What are your opinions on Immigration?


New Metal Member
Feb 22, 2009
What are your opinions on Immigration into the United States?

I think that immigration is fine as long as the immigrants understand where they are and what their responsibilities are.
I do not care for their culture, I do not care for their traditions or backwards world view. That is irrelevant.
Loyalty. Loyalty is the core value. They are coming to our lands because they have some problems back home, or they want to take advantage of our superior healthcare or education system.
So they OWE us their loyalty, their undying loyalty. They must never forget that we took them in, we offered them a chance, we gave them help.
Loyalty is not whinging, loyalty is not making allegations of racism, loyalty is not segregating yourself.
Loyalty is loving your country and standing by your government, through right or wrong.
If they have that then they are my compatriots and I will respect them.
If not then they should get out, leave right away and never complain that they weren't given a chance.
Loyalty is loving your country and standing by your government, through right or wrong.
The current reigme has acted tyrannically and thus must be overthrown. It is because I love the ideals upon which this country was founded that I must oppose the government.

That said, I am partial to the Immigration Act of 1924, which limited immigration proportionally to the number of people already in this country at the time of the 1890 census. I do not want the third-worlders over here; Africans make Africas, Mexicans make Mexicos, Chinese are building China which is no small feat, but Europeans make Europes and their offshoots in the States and Australia. High time we kept the riff-raff which has spilled over this country like an overflowing septic tank. I want to see severed heads upon pikes on both borders and all major ports as warnings so that this country may be kept in the hands of those who built it.

Finally, I leave you with a bit of Mexican immigration law:

Foreigners with fake papers, or who enter the country under false pretenses, may be imprisoned:

* Foreigners with fake immigration papers may be fined or imprisoned. (Article 116)

* Foreigners who sign government documents "with a signature that is false or different from that which he normally uses" are subject to fine and imprisonment. (Article 116)

Foreigners who fail to obey the rules will be fined, deported, and/or imprisoned as felons:

* Foreigners who fail to obey a deportation order are to be punished. (Article 117)

* Foreigners who are deported from Mexico and attempt to re-enter the country without authorization can be imprisoned for up to 10 years. (Article 118)

* Foreigners who violate the terms of their visa may be sentenced to up to six years in prison (Articles 119, 120 and 121). Foreigners who misrepresent the terms of their visa while in Mexico -- such as working with out a permit -- can also be imprisoned.

Under Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony. The General Law on Population says,

* "A penalty of up to two years in prison and a fine of three hundred to five thousand pesos will be imposed on the foreigner who enters the country illegally." (Article 123)

* Foreigners with legal immigration problems may be deported from Mexico instead of being imprisoned. (Article 125)

* Foreigners who "attempt against national sovereignty or security" will be deported. (Article 126)

Mexicans who help illegal aliens enter the country are themselves considered criminals under the law:

* A Mexican who marries a foreigner with the sole objective of helping the foreigner live in the country is subject to up to five years in prison. (Article 127)

* Shipping and airline companies that bring undocumented foreigners into Mexico will be fined. (Article 132)

I'm quite partial to the bolded provision, if they came here to work, let them do two years' hard labour!
The modern idea of America as some sort of bottomless repository for the world's cast-offs, refugees, downtrodden, and the like from every far flung corner of the globe is about as insane a way to build and or maintain a county's population as I could personally concieve. The overwhelming percentage of immigrants to the US since the drastic policy change in the mid 1960's have come from the third-world(or so-called developing nations if you prefer) - and many, of course, have come illegally. Nearly all of the latter(some 12-15 million by most estimations)(and no small quantity of the former)are generally unskilled, uneducated, often only semi-literate in their native tongues and altogether unfamiliar with the English language. That many people, in that short a period of time cannot possibly be expected to assimilate into any existing, native culture, if indeed many ara assimilable at all.

In short, the current and recent policies have created no small amount of social chaos, widespread distrust and resentment(from both ends), huge finacial burdens and a host of other problems. All the high-toned rhetoric about multicultural utopias and such do not negate the tremendous issues these foolish, ill-conceived, if even suicidal immigration policies have created.

Look no further than the roots of the mortgage meltdown in the US to see just a samll slice of the fiscal chaos this idiocy has set in motion. Take a look also at the state of California which is basically insolvent at this point and near total finacial collapse. It is no coincidence that souther California is ground zero for the Southern-border invasion into the US. The L.A. County School District is perhaps the most notoriously dysfunctional in the nation, and by nearly all standards a complete failure and embarrassment to a supposed first-world country like America. This is what we want as a country? This is what some arrogantly call "progress?"

Setting aside the more prickly issues of race, ethnicity, etc., just from a purely pragmatic standpoint, the idea that filling America to the brim with all manner of disparate peoples from parts of the world that are almost universally lagging woefully behind the developed world on almost every level, seems to me on its face to be so obviously wrongheaded and ultimately disasterous that only politicians, academics and journalists could possibly think it a good plan...and they do!

Immigration is fine - cynically concoted social-engineering programs to radically alter the demographic make-up of a nation under the rubric of creating and celebrating "diversity" and similarly obtuse sloganisms is as foolhardly as it is destructive - likely for all involved in the long run.
I agree with the last two post and they are accurate to the point. Im totally protectionist. We just spent 30 years importing people and exporting jobs, allowed our corporations, economists and investors to shit down the throat of our own native born citizens. If I had my way the borders would be perminantly closed to any new citizenship or ownership of any property in our country. This includes those that do not fall under the third world catagory or lower class people including Europeans. The house is full go away, take care of your own problems in your country and stay the fuck out of mine you sniveling pussys. We have too many problems of our own, we cant even take care of our own centurys old social and cultural problems . A couple of years ago the issue of the border problem was brought up, build the fence or not? I simply said shoot the first 50 people that cross the border on Monday and the problem will be solved, if idiots still keep coming, keep shooting, we can also help curb any population problems of said country of fleeting people in the process. After all these people seem to have a problem pulling it out so that they dont have more babies than they can afford to feed, they seem to suffer from accute retardation. Gee... my children are starving....... like fucking DUH !

I know the truth of the "racist" card that slides so easily from the tongue of the bleeding hearts society. Im not prejudice, I like and accept these people just fine in their own country.... WHERE THEY BELONG.

I hate the statue of Liberty and wish it would fall into the bay. I hate the other saying that so easily drips from the lips of the ignorant "we are all the children of immigrants", well yeah, so what, big deal, that was then this is now. "Times have changed", after all isnt that what they tell those of us who have had our life directly and negatively impacted by all this new age bullshit, that clearly isnt working. "The new millenium", "the new corporate officers changing the face of the world".

We simply need to stop any and all work visas, green cards, the "if born in the country your a citizen" needs to go imeadiatly and should have been changed decades ago. No one flys or ships in and any crossing the borders by foot or vehical, need to be rounded up and imprisoned for a year in a large minimal necessities, fenced in emcampment in the southern deserts, bread and water... thats it. If that doesnt get the point across, those 50 bullits are a damn cheap deterant. Any of the bleeding heart liberal cry baby traders that want to make a big scene about it can meet the same fate. They are Benedict Arnolds of what is in the best interest of all the people of their country, any one that is a trader to whats in the best interests of ALL the people of this country need to be executed, no one exclusive of this, so that goes for the high and mighty wealthy that have profited in the breaking down of this country.

I'll show you population control, I'll give people something to think about. "times have changed" if death cant work as a detourant it sure will work as a cure.
I think people can hold on to their culture when moving to another country to a certain degree. They must accept the national law, but beliefs/customs which do not harm the society of their new home don't need to be given up.
Forget customs, how about genetics? The last thing we need is this low-IQ criminally-prone pond scum polluting the national genetic stock.
Home sweet home. I don't think I'd be at all comfortable living in any other country than England. I belong to this land.
But I feel it's changing and disintigrating as strangers move in...
Why should I feel a stranger in my homeland?

People are strange when youre a stranger
Faces look ugly when youre alone
Women seem wicked when youre unwanted
Streets are uneven when youre down
When youre strange
Faces come out of the rain
When youre strange
No one remembers your name
When youre strange

Immigration on mass scale should not be allowed. Especially when the cultures contaminating yours are inferior.
There is so much I could say about this topic, but I don't think I will for now.
Personally I'd prefer the borders be closed, but that being said...if we're going to leave it open.

Speak English or GTFO. That's my primary gripe with all of it.
My grip with it all is that they are handed our social security money, drivers licences and citizenship without meeting the requirements, they are negatively impacting our health care system, one reason why insurance rates and care have risin so much, our hospitols are owed so much money they will never get so they get what they "need" from sources that pay, they makes babies like its the fashion of the day, they file law suits in an attempt to win the law suit lottery, they complain about not be accomadated and catered too, they are keeping the rate of lower wage jobs low, just to name a few things that come to mind
My grip with it all is that they are handed our social security money, drivers licences and citizenship without meeting the requirements, they are negatively impacting our health care system, one reason why insurance rates and care have risin so much, our hospitols are owed so much money they will never get so they get what they "need" from sources that pay, they makes babies like its the fashion of the day, they file law suits in an attempt to win the law suit lottery, they complain about not be accomadated and catered too, they are keeping the rate of lower wage jobs low, just to name a few things that come to mind

All true. It must be understood though, that they(the immigrants/invaders) can only do this with the full blessing of America's elected officials at the Federal level all the way down to the local municipality...and sadly, the tacit approval of not a few citizens who are either too terrified of being called a "xenophobe" or "racist" to protest, or the legions of liberal do-gooders who insist this is all just wonderful for America.

Of course, it is also true that many of the "immigrants" do indeed take every opportunity to exploit the situation in every possible way, for their own selfish benefit as well. The whole relationship is a diabolical and parasitic scheme that is rapidly transforming whole regions of the country to foreign satellite-states with no allegiance to the host nation whatsoever - and for what? Cheap labor and burritos stands?

If that is a sound and sensible immigration policy then I have truly heard and seen it all.
Americans do not wear turbans, burkas or tea towels on heads for any reason so take them off if you move here. There are plenty of cheap empty houses available. Come on in.
Americans do not wear turbans, burkas or tea towels on heads for any reason so take them off if you move here. There are plenty of cheap empty houses available. Come on in.

Let's invite the whites currently stuck in South Africa, the land of rape and murder, to come over.
for me personally, my biggest problem with the people immigrating to the USA, is the language barrier with the ones that refuse to learn to speak english
i can understand not knowing english if you're just visiting some friends in the states, but you've got all these pregnant women traveling to the states to give birth (i think term is "anchor babies") where because the baby was born in the states, they can get their older children enrolled in school here and get on welfare/medicaid/medicare/foodstamps etc etc, and for many of these women, they never learn english where they have their oldest kid serve as translator when they have to speak to non-latinos, then you've got males that come here when they're in their early 20's looking for work, they get into minimum wage jobs, spend several decades here and they don't learn english either, that's horrendously wrong, these people should learn english if they're gonna be here
What are your opinions on Immigration into the United States?

I think that immigration is fine as long as the immigrants understand where they are and what their responsibilities are.
I do not care for their culture, I do not care for their traditions or backwards world view. That is irrelevant.
Loyalty. Loyalty is the core value. They are coming to our lands because they have some problems back home, or they want to take advantage of our superior healthcare or education system.
So they OWE us their loyalty, their undying loyalty. They must never forget that we took them in, we offered them a chance, we gave them help.
Loyalty is not whinging, loyalty is not making allegations of racism, loyalty is not segregating yourself.
Loyalty is loving your country and standing by your government, through right or wrong.
If they have that then they are my compatriots and I will respect them.
If not then they should get out, leave right away and never complain that they weren't given a chance.

The better idea is to fix the country they are trying to escape. I will use Mexico and the United States as an example.

The Mexicans that are leaving Mexico are not leaving because they think the U.S. is necessarily better. They are leaving because Mexico is corrupt and doesn't give a shit about their citizens. Mexico is still run by the Spanish elite, while the rest of their people struggle or starve.

The U.S. has no problem bringing them in because they get cheap labor and save money (anyone who buys this shit that the U.S. is trying to stop illegial immigration is completely wrong). The Mexican Immigrants win too because they get a job and can provide for their families. And the biggest winner of them all? The Mexican government. They not only get rid of people they don't want, these people they don't want bring all that money they made in the states and dump it back into the Mexican economy.

So who here would want this to stop? No one, of course. Everyone gets something, and the only people who suffer are the U.S. citizens who no longer can find work.

The solution: Force the Mexican government to take responsibility by creating jobs and providing support to these people. Trust me, these Mexicans don't want to leave. They don't like U.S. culture (maybe some do, but many more do not) and that is why they do not assimilate. They want to make U.S. money while retaining their Mexican culture.

You fix this by forcing the United States to NOT allow Mexicans in and to drop this shit on the doorstep of the Mexican government. Only then will Mexico have to do something about this, and once that's done, Mexicans can stay in Mexico, and the U.S. no longer has an immigration issue.

That is how you fucking solve this piece of shit mess that has been created.
You have a good theory 10293847, politics is a major force in all this immigration and "global" bullshit. I believe our government has sat by and watched our jobs evaporate because they feel it is for a "better good", which is getting these other countries industrious and less waring, less inhumane to their people, less pissed off at the rest of the successful world. Then of course if you let people from these other countries into ours and they write home telling about how good they are doing, it will all catch on and eventually the rest of the world will become what is called Westernized as well as capitalized. Thing is it is completely against the interest of our own people whom our government is paid, very casually... to serve and protect.

Of course the other governmental interest is that of supporting their brunch buddies who are corporate officers, investors... basically the good ol boys club of the rich elite that profit emmencely from cheap labor of outsourced jobs... then the immigration thing, they get the middle class on their side becasue they get cheap babysitting, house cleaning, yard maintenence and other benefits of this cheaper than cheap illegal and legal migrant labor.

So the entire country is mixed about how they feel about the entire mess.

All I know is this place is a shit hole compared to what it was when I grew up in the 60's and far worse than it was in the late 70's when I hit the "uneducated" job market.

Im not saying its a shit hole because we have people of different color skin or cultures, though I dont like that either, but that is mostly an agitating inconvience as well as makes a native born feel their culture is threatened. Its all the economical problems involved that really boils my blood
I forgot : forcing other governments to do ______. Has never worked and typically seems to go the wrong way. Middle East is prime example, Iran, Iraq. All the selling of arms to _____ country.... that never worked out well either. The ignorant fuckers just turn them on themselves and became wanna be military titans. I know the States are viewed as meddleing, bullies but I also know the reasons behind this is to get these countries to chill the fuck out and become happily capitalistic. I do in a way understand the resistance to this way of life by many, when I also look around and see how screwed up unleashed capitalism has become. Cant blame less advanced countries from not wanting their children to become electronic game vegetables... to give one example.......
Reo wrote this song nearly 30 yrs ago, one needs to see beyond simply interpreting the words at face value but I find it interesting the reality it holds.... yet today

Golden country your face is so red
With all of your money your poor can be fed
You strut around and you flirt with disaster
Never really carin' just what comes after
Well your blacks are dyin' but your back is still turned
And your freaks are cryin' but your back is still turned
You better stop your hidin or your country will burn
The time has come for you my friend
To all this ugliness we must put an end
Before we leave we must make a stand

Mortgage people you crawl to your homes
Your security lies in your bed of white foam
You act concerned but then why turn away
When a lady was raped on your doorstep today
Well your blacks are cryin' but your back is still turned
And your freaks are dyin' but your back is still turned
You better stop your hidin or your country will burn
The time has come for you my friend
To all this ugliness we must put an end
Before we leave we must make a stand, oh yeah......

Golden country your face is so red
With all of your money your poor can be fed
You strut around and you flirt with disaster
Never really carin' just what comes after
Well your blacks are dyin' but your back is still turned
And your freaks are cryin' but your back is still turned
You better stop your hidin or your country will burn
The time has come for you my friend
To all this ugliness we must put an end
Before we leave we must make a stand
If everything could have its "flow", we would be free to kill those who threaten our well being, impede on our territory, steal or lower the value of our jobs, our worth as citizens. However this is not how things are, this is what laws and regulations are about. So take your biggot card and shove it deep, the most ignorant biggots are those who do not get it. The problems of racist callers stems from what side of the fence they are on{benefit or loss}, their race itself, their demographic and a whole lot of denial.
The States is the single most country affected by immigration and I muse at those from elsewhere that think they have a valid opinion on any of it.

I would gander that if the people of the states were honestly informed of all the negatives of immigration, all the abuse of our system, all the free handouts at our expense and had not been subject to decades of desensitization and guilt imposing political correctness... an overwhelming majority would be dead set against any immigration what so ever.

Regardless of any of this, the countries origional governing body was set up so that no majority could impose their will to the detriment of others in the country. The detriment of immigration in current times is astounding and no one has the right to impose this on the people its so negatively affecting. Best example that comes to mind now is the free money thats handed to immigrants via our social security funds, that have been said to be in collapse for decades... all while the gov. continues to raise the age at which younger generations will be able to retire and draw their social security funds... which we have spent generations of lives contributing too.

So here we have two bodies, immigrants and the shakers and rollers benefiting from immigration, telling common citizens when they can retire because it effects none of them what so ever. A classic case of cant see it from our house.