al-Qaeda, explained


Apr 17, 2005
About Al-Qaeda Appreciation Society of North America (AQASNA)/Osama bin Laden, Prophet of Peace and Messenger of Change

It is our belief that the modern world is evil not just in deed but in concept. The idea that we are each numbered, equal units for processing by the machine, and that this constitutes "freedom," is an illusion that most lack the capacity to understand. We are deceived and by our own hands, we do the work of evil. al-Qaeda is only one such organization that recognizes this evil; the list of those who combat it is lengthy and diverse, from Ralph Waldo Emerson to Ted Kaczynski to Pentti Linkola and Julius Evola, from Friedrich Nietzsche to Mary Shelley to Joseph Conrad to Tom Wolfe: we see your modern society as a disease that misleads us with a sweet illusion and brings a millennial vision of servitude to abstract meaningless rules on a planet poisoned by our excess.

There are too many people. They each want the good first world life. Liberal democracies and consumerist societies go hand in hand, being materialistic societies based on the individual. al-Qaeda endorses a medieval kind of society, somewhere between the individual and the collective, where things are done for a sense of right according to not just the individual but a metaphor for the whole order of the universe: some call it "God."

Those of us who run this site don't agree with al-Qaeda on everything, but we believe they have the right to an autonomous middle east free of meddling by the United States, the United Kingdom and Israel. These three states are not indigenous cultures but international markets, and they have no local culture except money, and their only Creed is materialistic individualism. They don't care that their Creed will bring eventual doom to humanity and our planet. They only care about their own profit.

As is recognized in Islam, there are two holy wars. The lesser of the two is the outer war, or the crushing of one's enemies. To a sane thinker, anyone who endorses modern society is an enemy, although "Forgive them Lord, they know not what they do" -- forgiven or not, they must be stopped by force, because no amount of education will make someone smarter than they are, and no amount of indoctrination will make them give up the easy lies of an evil, selfish, greedy society. The lesser war is easy to see. Ecoterrorists, nationalists, transcendental religions, hackers and Aristotelians like Nietzsche are joined in this quest, although few yet realize to what degree.

The great jihad however is within. It is a matter of making ourselves spiritually pure so that we can see the truth and carry it out, knowing that to do the ultimate good one must commit a smaller series of goods and evils. It is evil to kill, perhaps, but if it is the only way to stop a greater evil, it becomes a good; it is good to save lives, but when we are overpopulated and will exterminate everything with our unchecked lemming excess, to save lives -- a great good -- becomes a great evil. Only those who embark on the path of the greater holy war can see this truth. We hope there are some among all of the groups we mention.

If humanity does not alter its course, it will continue to overpopulate and leave a denuded, poisoned earth. There will be no fresh air, fresh water or wild species; everything we need to survive will come from the machines. And then, our wars will become more serious, because those who control the machines will control everything. We will bicker and battle our way to a quiet end, a "whimper and not a bang" as the poet said. There will have been no great Satan that controlled us, no conspiracy that bound us together. We will have been undone as equal individuals who deluded by a lie became greedy and thus each took what they saw as their share, unaware that they were carving up the goose that laid the golden eggs -- our environment, our cultures, our genetic stocks, our thoughts and individual personalities.

This site is more than a tribute to al-Qaeda. It's a clarion battlecall to all who see the illness that is modern time and are determined to stop it. We have only victory or death. Join us, or forgive us what we must do.
…but i balk at your description of osama bin laden as a ‘prophet’, especially as the noble qur’an itself describes muhammad
as “apostle of allah, and the seal of the prophets”. moreover, i can do nothing but condemn a vicious mass murderer such as bin laden who plans and executes atrocities against civilians from afar (in direct violation of the qur’an) through intermediaries. get out of that cave, troll, and fight like a real man!
but for me islam’s more deontological principles have never approved of modern society’s consequentialism. your ‘niyat’ (intentions) play a big part, and stooping to al–gharb’s techniques, where ends justify means, feels plain wrong to me.
I'm not sure if there's a need to justify. If you're going to fight a war, fight to win. I am unconvinced there is anything in Islam opposed to that.
fight to win? of course! no point in defending yourselves otherwise. but deliberate targeting of non–combatants and killing other muslimuun? opposed by allah, as dictated in the qur’an.

do you really see al–qaeda as a solution to our world’s problems?
infoterror said:
We have only victory or death.

Twisted, murderous extremists such as al-Qaeda and anyone who chooses to support them have only the latter to look forward to. The power of the free world will never be broken by backwards degenerates with delusions of superiority.
کوڈانشی said:
do you really see al–qaeda as a solution to our world’s problems?

You're asking a relative question. Do I see al-Qaeda, ELF, various nationalist and traditionalist organizations as a solution? No, but I see they're on the right path - their ideas are clearer than what we have now and less destructive.