My official resignation as an Anthrax fan!

Wait a second. Are you equating Bushthrax with the Raiders?

I have no idea? I don't know the Raiders, i'm from germany ;)

I was comparing band-fandom with sports-fandom.

(and actually Anthrax with John Bush are my favourite metalband. Got a problem with that?)
That's like saying Load-era Metallica is better than the MOP era.

And what problem would you have with that? Hating people because they have different opinions, reminds me of a certain era in german history...
The LOAD era blows. Did you know that Hetfield ripped off Aretha Franklin on LOAD? lol Hating another's opinion is not hating the person holding that opinion, and hating another person is not murdering them. Learn the difference.

I like the Loads. Well, at least most of Load and just some from Reload. Load is a really good hard rock album. People should really start judging music for what it is instead of for what they want it to be and what it is not. If you are only into metal and buy a hard rock record, of course you don't like it...

Yeah, it's just that you're walking around annoying everyone who dares to voice an opinion different froms yours...
That's like saying Load-era Metallica is better than the MOP era.

No it's not - becuase Anthrax with John Bush wrote better material and had better vocals than the previous era. And still played the older thrashy material as well.

Take Slayer, and replace Tom Araya with Steve Perry and see how people react.
No it's not - becuase Anthrax with John Bush wrote better material and had better vocals than the previous era. And still played the older thrashy material as well.

Take Slayer, and replace Tom Araya with Steve Perry and see how people react.

Better is a speculative term. Like saying cheddar is better than american cheese. Its all in the eye of the beholder. I prefer JoeyThrax, feel the song writing is just as strong and fit better than Bushthrax. To me Joeythrax was original where Bushthrax was their attempt at chasing other bands sounds, most notably Pantera
I have been reading all the arguments and counter-arguments with much interest. I think in conclusion, to resolve the arguments, you're all cunts.
There are some valid points made on here by the OP and those with a similar mindset, there are some equally valid counter arguments (apart from those who just dealt out "witty" homophbic abuse rather than adding any actual value to proceedings).
For me, I will never completely cut Anthrax out of my life, I don't think I could if I wanted to, however it is fair to say that I now regard myself as less of a rabid Anthrax fan than I have at any point in the last 17 or so years.
I preferred Bush and Bush-era Anthrax to the Belladonna era, that much is true, but I'd already resigned myself to Jon's departure ever since the reunion tour and was ready to push on with Dan Nelson at the helm (really enjoyed the one gig I saw with him as frontman at London's ULU). When Nelson was canned and Bush returned I hoped for the return of their greatest line-up, but as time ticked by and no announcement was forthcoming about his permanent return to the fold, I assumed the worst. And so it came to be and Jon left.
If a new singer was coming in now, I'd have an open mind and be ready to give the guy a chance but with Joey...I simply can't. This is not because I thin he isn't a good singer (he is) and not because I prefer Jon Bush (though I do), but because of the following two key reasons;
1) When Joey was thrown out in the first place, Charlie and Scott were widely quoted as saying part of the reason was that their music was developing in a new direction and Joey's singing was holding them back from being able to move in that way. I love Anthrax's material from Sound Of White Noise onwards and think that was when the band hit their peak artistically. It makes me fear that Anthrax will now be forced to go back to trying to rehash their older style just to accommodate Joey's vocal limitations and what we'll hear is a bunch of guys in their 40's trying to imitate the music they made in their early 20's! I don't want to heat the band lapsing into self-plaigirism or worse still self-parody and nor do I want to see a band that merely trots out their greatest hits on an infinite loop with nothing new to offer.
2) Joey simply can't do songs like "Only", "Room For One More", "Inside Out", "What Doesn't Die" and so on justice. Will Anthrax even play these great songs from the 1993-2003 era anymore? Are they lost forever as Joey can't or won't sing them to the required standard if he sings them at all? If so, how can I pay good money to go and watch a band knowing that they will play hardly any, if indeed any at all, of my favourite songs by them? At least with Bush and Nelson you had guys that could sing the tunes from all eras of Anthrax's history.
In conclusion if and when they put out a new album, I'll buy it and give them a chance and the benefit of the doubt. But I just won't be as enthusiastic as I would have been if the new album had Nelson's, Bush's or even another great new singer's vocals on it.
I agree with the i don't care about the drama just the music. sure i have preferred members. everyone gets attached to the things they like. what good is bitching and moaning going to do. all the people that are so upset and their lives turned upside down by this that feel they need to resign from being a fan should just stop logging in.

there's going to be people that agree with you and people that don't, all it does is pollute the boards with bullshit. this should be a place to share positive things. If posts like that must continue they should be confined to a post about that issue individually instead of a half dozen different places.

its supposed to be a place for fans so why do people feel compelled to announce their not fans, quit coming to the anthrax forum if your so pissed off. or make an I hate anthrax forum someplace, there is no need to make the people that still enjoy them have to weed through your emotional drivel. shit happens things change its part of life and your not important enough to make them change it. if i continue on i fear i'll become one of those that im talking about. even tho this is a resignation thread
LONG LIVE ANTHRAX!!!!!! i wont be checking and seeing how people feel about my opinion, i dont care i feel this needed to be said.
OK....let's everyone try to say something positive about Joey...

He can still fit the jeans he used back in 1990...

Next one please...

Some people here carry on like the "Day's of our Lives" soap opera and drama between personnel is more important than the end product ... the music.

While Anthrax write and play good music I will keep listening to them and buying their albums .... what goes on with them behind the scenes is really their business.
I agree with the i don't care about the drama just the music. sure i have preferred members. everyone gets attached to the things they like. what good is bitching and moaning going to do. all the people that are so upset and their lives turned upside down by this that feel they need to resign from being a fan should just stop logging in.

there's going to be people that agree with you and people that don't, all it does is pollute the boards with bullshit. this should be a place to share positive things. If posts like that must continue they should be confined to a post about that issue individually instead of a half dozen different places.

its supposed to be a place for fans so why do people feel compelled to announce their not fans, quit coming to the anthrax forum if your so pissed off. or make an I hate anthrax forum someplace, there is no need to make the people that still enjoy them have to weed through your emotional drivel. shit happens things change its part of life and your not important enough to make them change it. if i continue on i fear i'll become one of those that im talking about. even tho this is a resignation thread
LONG LIVE ANTHRAX!!!!!! i wont be checking and seeing how people feel about my opinion, i dont care i feel this needed to be said.

couldn't put it better myself .... well said
It makes me fear that Anthrax will now be forced to go back to trying to rehash their older style just to accommodate Joey's vocal limitations and what we'll hear is a bunch of guys in their 40's trying to imitate the music they made in their early 20's!

'Fight'Em' already had a some ATL moments ...
There are some valid points made on here by the OP and those with a similar mindset, there are some equally valid counter arguments (apart from those who just dealt out "witty" homophbic abuse rather than adding any actual value to proceedings).
For me, I will never completely cut Anthrax out of my life, I don't think I could if I wanted to, however it is fair to say that I now regard myself as less of a rabid Anthrax fan than I have at any point in the last 17 or so years.
I preferred Bush and Bush-era Anthrax to the Belladonna era, that much is true, but I'd already resigned myself to Jon's departure ever since the reunion tour and was ready to push on with Dan Nelson at the helm (really enjoyed the one gig I saw with him as frontman at London's ULU). When Nelson was canned and Bush returned I hoped for the return of their greatest line-up, but as time ticked by and no announcement was forthcoming about his permanent return to the fold, I assumed the worst. And so it came to be and Jon left.
If a new singer was coming in now, I'd have an open mind and be ready to give the guy a chance but with Joey...I simply can't. This is not because I thin he isn't a good singer (he is) and not because I prefer Jon Bush (though I do), but because of the following two key reasons;
1) When Joey was thrown out in the first place, Charlie and Scott were widely quoted as saying part of the reason was that their music was developing in a new direction and Joey's singing was holding them back from being able to move in that way. I love Anthrax's material from Sound Of White Noise onwards and think that was when the band hit their peak artistically. It makes me fear that Anthrax will now be forced to go back to trying to rehash their older style just to accommodate Joey's vocal limitations and what we'll hear is a bunch of guys in their 40's trying to imitate the music they made in their early 20's! I don't want to heat the band lapsing into self-plaigirism or worse still self-parody and nor do I want to see a band that merely trots out their greatest hits on an infinite loop with nothing new to offer.
2) Joey simply can't do songs like "Only", "Room For One More", "Inside Out", "What Doesn't Die" and so on justice. Will Anthrax even play these great songs from the 1993-2003 era anymore? Are they lost forever as Joey can't or won't sing them to the required standard if he sings them at all? If so, how can I pay good money to go and watch a band knowing that they will play hardly any, if indeed any at all, of my favourite songs by them? At least with Bush and Nelson you had guys that could sing the tunes from all eras of Anthrax's history.
In conclusion if and when they put out a new album, I'll buy it and give them a chance and the benefit of the doubt. But I just won't be as enthusiastic as I would have been if the new album had Nelson's, Bush's or even another great new singer's vocals on it.

Have you heard Joey sing Bush material yet??? To say he can't do the material justice without hearing him try is stupid.
All I care about is what songs Anthrax will be playing live now. I don't like the albums they did with Joey, I think his vocals are ok but the music is boring apart from a few songs (Caught In A Mosh / Got The Time). My favourite albums of all time are the ones with John Bush. So thats what I want to hear, if theyre not going to play anything from Volume 8, Stomp 442 or WCFYA I dont want to see them. Its that simple.
can't wait to hear this @ Sonisphere...:)

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I don't hate him and I don't hate people who like him... I just think Anthrax made a wrong decision in hiring him again... in studio they can make him sound OK but live he was and is horrible...
