and read how everyone says his work is baseless
Are you super cereal?
Good for Al...regardless of fact or least he's ahuman being who gives shit and is in the position to be heard.
It's fucking 80 in the middle of October...wells in my area are running dry after 100 years...there's something going on!
There are record high temps that were set in the 1800's. Long before aqua-net hairspray and the mighty SUV. You're old enough to remember the "global cooling" scare of the late 70's/80's, right? Maybe we should just do the things that they said were causing global cooling and fix the earth?
I am all for caring for mother earth, clean water, air and the like but, Global Warming is politicized b.s.
A reality of global warming would force the world into living cleaner...any aspect of living cleaner is anti-establishment and anti-big business...think of oil alone. How would support of this theory benefit anyone politically?
It breeds the next wave of big businesses. Look at Al Gore trying to justify his outrageous utility usage by purchasing carbon offsets. There's an industry that if publicly traded will boom after Hillary takes the white house. Subsequently, it will go tits-up like the tech stocks did in the 90's.
Those E85 cars running on corn from GM aren't being produced because GM is happy to help. They are being produced at a profit. Corn wasn't picked as the alternative fuel because it burns so efficiently. It was picked because we have it here and it would be a boon to our midwestern farmers. The very same people that the Dems have been trying to pull votes from for years. What better way to get their vote than to create an issue that would put money in the farmers pockets while appearing to do the noble thing for our earth. I'm sure farmers are paying a lobbyist to protect their interests in this.
Hybrid cars, regardless of maker are a joke. The emissions into the atmosphere from the manufacturing plant are more than what will be saved by all hybrids combined. The projected life of the batteries used in most hybrids is ten years. What do we do with the batteries afterward? Stuff 'em in the ground. Out of sight, out of mind. Where's my old beater? Stuff it in the ground. Where'd all my money go? Oh, that's right. I bought a hybrid and some carbon offsets. There is a common motif here. Money will save the earth. Ever notice how the products that are earth friendly are more expensive?
Conservation is the key to being kind to mother earth. People think they are recycling because they put cans in the blue bin. Recycling to me is taking my scrap metal to the recycling yard instead of tossing it in with the trash so it can be stuffed in the ground. People think that buying a hybrid is responsible. Hanging onto a higher mileage car for another couple of years is far more responsible. As far as conservation. My daily driver is a 4x4 truck but, it ain't a big honkin' v8. Nothing wrong with them. I just like the fuel mileage of my 4banger and it pulls my motorcycle trailer just fine. I also ride one of my motorcycles to work whenever I can.
I'm totally with you on being kind to our earth but, I still believe global warming is a sham. For the sake of the earth, and my ego, I hope I am right.
and read how everyone says his work is baseless
Understood and agreed for the most part...yet oil has always been far too powerful...for Christ's sake look at our "war against terrorism" and our middle east presence...that's powerful stuff...people are dying and the rich get richer...I find it hard to believe that the motives of Al Gore, and his likes, is to bullshit the public and government into "buying" global warming and then reaping the financial benefits by a coup of major, strategic investments. I can't buy that either. The same old technology companies with all the power and money currently are the ones that would be producing any Earth friendlier products anyway...not much would change there except for enormous conversion costs...which of course the consumer would have to foot...but look at gas prices now...who knows how much worse it would get? It's about long term benefit.
Business has been a driving force in our gov't for a very long time. Lobbyists are paid big bucks because they are effective. To think that big business isn't helping/motivating politicians is rather naive. Do you know how much Al Gore has raked in on his movie? He's getting 20-50k per speech alone. Al Gore is the head of the church of global warming. The collection plate comes in many forms. Carbon offsets, hybrid cars, his movie and his speeches are just a few.
Believe me, I see your point...I just don't think it's some evil plot. He didn't create the concept and there is tons of evidence in both fields.
I think he needs Tom Cruise and John Travolta...then he will rule the world!
Speaking of Scientologists. Did you know the chick from the show Jag and the chick from King of Queens are both Scientologists? It's like they only let you in if you are hot or rich or both.