al-Qaeda speaks re London Bombing


Apr 17, 2005
Dear Western Nations,

For years you have ignored our protests as you have supported Israel, slandered our religion and referred to us as murdering terrorist bastards in your media and entertainment sources. Recently (1991) you decided to begin bombing, in order to withhold from us any weapons with which we could disable an increasingly bellicose Israeli presence. In effect, you wish us to be submissive to your rule, or be called murders.

Consequently, we struck back, in New York City, in Bali, and now in London. The reason for this is simple: you are far more numerous and wealthier than we are, thus we cannot afford direct confrontation, but must fight you any way we can. This includes blowing your citizens into paste and destroying your economies with fear. If you do not mind starving our children, and bombing them from 30,000 feet, surely we are not expected to mind blowing up your own as we stare them in the eyes, giving up our own lives in the process?

Muslim lands do not wish to join your death-crusade in which technology and Jewish thought make your "liberal" people self-obsessed, grotesquely fat, and disgustingly detached from nature. We prefer to be poorer but keep our traditional ways, as we know these to be truth. You do not allow us this option, so we fight. What happened in London is a first taste of what will soon be a daily happening.

If you wish to re-open diplomatic relations with the true populations of Muslim lands, please do the following:

1. Stop slandering Islam at every chance you get, in your editorials, movies, news, TV shows, newspapers, newsmagazines, and Internet pornography.

2. Cease unquestioning support of Israel, and consider Muslim interests as well as Jewish and Christian ones.

3. Remove all non-believers, whether there through "peaceful" cultural assimilation (business) or warlike cultural assimilation (the "peacekeepers" occupying our lands, raping out women, bombing our homes).

4. Allow us to determine our own destiny without your intervention. Since you need our oil, if you ask politely, we will most probably sell it to you and thus preserve your superpower status.

If you are able to agree to the above - that is, treating us as autonomous countries and not future vassal states of America - we will get along just fine. Until then, you can expect more of your citizens to die in horror as we defend ourselves.

The Unpacified Elements of Islam
Pakistan, July 7, 2005
ironically, bombings and violence, aside, i very much agree with them. their actions are inexcusable, and deserve severe punishment if possible. however, their reason is quite real. the things they asked for should be granted anyway, considering how terribly western media slanders Islam every chance it gets. further, its increasingly clear that the US treats the middle eastern states as empty shells to be destroyed and then rebuilt as america-clones. it has already begun. the terrorists make an excellent point in that wealth is insignificant compared to tradition, virture, and lifestyle...
they have good points, but unfortunately, their delivery seems to have the opposite effect. They bomb train stations, we increase our troops...
infoterror said:
Muslim lands do not wish to join your death-crusade in which technology and Jewish thought make your "liberal" people self-obsessed, grotesquely fat, and disgustingly detached from nature. We prefer to be poorer but keep our traditional ways, as we know these to be truth.

it's interesting how often some few individuals claim the right to decide for many others...
Hypnos said:
it's interesting how often some few individuals claim the right to decide for many others...

Not overly. Besides, you're claiming the right to decide for many others by suggesting that them doing so is in any way inferior to your own conduct.