JOHN BUSH: My Time With ANTHRAX Is 'Over' - Sep. 25, 2005

spacebeer said:
Why the FUCK would we ever wanna hear "Safe home" again.....pff that was the definitive worst song they ever made IMO!
Are you out of your fucking mind????
Dude, That was a great song.
Anthrax will not sell more album with Joey in the band. They gonna sell the same amount of album than with John in the band. It's not the singer fault, it's the trend fault. The 80's are over, dont forget it.
Matt Bello said:
Anthrax will not sell more album with Joey in the band. They gonna sell the same amount of album than with John in the band. It's not the singer fault, it's the trend fault. The 80's are over, dont forget it.

Once again, that's true. I do believe that the collections will sell fairly ok, but the new cd in this lineup won't sell ten copies more than WCFYA.
Matt Bello said:
Anthrax will not sell more album with Joey in the band. They gonna sell the same amount of album than with John in the band. It's not the singer fault, it's the trend fault. The 80's are over, dont forget it.

Nice post.

Yeah...I was thinking the same thing.
It's not just Anthrax's album sales that went down.
I'll bet you could say the same thing about Overkill, Exodus, Testament, Megadeth...etc....I think those bands are still killer, but time goes on and some of the hardcore fans get older, have families and move on from the 80's....and it was mainly us that bought albums and CDs. Alot of today's youth just download the music. I know that nobody here will admit it, but I can guaranty that quite a few of you here have downloaded some Anthrax instead of going out and buying it.

So it's not Bush's fault. Times have changed.
I thought Anthrax was better than ever!

Low record sales do not mean that the music is bad.
I don't think changing singers will change a thing.'s their band and I'll respect any decision they long as they MAKE A DECISION! :Spin: :Spin: :Spin:
Nice post.
I know that nobody here will admit it, but I can guaranty that quite a few of you here have downloaded some Anthrax instead of going out and buying it.

I honestly can say that I never download music...To me, having the actual cd, artwork, liner notes and everything is part of the deal of being a fan. It's kinda like comics to me. You don't print out a comic from the internet and put it in a comic sleeve like it is valuable. Just like I wouldn't put a burnt cd in my collection. You are probably right though, as I am sure there are quite a few people here that do download music. There are other things to factor in for some people though. One being that not everyone lives in areas of the world that even carry music like Thrax or even metal in general. So downloading music does serve a purpose of getting certain music that people wouldn't normally be able to get.
MyHatred said:
I honestly can say that I never download music...To me, having the actual cd, artwork, liner notes and everything is part of the deal of being a fan..
Right on, man. I like the physical artifact. For convenience, like listening while you travel or on the underground, mp3s are nice, but to me don't replace the CD.

Anyway, the number given for units sold of WCFYA (64,000) can only be in the U.S. I would like to know that number in Europe.
MyHatred said:
So downloading music does serve a purpose of getting certain music that people wouldn't normally be able to get.

My point was not to imply that downloading was bad and that those who do are wrong....I'm not even going there.

I'm just saying that lots of people downloading obviously takes away from record sales. There are some here that claim that since Bush Anthrax sold fewer records, then it must not be as good.
I would vehemently disagree.
My point was not to imply that downloading was bad and that those who do are wrong....I'm not even going there.

I'm just saying that lots of people downloading obviously takes away from record sales. There are some here that claim that since Bush Anthrax sold fewer records, then it must not be as good.
I would vehemently disagree.

Oh yeah, I absolutely get what you meant and I agree with what you say about Bush and the record sales completely. John Bush is the man plain and simple:worship: Not taking away from what Joey and the band accomplished with their time together but John just seemed to fit the band like a glove. Oh well, I have said it many times that I have loads of other bands that I listen to and I will probably keep posting here regardless of who is in the band because I think there are some pretty cool people here unlike alot of other forums. Plus it it isn't like my Thrax cd's with John Bush stopped working since Joey rejoined the band. So I still have alot of good music to listen to.

Back on topic of downloading. There are quite a few cd's that I wish I had downloaded before buying because they were so shitty:yuk: :lol:
fact: 90% of the forum posters are bush fans.
fact: Joey is now the vocalist.
fact: the 90% of you are just pissed because they switched singers, get over it.

now I'm not saying it's the right way to do shit, but it's up to the band, and they arent morons, they know what they're doing. Besides, shit like this happens ALL the time in the music business....not the exact same situation, but hey, think of it this way: be glad that they're not denying Bush was ever in the band. They chose to bring Joey back (a little clarity would be greatly appreciated) and you're all just sore about it.
#1_Droogie said:
be glad that they're not denying Bush was ever in the band.

Is John Bush even part of the Anthrax website anymore?
Have they even acknowledged him since they brought Joey back?
MyHatred said:
Back on topic of downloading. There are quite a few cd's that I wish I had downloaded before buying because they were so shitty:yuk: :lol:


That said, I did d/l Alive 2 the other day cause I was and still am unsure wther or not buy it. If I decide not to, that will be a first for me concerning Anthrax. I usually d/l and go buy it on release day like a drone... but I actually dislike live albums (never even bother d/l them...) and having recently bought MOMD... well, I'm still unsure. I'll probably end up buying it though.
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon said:
Gator smooth, how do you know that the people who favor Bush over Belladonna didn't enjoy the Belladonna years? I enjoyed both so I can compare and I still prefer Bush, because I don't want one of my favourite bands to be limited to songs from more than ten years ago.

Among the last eight release were seven compilations/live albums. That's something I don't like. I desperately want new material and as of now I don't know whether that's possible given the statements of the band. I just don't think it's possible for them to write songs like they did in the eighties and I doubt that Belladonna would fit their style of the last studio albums. Apart from that TGOTE just doesn't make any sense at all if they fired Bush for good. It would have made sense if they did a "the old years" tour like Iron Maiden does these days even though Bruce Dickinson wasn't even the singer of some of these songs. I don't think they would have thrashed any less with Bush in these songs.

All I want is for Anthrax to continue without being a band totally relying on "the good old days" and constantly touring with just these songs.

Of course I know that the record sales went down and they probably need the money (who doesn't?) and get pressure from the label but on the long run as a fan I just don't see a very bright future with the current lineup. Taking the number of reviews at amazon as a sign of the number of people interested in albums or dvds, there are exactly zero reviews of the Alive2 or the anthology releases at amazon Germany while there are quite some good one for WCFYA, MOMD and TGOTE. Not a very good sign from my point of view.

Look man I'm just burnt on the fact that everyone is shitting on joey ,the issue is trying to get metal on top not sucking swamp water.

fact of the matter is i like both singers but at the sametime,If the crew wants to run with Joey then back em dont shit on them .I am a anthrax fan period
If my fellow head bangers would just go with flow then maybe, I dont know
we would be back where we need to be, let the record show.

All this crying and whinning serves no purpose and myself being in a few bands in my day can atest to the fact that,it's this kind of action that destroys a movement .

Let it be known I quit playing metal cause of the loss of brotherhood ,
and sat in with a few Blues bands for several years before saying screw it and got a working stiff job.

This is a critical time for the music and whether it lives or dies is in the hands of the oldschool fans.

There is a chance for it to rise up again cause of all the force fed trends
are falling on thier asses and people are looking for solid music,once again !!!

Lets stop the crap and rock it for change that would be nice...

If I was a newbie fan I wouldnt waste my time with somthing that looks like this right now.
All Anthrax music I have is original...except of two promotional copies. That might actually change with the new releases.