JOHN BUSH: My Time With ANTHRAX Is 'Over' - Sep. 25, 2005

I have everything original except volume 8 which was just to suckass to buy...

I just bought it because I used to like ANTHRAX back in 91, some songs with Bush are decent though just have nothing to do with ANTHRAX.
spacebeer said:
I have everything original except volume 8 which was just to suckass to buy...

I just bought it because I used to like ANTHRAX back in 91, some songs with Bush are decent though just have nothing to do with ANTHRAX.
91 - huh WTF - Joey kicked ass in 85 now cut your hair.
I dont think my beef is about wantign to surveive as a band - I just feel for Bush and the way he's been treated. It seems harsh as he was a good singer and I went to some blinding gigs with him as frontman! It's like by dissing him they are dissing me and my memories of good times like they arent woth shit and it was alla big lie.
Is John Bush even part of the Anthrax website anymore?
Have they even acknowledged him since they brought Joey back?

It was Bush's birthday not too long ago and it did say Happy Birthday to him on the main page
dutchy said:
I still he should go for the offer to do the tour with BElladonna!!

It seems to be the only possibility to have him back (sort of), Joey must have made sure they wouldn't fire his ass again.
karrokid said:
in reply to nafnikufesin :

so your saying the band should have just broke up ? maybe the people who have been in the band from day one don't want to see their dream die if it dosn't have to just to apease fans of the bush stuff (i am one also). it also says don't speculate.
blabbercock is a gossip fest and people eat that shit up. you get a couple quotes from an interview and that seals the deal ? who knows when that interview was done or in what context those quotes were made.
and billy milano is a bag of hot air. he likes to get a rise out of people by talking shit so i don't know if i'd go jumping on his band wagon yet.
people always yell "sell out" at musicians but, they go to their crappy jobs all week and do what their bosses tell them to do and work overtime when they maybe had plans that night. that's selling out to. in a weaker form because a musician is living his dream of making music no matter what they have to do. the guy at the "9 to 5 for life" has abandoned his dreams a long time ago. i went for a year and a half on generic canned food and hand outs. i was sleeping on couches and floors but i wasn't punchin a clock. it's hard not knowing when your next 20 dollars is coming. at the end of the day it's what sells to the guys in charge, so sell out is not a bad term. you either need to move product or move out of the way. sorry but , that's the way the world of music really goes.

mr wu as silly as it may sound to you i'd give my left nut to be in your position. you guys have had a hell of a carrer so far and i hope thrax comes back strong when it's all said and done

:worship: :rock: As a musician myself, I TOTALLY agree! It's easily one of the hardest ways to make a living, and 9-5 types just don't get it. Thankfully I can read music, so I can always get a teaching gig when times are
tough. Like you I'd give anything to be in Scott's position! Being a musician is a JOB like any other. I totally respect Anthrax for not letting the industry ruin their hard earned careers! Most bands woulda thrown in the towel if they had to deal with the shit Anthrax has dealt with over the last 10 years. :rock:
Right.... They have done about everything possible to stay on the scene and give us new stuff. I like the bush Era stuff WAY more than the old stuff. Maybe just because I matured with the band. That does not mean I am going to boycott and not buy the new releases and anything new they may or may not make with Joesy because plain and simple if you dont buy they dont make money and that means no more Anthrax.
i can't say i'm heart-broken about the news. i remember a time way back in 1992 when Anthrax was one of my favorite bands. i remember being in school when a class-mate informed some of us headbangers that Joey was gone. then Sound of White Noise came out, which really wasn't a bad album at all, but the direction Anthrax was going in was a lot different. all of the great metal bands of the 80s that i loved weren't putting out the kind of music i wanted to hear in the 90s, and we're not only talking about Anthrax, but metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Testament, Slayer, etc(for whatever the reason).

i still stuck by Anthrax, but then when Danny left, too, and the next album came out, the music just didn't have the same qualities to it that made me love Anthrax in the first place. besides Sound of White Noise, Bush-era Anthrax did nothing for me.

so i welcome back the classic line-up with open arms. i just hope they make the best out of it and record, promote, and tour!
first of all, I would not have put any faith in this article anyway. Blabbermouth is rarely on top of shit, they will post anything. And you guys have to see John's point. The 'threeway' analogy was best. John admited he did not want to be a part of the reunion, so you gotta see it from both sides. It's not like they just told him to screw off - he decided for himself not to do this. And he only said it was 'over' because he is speculating a new Joey record. And as of right now, the band itself does not even know if there is going to be a new Joey record. So who can say tha John Bush is out of the picture? Untill John Bush or Scott says that John has quit/been fired I would not even bother assuming anything. A year and a half ago who would have ever seen this reunion coming? Nobody. Not even the band.