Some Entertaining Individuals


Insatiable Madman
Aug 2, 2004
For bigot individuals encumbered by their blinded ignorance and unequivocal stupidity ... click the link below:

Notice the appearance and demeanor of each person in those pictures ... and take note how liberals accuse conservatives to be nothing short of sloppy rednecks and midwest cowboys. :Smug:

My have the democrats fallen.

Also noteworthy: They strongly believe U.S.A. no ... the world to be in grave danger due to one man ... Bush. They're thoroughly convinced that Kerry would have served as the ultimate protector of this nation and the world ... because of the "evil" actions Bush has performed. Those liberals are amazingly logical. :hypno:
No problem. To be honest I found a link to this on a thread in the Anthrax forums ... a place riddled with moronic behavior. The majority of people in those pictures looked like a job could help in all their sorrow as well. And possibly finishing school next time and establishing a sufficient education on grammar, politics, and the world would help them a bit also.
Oh that's right ... liberals already think (for some odd reason) that they know all about the world around America, and that republican's knowledge is limited only within the borders of U.S.A. How incorrect and what an irrational belief.

I know more of the world around me and their cultures than the liberals I have spoken to. According to the liberal logic it seems that saying, "We love the world" is enough legitimacy to prove their subpar wisdom on the world around us. And that the red states are merely redneck hicks and midwestern cowboys who love war. Oh what a highly intelligent accusation and judgement that is!

It's funny how it works out - democrats claiming to love America so much - but wouldn't mind seeing the states that voted chiefly for Bush (their fellow americans) attacked. I understand that Bush is going to attempt reaching across the divide toward the democrats. I was for this at one time. My current mindset? The hell with them. There is absolutely no use in trying to reach out to impudent, idiotic, anti-american fools that won't listen. If Bush did something that they're beckoning for ... they would find something else to bitch about him and the right wing. His efforts could be folly.

As T man stated, this merely proves that the right man won.

The following was an apology on and my response.

Dear World,
On behalf of everyone I know and everyone they know, we are all truly sorry that we didn't do more to keep Bush out of office.

First, we don't owe one bit of the world an apology. I'm extremely content that an inconsistent man on the left lost.

We tried hard.

I tried hard too.

We don't hate,

I don't know of any republicans that hate the world either, including Bush.


Wrong. Evidently a lot of liberals possess fear otherwise they wouldn't be apologizing and begging other countries to not turn on us, honey.

or want to kill anyone.

I don't know of any republicans who want to kill anyone either, unless it's for our protection, which is the chief reason for being in Iraq. However, I do know many liberals who would like to inflict harm seeing that they've done it the past four years since Bush was in office. For one example, watch some of their protests.

We want to share our wealth and respect for all humankind with the world.

This is exactly what the objectives in Iraq and the Midde-east are.

I'm sorry that all americans don't feel that way too.

I'm sorry that you're an american too.

I've honestly delved deep into the beliefs of the liberals and tried to get a grasp of how their world ticks. I've heard them out. I've tried to look through the insults and see if any truth were in them. I've opened my mind to their world and tried to understand them.
My conclusion is there is absolutely no understanding them. There hardly is truth in their irrational insults and protests that are filled with hate. They've never made an argument, or reasonable debate for that matter, without insults let alone did they hold any water. Logic is absent in that party.

And I like most others are probably through with trying to reason, and reach to this people. The main cause of this nation being divided in its current state is mainly due to their hate, anti-american, and hippie esque rants and actions.
Guitarmaster said:
No problem. To be honest I found a link to this on a thread in the Anthrax forums ... a place riddled with moronic behavior.
I tend to agree with you but this shit just gets me started.