Rotting Corpse Head!
@AjDeath. When I was reffering to Hitler, I was refering to the situation. Saddam by no means is Hitler.
Well no shit. But if I were to bring up the fact that the US government has a history of aiding and abetting sadistic murderers, I would get the standard lecture about 'political necessity' and 'cold war realities' and more than likely be called an 'America basher' or whatever. It's a bit of a no-win situation.xenophobe said:All you Bush haters are funny. Thinking we should have left Saddam in power? Let's just see what they both liked to do with their free time:
What does Bush like to do with free time? Run and work on his ranch, raising his girls to be little cute partiers who asked the Secret Service to buy them beer once... oooh... how horrible...
Saddam liked to bring his kids to torture sessions and was responsible for putting his own citizens into mass graves for not believing what he thought they should believe.
Wow, how wonderful you condemn Bush, yet condone or ignore Saddam.
Bush isn't a Saint, but Saddam surely was a sadistic muderer.
AjDeath said:I find it horrifying that you are afraid of being called an "America Basher"
Especially in this country where you have a right to have your own opinions and not worry about persecution. This is the lowest depths of ignorance, when Americans are presured into silence because of what other Americans will say or do if they disagree with what their country is doing. I find it funny that other Americans immediately get defensive when someone has a differebt opinion about something that actually matters than what is percieved as normal-i.e.-Gory Elephant, I do not dislike you, but you get so uptight when I post about anything that makes you see something in a very different light politically that it is funny to me. I respect your opinions, but you have ridiculed mine and wrote me off as a conspiracy nut, yes we disagree, is there anything wrong with that, no. But it bothers me that you do not even give other thoughts a second glance and live blindly, then you tell me that I am not welcome in America(not in so many words, but I get it) How can you disguise your ignorance? It baffles me, did something I say make you uncomfortable. Then know that I have achieved my goal, to make people like you think about something you do not want to admit is bothering you, the repression of man.
Gory Elephant said:Rest assured I have spent many years giving other thoughts "second glances". I used to sound an awful lot like you. I am not saying that American can not improve itself. I am not saying that America is perfect. Of course it is not. What I am saying is that I am very tired of people saying that the United States is the greatest evil on the planet. Humans are not perfect, and so will never form a perfect society or government. This does not mean that we should not strive for perfection, of course, but when I look around and see all the opportunity that the U.S. offers, and look at some of the things that the rest of the world does not, or cannot, offer, I can't help but think that we have not done half bad.
It is your relentless negativity that bothers me. Certainly not that you have "made me uncomfortable". Your arguments are as old as the hills, I have heard them for decades. Like I said, I used to make them myself. United States bad. Americans ignorant and arrogant. Racism. Oppression. Slavery. Blah. Blah. Blah.
You can certainly level the accusation that I have grown complacent, which is why I no longer complain so bitterly and incessantly. That is your prerogative. This debate has been fun, but I will probably not continue it any further. The constant complaining of the "Blame America First" crowd is very tiresome.
Allright, I will say this and drop it with you Elephant, I never said that I hate America, I just pointed out that it is no longer great, it may be the best oppurtunity in this world for some people, but then you can explain why debt slavery goes on in America to unsuspecting immigrants-illegal and legal. Also the essence of a country is not it's government, it is people that make up that country's populace, most people here suck and don't pay attention to what is really going on in the world, apathy, it is our primary national trait. So I am not saying that our gov't is evil- it is just plain idiotic, money can buy justice and a senate seat, oh yeah, good is our gov't, what I am really saying though is that the people of this country need to wake up, from the sound of things you found it easier to fall asleep, just like I said, conformity and the status quo.
Fuþorc said:Seriously, most people don't care because they have other things to care about. Maybe when you grow up and get some responsibility, you'll understand this.
Thank you for showing me your ignorance for one last time. And really, what do you see as more important than the betterment of mankind. LOL, when I grow up. I know perfectly well who I am, I learned life's ;essons the hard way, it seems that some of you didn't learn any at all, or at least didn't take the lessons life serves to heart. Er, I am done here, yes, after all my ramblings about "stupid" subjects I will leave you two alone in the magnificence of apothetic mediocrity. Up, up and away!
Fuþorc said:
Of course, I could insult you, but what purpose will it serve? You call me ingnorant because I don't have time to worry about the world's problems. Buddy, I've got 14 hours of class a week. I'm pretty sure you don't go to a State University so you really don't know how hard it is just to try to get a passing grade. The Professors don't allow make-ups and if you don't know, you don't go. It's as simple as that.
Of course, I'm glad that you have absolutly no life to so you can criticize me on how ignorant I am if Hasheed in Saudi Arabia can't get the same car I have. Maybe when your Thirty and have absolutly done nothing but complain about the worlds problems, I'll be helping to rebuild Iraq. But I'm nothing but an Ingnorant asshole in your opinion. Well, I've got something to say, Your opinion forever doesn't mean shit to me.
Auf Wiedersehen!
Fuþorc said:
Of course, I could insult you, but what purpose will it serve? You call me ingnorant because I don't have time to worry about the world's problems. Buddy, I've got 14 hours of class a week. I'm pretty sure you don't go to a State University so you really don't know how hard it is just to try to get a passing grade. The Professors don't allow make-ups and if you don't know, you don't go. It's as simple as that.
Of course, I'm glad that you have absolutly no life to so you can criticize me on how ignorant I am if Hasheed in Saudi Arabia can't get the same car I have. Maybe when your Thirty and have absolutly done nothing but complain about the worlds problems, I'll be helping to rebuild Iraq. But I'm nothing but an Ingnorant asshole in your opinion. Well, I've got something to say, Your opinion forever doesn't mean shit to me.
Auf Wiedersehen!
That is exactly what I am talking about guy, I didn't say two shits too you and I even respect your opinion and then you come out and call me immature for believing and feeling strongly about things that to me really matter in this world, you dismiss my opinions about humanity because you chose not to care, YOU CARE ABOUT YOU, you may be in college boy, but your mind is dead, selfishness and callousness is what you show me by claiming that I am a) a young fool who still dares to hope and care and/or b) a negative person who is just a cynic. If you look for negativity in everything I am sure you will find it, and I am not saying everything I say is up beat and positive, what I am saying is that your dismissal of anything and everything that I have said shows me that you see these things in black and white, I see things in terms of humanity not political ties and rhetoric. You don't know me, you don't know the things that have happened to me in my life to make me feel the way I do about the world, yet you call and idiot, THAT my friend IS ignorance-LOOK IT UP IF YOU HAVE TO. Now excuse me, I have an actual fucking job working my ass off to think about.
Profånity said:Canada is cool.