What are your opinions on Immigration?

Well i said "here", i was mentioning how it was here, i wouldn't know how it is in the states.

Oh, I interpreted it "here" as in right here, this topic. So the words bigot and racist have permeated your country too as a means of casting shame on those offended by intruders ? No big surprise I suppose, distracting ones opponent has always been a key to conquest.
If you have any opinions at all on immigration here you're a bigot and a racist, the only acceptable thing to do is to let everything have it's flow, sad but true.

Ah, so not wanting to have one's own country, and everything that one's ancestors built and died for stolen from under one's nose?

Fuck you too, why don't you go live in Mexico if you think immigration is so great? Montezuma's revenge could not happen to a better fucktard.
Fenrisúlfr;8093235 said:
Ah, so not wanting to have one's own country, and everything that one's ancestors built and died for stolen from under one's nose?

Fuck you too, why don't you go live in Mexico if you think immigration is so great? Montezuma's revenge could not happen to a better fucktard.

Dude ! Runk already explained their misunderstood point and you are out there on this one, off base, uncalled for

Runk - ignore, this guy... as bold as I am, he makes me a relatively sane lightweight.

But at the same time does represent how many in this country feel about the ignoring of the problems involved. Some like to fixate on Mexico but I prefer to look at the entire problem not a "nationality". Its just that Mexico is sooo much of a problem that it always comes to looking like those people are all anyones upset about.

Avoid the distractions
But at the same time does represent how many in this country feel about the ignoring of the problems involved. Some like to fixate on Mexico but I prefer to look at the entire problem not a "nationality". Its just that Mexico is sooo much of a problem that it always comes to looking like those people are all anyones upset about.

Looking strictly at "nationality" would be problematic anyway. There are plenty of largely Euro-descended Mexicans, educated, skilled, civilized, who would likely assimilate into American society in a heartbeat. Then there are the legions of Mestizo and Central-American stock from Mexico(or Guatamala, Honduras, Peru, etc.), who are of entirely different ethnic extractions, and inclined toward a far more primitive existence in their home territories. Thus, a "Mexican" can mean many things and any hopes for easy or even feasible assimilation are effected greatly by this diversity.

This is also why many "immigrants" are broadly and misleadingly categorized as "Hispanic" which is an essentially meaningless designation today. A "Hispanic" may theoretically refer to a well-to-do, green-eyed, blong-haired Argentinian, or a dark-skinned, diminutive Mestizo Amerind, who is more Asiatic than anything else...so long as they both speak some derivative of the Spanish language.

"Hispanics" now make up the largest minority group in the US(some 15%), and the bulk of them are recent arrivals, here illegally(or at least enteretd the country illegally), poor, illiterate, etc. That is a massive demographic shift that has expanded the nations underclasses exponentially in just a couple decades. These "immigrants" are often exploited, the American people are exploited...and Wall Street, The Media and the Federal Government look askance, even as they praise this great and dangerous change in the historic makeup of the country, while they increase their collective power and bottom lines.

Look to Southern California to see your future even now America.
Huge disparities in wealth, third-world crime rates, unrest, inter-racial violence(black vs. hispanic), unemployment, failing schoolsystems/record dropout rates, general poverty, and an insolvent state government.

Does that sound like sound immigration policy to anyone?
All true oldscratch and you didnt even mention the strain on our health care system. None the less I dont want anyone from any other country increasing the population and stressing the employment competition in my country. Whether they are "good" people or not, doesnt matter, we dont need the stress. Hell our children have to compete with foreigners for college grant money. We have employers hireing and at times creating jobs just so they can "do the right thing" and hire outsiders, all while so many job occupations have remained strained and kept at income levels of the 80's while cost of living in the country has skyrocketed. Its just so hard to get people to understand the bottom line when they are... A. young and have been fed a lifetime of liberal storybook fairy tales of one big happy family by our school systems and media sources or B. been untouched by the disaster and cant see it from their house.

I like all people and learned to find some admirable qualities in everyone but I draw the line at intruding on my territory which is an innate quality in all species on the planet. Yet we are suppose to repress it or we will be bombarded by any tool of guilt that can be conjoured up.

A segment from "Art of Reason" - Threshold - Subsurface

it was there right before our eyes we were blind not to realise
in the rush to be globalised we signed away our freedom
we forgot how to criticise we were scared to be demonised
as the truth was neutralised we lost the art of reason

shallow the crusader and shallow their crusade
but deep the ideology that brings them into play
political correctness a foil for our minds
a false exoneration to cover up the crimes
Looking strictly at "nationality" would be problematic anyway. There are plenty of largely Euro-descended Mexicans, educated, skilled, civilized, who would likely assimilate into American society in a heartbeat. Then there are the legions of Mestizo and Central-American stock from Mexico(or Guatamala, Honduras, Peru, etc.), who are of entirely different ethnic extractions, and inclined toward a far more primitive existence in their home territories. Thus, a "Mexican" can mean many things and any hopes for easy or even feasible assimilation are effected greatly by this diversity.

This is also why many "immigrants" are broadly and misleadingly categorized as "Hispanic" which is an essentially meaningless designation today. A "Hispanic" may theoretically refer to a well-to-do, green-eyed, blong-haired Argentinian, or a dark-skinned, diminutive Mestizo Amerind, who is more Asiatic than anything else...so long as they both speak some derivative of the Spanish language.

"Hispanics" now make up the largest minority group in the US(some 15%), and the bulk of them are recent arrivals, here illegally(or at least enteretd the country illegally), poor, illiterate, etc. That is a massive demographic shift that has expanded the nations underclasses exponentially in just a couple decades. These "immigrants" are often exploited, the American people are exploited...and Wall Street, The Media and the Federal Government look askance, even as they praise this great and dangerous change in the historic makeup of the country, while they increase their collective power and bottom lines.

Look to Southern California to see your future even now America.
Huge disparities in wealth, third-world crime rates, unrest, inter-racial violence(black vs. hispanic), unemployment, failing schoolsystems/record dropout rates, general poverty, and an insolvent state government.

Does that sound like sound immigration policy to anyone?

Solid points all around. The reason why I have such a strong opinion on this issue, and why I feel I am right on what I say, is because I am Mexican-American.

I am basically a Spaniard that was born in Mexico. I have light skin and dark/brown hair. Around here, (the states) people wouldn't believe I was Mexican, unless I came across other Mexicans who either looked like me, or came across Mexicans from or currently living in Mexico who know just how different a, "Mexican" can be.

There is definitely a class issue in Mexico. The criollos and pure Indians don't normally interact. And the mestizos? Well, the side you tend to lean genetically is normally where you'll learn to socially. It's such a racially conscious country, that it's quite easy to point out just who is ahead in society and who isn't.

This is why I believe that if Mexico is ever going to unite, it has to make a choice: Does it want to accept all Mexicanos as one, or does it want to create seperate countries within it's borders to allow both the Spaniards and Indians to live amongst themselves with their own specific cultures?

One thing is for sure: The way things are functioning now is simply not working.
Look to Southern California to see your future even now America.
Huge disparities in wealth, third-world crime rates, unrest, inter-racial violence(black vs. hispanic), unemployment, failing schoolsystems/record dropout rates, general poverty, and an insolvent state government.

Whom do you think causes this? Saddle the budget with enough welfare to the burgeoning 'hispanic' underclass, and jobs do not get created by business as they go elsewhere to avoid pernicious taxes. This leads to unemployment, a lower tax base and thus poor schools (private schooling is much more cost-effective anyway), crime, of course symptoms of general poverty.

Mexicans create Mexicos, negroes create Africas (look at Detroit!). It is right that they reap what they sow.

I would not have a problem with this if they kept to themselves, did not leech off the taxpayer, and were not so much more prone to criminal conduct than the white people whose ancestors built this country.
The only problem I have with immigration is the illegal kind. Illegal downloading is fine, it just gives you a test of software you may or may not find useful enough to buy so the developers have the resources to improve the software, but illegal immigration can cause economic problems for individuals. For instance, one of my friends was working as a waiter part-time (about 10-15 hours a week). One week, they suddenly find that the record shows that they worked 60 hours that week, although they did nothing different from their usual schedule. The cause: an illegal immigrant was working under my friend's name, taking the money for their time, and letting Uncle Sam dip his hand into the 10-15 hour pay by making my friend pay the income tax for the extra 45-50 hours worked.

Oh, and FenriSulfr, the blacks helped build America through slave labor. Get off your high horse and take a walk-you may learn something from your history class.
Oh, and FenriSulfr, the blacks helped build America through slave labor. Get off your high horse and take a walk-you may learn something from your history class.

They did nothing which white labour and technology could not have done better. Besides, they have no one to blame but themselves - it was their own kinsmen who usually sold them to begin with. :lol:
From my understanding (which may or may not be wrong, of course) the least number of slaves were sold by their kin, and the majority were caught by European or possibly Asian slavers.

Anyway, who knows, if the Europeans had welcomed them into their world as if they were another European country, the Africans may have become as powerful as America was in its prime. But, because of greed and other factors, that is not the case, and now we have people confusing racism as being only negative opinion based on skin color, instead of being plainly any opinion based on race. Is it not racist to vote for someone, or send someone to college, just because of race?

Anyway, back on the immigration subject, my father just made a terrible joke about the current Mexican immigration. "The Mexican-American Dream: to own your own house for your family to live in, with six other families."
Anyway, who knows, if the Europeans had welcomed them into their world as if they were another European country, the Africans may have become as powerful as America was in its prime. But, because of greed and other factors, that is not the case, and now we have people confusing racism as being only negative opinion based on skin color, instead of being plainly any opinion based on race. Is it not racist to vote for someone, or send someone to college, just because of race?

Bull-freakin'-shit. They have been in Africa longer than Europeans have been in Europe or America, yet they produced nothing comparable to the splendour of European civilisation. Let them perpetrate savagery in their own lands, we have no business in their affairs.

When is the last time they sent peace-keepers? When was the last time Africa sent food aid? Face it - it's a garbage continent.
Garbage continent? It's their culture that has given us metal, rock, R&B (blech), (c)rap, and other music. Are you saying that metal is garbage on forums dedicated to metal?
What are your opinions on Immigration into the United States?

I think that immigration is fine as long as the immigrants understand where they are and what their responsibilities are.
I do not care for their culture, I do not care for their traditions or backwards world view. That is irrelevant.
Loyalty. Loyalty is the core value. They are coming to our lands because they have some problems back home, or they want to take advantage of our superior healthcare or education system.
So they OWE us their loyalty, their undying loyalty. They must never forget that we took them in, we offered them a chance, we gave them help.
Loyalty is not whinging, loyalty is not making allegations of racism, loyalty is not segregating yourself.
Loyalty is loving your country and standing by your government, through right or wrong.
If they have that then they are my compatriots and I will respect them.
If not then they should get out, leave right away and never complain that they weren't given a chance.

I totally agree !! Good point. and immigrant should represent their countries in a good way, they are like ambassadors. I know a lot of people who go to other countries and behave weirdly to the point where you feel ashamed that you have a common identity with them. and some others don't.
where do you live btw?
ah btw, I'm considered as an immigrate too lol, my grand father is Turkish, he came here long ago when he was young, he married a tunisian (my grandmom) but i consider myself as a Tunisian anyway !!!
Let's totally stop immigration. Let's have reverse immigration. Only native americans welcome on the continent.
Let's totally stop immigration. Let's have reverse immigration. Only native americans welcome on the continent.

That would be the ultimate for the environment, make no mistake. The Indians understood things like not having babies they couldnt feed, the value of open land, love of the land and that the lazy die. Something my ancestral immigrants understood and all issues current immigrants cant get through their dense heads.

What the natives did wrong in the first place was not slay us as they found us. Not having solidarity amounst themselves and standing the eastern shores of this once beautiful continent, now turned into concrete and blacktop to appease the pussys.

So whats your point? as if I dont know
The only problem I have with immigration is the illegal kind. Illegal downloading is fine, it just gives you a test of software you may or may not find useful enough to buy so the developers have the resources to improve the software, but illegal immigration can cause economic problems for individuals.

Does illegal downloading not cause economic problems? Surely it takes money away from comapanies who employ average Joes? And what happens what these comapnies lose money? Average Joe gets the arse!

Fenrisúlfr;8116475 said:
Bull-freakin'-shit. They have been in Africa longer than Europeans have been in Europe or America, yet they produced nothing comparable to the splendour of European civilisation. Let them perpetrate savagery in their own lands, we have no business in their affairs.

When is the last time they sent peace-keepers? When was the last time Africa sent food aid? Face it - it's a garbage continent.

So true! Africans have sticks and mud houses. Whites have brick and timber houses. Can anyone name anything of importance an African has invented??

Garbage continent? It's their culture that has given us metal, rock, R&B (blech), (c)rap, and other music. Are you saying that metal is garbage on forums dedicated to metal?

Maybe blacks helped to start rock and roll, but what country where they living in at the time?? It wasn't Cameroon!

I would think the country they were living in had some influence. Plus a big thing of rock was electric guitars. No African discovered electricity.
Does illegal downloading not cause economic problems? Surely it takes money away from comapanies who employ average Joes? And what happens what these comapnies lose money? Average Joe gets the arse!

So true! Africans have sticks and mud houses. Whites have brick and timber houses. Can anyone name anything of importance an African has invented??

Maybe blacks helped to start rock and roll, but what country where they living in at the time?? It wasn't Cameroon!

I would think the country they were living in had some influence. Plus a big thing of rock was electric guitars. No African discovered electricity.

Ignorance is illness. All european inventions that you boast so much about are based on findings of other races and other peoples. If Europeans were so much better that africans, then NO african should be able to get a uni degree based on merit. The chinese were performing experiments with static electricity long before the romans invaded barbaric britain, and enlightened the people.

Have you ever seen the african termite at work? How about extreme humidity and rainfall? Oops, there goes your timber houses. And for your information, africans have brick houses. BRICK. Baked brick.

Africans invented things suitable for the environment they lived in. Guess what - it worked fine.
Fenrisúlfr;8116475 said:
Bull-freakin'-shit. They have been in Africa longer than Europeans have been in Europe or America, yet they produced nothing comparable to the splendour of European civilisation. Let them perpetrate savagery in their own lands, we have no business in their affairs.

When is the last time they sent peace-keepers? When was the last time Africa sent food aid? Face it - it's a garbage continent.

Bull freaking shit. The populations ALL ACROSS THE WORLD was reduced to mere handfuls after a cataclysmic occurrence, probably a comet, which then led to the separation of continents, etc. The fact is that a vast majority of Africa was settled much more recently than europe was.

The splendour (splendour? hahahaha) of European civilisation was ALL (without exception) borrowed from the middle east.