use their brains and that the majority of republicans are incapable to think for themselves. My how that truly is turned around. However, ultimately in the end, the factual statements and claims being made endlessly have no avail or influence over their opinions ... remember, they just want a light-hearted, weak, free for all hippie individual in office. No matter what.
An indivdual (that does think for himself) put it flawlessly: "Kerry is promising to do things that buy into the hopes of Americans to get things done the easy way without sacrifice. He even contradicted himself several times within the debate, but because he was promising what people want to hear most didnt even notice."
A man who is meant to be a strong leader, whose views and conjectures are strongly influenced by what is "popular" will not stand tall and proudly in the end, when elements of reality that are rife with danger rear their ugly head, and the bold truth harshly rises.
The true quality of a leader requires steadfastness and valor when those who oppose us are out to undermine our pride and comfort.
This week, the New York Times picked up on charges leveled by Mohamed al Baradei, for reasons yet unexplained, chose the week before the US election to report 'breaking news' that 350 tons of explosives were missing from the Al Qaqaa arms dump in Iraq.
It seems The New York Times thinks it is "groundbreaking news". CBS news shares the same opinion, I believe that they intended to run the story the night before the election. But, I think overall we of both parties know the story.
But According to Kerry, it was due to Bush's incompetence that 350 tons of high explosives are in the hands of our enemy. I like the one Kerry ad that jumped to the airwaves this week, I don't remember word for word how exactly the statement went but it was something along these lines: "Bush, with his misjudgments has put our soldiers at risk, and made our country less secure." He went on and rambled about all Bush offers is the same thing. And then made more laughable promises on how he will bring a fresh start to protect our soldiers and country. This nation is as secure as it's going to get given the present circumstances.
Oddly enough, this story is between 12 to 18 months (the exact time leaves me right now) old and has already been covered by all of the mainstream media. According to NBC embedded reporters with the 101st Airborne, US forces arrived at Al Quaqaa the day after Saddam's goverment fell and the explosives were't even there.
All of the major news outlets were aware of this. So does Kerry's staff, and I'm sure he does himself. Richard Holbrook, a Kerry campaign spokesman, even admitted on a Fox program saying: "You don't know the truth and I don't know the truth." He said it later on during the program as well. I believe it was Big Story with John Gibson.
John Kerry desires to be the leader of this nation. And he makes allegations that even he doesn't know are true just to create a false impression of Bush's incompetence in the war. Kerry wants to push over as so-called "evidence" that Bush's imcompetence is getting U.S. soldiers killed. Hardly. What kind of a man would want to send this kind of message to our troops and even our enemies?
Liberals, in their radical efforts are nearly suceeding in presenting to the world that America is being led by incompetent, dishonest, and crooked individuals with questionable quality that are fighting a "wrong war in the wrong place in the wrong time." Sadly, it's highly sucessful.
Our enemies are emboldened to lift terror, since they can witness the success it has here in America's general media opinion. Bush's foes are pounding away at him, but it is America who is solely taking the largest blows. Our enemies are aware of this so it lifts their morale.
This is exactly why terrorists and all of our enemies in the world support and would vote John Kerry for president.
And it's exactly why I won't be.
What is everyone's opinion and how have they changed (if at all) as November 2nd nears?
Oh and liberals .... flame away.
Truth is ... you're desparate and in the process you result in stating but nothing of pure nonsense when one is aware of the actual facts. We all know that Bush for the wellbeing of this nation, should remain in office. Prayerfully, he will be.
The Presidential Race, I am certain will be extremely close, and only one candidate will narrowly escape defeat. But, I certainly know who I am voting for as do most other Americans as the Elections are just around the corner. Sadly, there is a reasonable number of citizens that will be voting for John Kerry, who he himself, is quite amusing to watch during his speeches as he continues to contradict himself (to this day).

However, you can tell that the Democrats are nothing short of desparate. You could tell this as they constantly spewed out utter nonsense propaganda, and devised their own conspiracy theories when in itself, is laughable. Their strongest arguments in the last four years? "Bush lied", "Bush wants oil", and perhaps the strongest, "Bush stole the office." Even now liberals can't get over the fact that their beloved Al Gore was not elected. I guess they wanted an individual to carry on that great torch that Clinton bore which represented a passive President of the United States of America that did what? Absolutely nothing.
So in the aftermath of the Election 2000, the angry Democrats vowed to do everything in their power to make the Bush presidency a complete failure and to hopefully in the end, defeat him in 2004 "by whatever means necessary."
So in this ridiculous process, they have managed to undermine the confidence of voters in our election system to the degree that even the State Department has asked the Europeans to monitor this election for "fairness".
They've managed to convince voters that the election isn't fair because the voting machines are suddenly too complicated for old people and minorities. There have been endless stories about Florida this year and how to avoid a "repeat of Election 2000" by improving our voting system.
While nothing is really idiot-proof, old people and minorities managed to elect Bill Clinton twice using the same equipment. It didn't need to be overhauled until it somehow misfired and elected George Bush instead. No matter how many times they have recounted, George Bush still received more votes than Al Gore. Therefore, there must be something wrong with the voting equipment, eh? But, arguing with a democrat about this matter is useless.
Another incident that involved John Kerry, which was amusing might I add. Was when Kerry dedicated a speech he delivered two weeks ago (I believe) to the late actor Christopher Reeve. Kerry said he knew Chris for about 14 or 15 years through family and dedication to the same causes, and said Reeve left him a long voice-mail on Saturday thanking him for campaigning on the possibilities of a cure for conditions like his.
Funny thing is that it had been originally reported that Reeve died on Sunday after slipping into a coma on Thursday following complications from treatment for a bed sore. After John Kerry's speech, reports of Reeve's death were changed to remove the reference to Thursday in order to make it possible for Reeve to call John Kerry and leave a long message for him on his answering machine on Saturday night. Evidently, John didn't know anything about the coma until after the speech, but his supporting team was already on it to fix the errors. Just more media manipulation from Mr. Kerry.
And of course if that doesn't convince potential Kerry-voters, voter intimidation is always a formidable option, and one liberals are largely keen on. We've heard of all the constant bullshit how liberals have resorted to violence when one supports the opposers ... and liberals hate violence so much don't they?

Disinformation, violence, media manipulation, and voter fraud. My have the democrats fallen. I like how radical liberals accuse Bush of being the next "Hitler", funny thing is, those actions I just stated were tools the Nazis used to bring Hitler into power back in '33 in Germany.
I also get a kick out of Kerry's U.S. Allies nonsense. I wonder who are these so-called "allies" that John Kerry bases his hope for alliances that will supposedly "help us" end the terrorist threat and make us secure at home, more so than the past four years? Not to mention his assurances that these same "allies" will rush to his aid and leap into Iraqi war with him. I guess he's talking about either Germany or France? But these two countries had illegal deals with Saddam Hussein under the cloak of the Oil for Food Program. They also sold Saddam Hussein military weapons and technology right up until the time our troops invadedknowing full well that they would be used against us. We have also recently discovered that at this moment, Germany is selling hardware and technology to Iran that can be adapted to help them quickly advance in the their quest for nuclear missiles.
Or perhaps Kerry is counting upon the U.N. to become stalwart allies of the U.S.? Maybe for the first time in its history the U.N. will actually help us in our fight to enforce U.N. resolutions and to dethrone villainous dictators ... ha.
Kerry appears to place endless hope upon the intervention of the U.N. for our cause. But he apparently forgets that it was the Kofi-Anan-led-U.N. that allowed illegal deals with Saddam Hussein under the Oil for Food Program. In fact, Kofi Anans son allegedly made millions of dollars administering this program, which enriched Saddam, helped him circumvent the effects of U.N. sanctions and never helped the average Iraqi.
In fact, this is the main reason these so-called allies of John Kerry did not wish to invade Iraq in the first place. They did not want to lose the money, nor have it revealed what they had done.
Well, let's study a little more. Maybe Kerry is counting on China to come to our aid. Yet Intelligence has already shown that China is one of the worst offenders in supplying hardware and technology to aid rogue nations in developing nuclear weapons. We have evidence that they did help Libya and now even, Iran.
Or maybe Kerry is referring to Pakistan? President Musharraf is already helping us to the extent that he can. He has nearly been assassinated for his help to us several times. And the father of the Pakistani nuclear weapons, Dr. Qadeer Khan, is one of the worst offenders in passing on nuclear technology to Muslim nations ... including Iran.
As for the minium amount of other countries over there. No Muslim country would ever join us in a coalition to lift up Democracy for another Muslim nation. Islam sees Democracy as a threat to the Islamic faith, hence why they hate America.
As I have said, President Bush put together the best coalition possible.The U.K. being the most formidable. However, as I have previously stated, Kerry has called them, the coalition of the coerced and the bribed", so he is not likely to get very enthusiastic support from them. Nor will he be getting much support from the Iraqi Prime Minister Allawi, whom he branded as a puppet of the Bush administration.
As Old School has announced one of the chief reasons he was pissed off in these recent months, and something I strongly agree with him on, is that fact that so many Americans will be buying the B.S. that Kerry rants on about. I wish most people had sense enough on their own to sufficiently evaluate whether or not the claims being made are wholly the truth ... or just pure nonsense. And in the end, even possible. Liberals like to think they use their brains and that the majority of republicans are incapable to think for themselves. My how that truly is turned around. However, ultimately in the end, the factual statements and claims being made endlessly have no avail or influence over their opinions ... remember, they just want a light-hearted, weak, free for all hippie individual in office. No matter what.
An indivdual (that does think for himself) put it flawlessly: "Kerry is promising to do things that buy into the hopes of Americans to get things done the easy way without sacrifice. He even contradicted himself several times within the debate, but because he was promising what people want to hear most didnt even notice."
A man who is meant to be a strong leader, whose views and conjectures are strongly influenced by what is "popular" will not stand tall and proudly in the end, when elements of reality that are rife with danger rear their ugly head, and the bold truth harshly rises.
The true quality of a leader requires steadfastness and valor when those who oppose us are out to undermine our pride and comfort.
This week, the New York Times picked up on charges leveled by Mohamed al Baradei, for reasons yet unexplained, chose the week before the US election to report 'breaking news' that 350 tons of explosives were missing from the Al Qaqaa arms dump in Iraq.
It seems The New York Times thinks it is "groundbreaking news". CBS news shares the same opinion, I believe that they intended to run the story the night before the election. But, I think overall we of both parties know the story.
But According to Kerry, it was due to Bush's incompetence that 350 tons of high explosives are in the hands of our enemy. I like the one Kerry ad that jumped to the airwaves this week, I don't remember word for word how exactly the statement went but it was something along these lines: "Bush, with his misjudgments has put our soldiers at risk, and made our country less secure." He went on and rambled about all Bush offers is the same thing. And then made more laughable promises on how he will bring a fresh start to protect our soldiers and country. This nation is as secure as it's going to get given the present circumstances.
Oddly enough, this story is between 12 to 18 months (the exact time leaves me right now) old and has already been covered by all of the mainstream media. According to NBC embedded reporters with the 101st Airborne, US forces arrived at Al Quaqaa the day after Saddam's goverment fell and the explosives were't even there.
All of the major news outlets were aware of this. So does Kerry's staff, and I'm sure he does himself. Richard Holbrook, a Kerry campaign spokesman, even admitted on a Fox program saying: "You don't know the truth and I don't know the truth." He said it later on during the program as well. I believe it was Big Story with John Gibson.
John Kerry desires to be the leader of this nation. And he makes allegations that even he doesn't know are true just to create a false impression of Bush's incompetence in the war. Kerry wants to push over as so-called "evidence" that Bush's imcompetence is getting U.S. soldiers killed. Hardly. What kind of a man would want to send this kind of message to our troops and even our enemies?
Liberals, in their radical efforts are nearly suceeding in presenting to the world that America is being led by incompetent, dishonest, and crooked individuals with questionable quality that are fighting a "wrong war in the wrong place in the wrong time." Sadly, it's highly sucessful.
Our enemies are emboldened to lift terror, since they can witness the success it has here in America's general media opinion. Bush's foes are pounding away at him, but it is America who is solely taking the largest blows. Our enemies are aware of this so it lifts their morale.
This is exactly why terrorists and all of our enemies in the world support and would vote John Kerry for president.
And it's exactly why I won't be.
What is everyone's opinion and how have they changed (if at all) as November 2nd nears?
Oh and liberals .... flame away.