Stricter Immigration laws = Viva La Mejico?

hahahaha. thats pretty cool DL, canada is still REALLY easy to immigrate to, so we dont' have as much of an illegal immigrant problem. Just lots of "refugees" from china.
yeah, the US gov't loves its citizens and watches out for their best interests

CA nailed it, I guess it's better to be broke in the US where you can leech off the tax-paying public as opposed to, say Mexico, where know one gives a fuck.
SEE: "leech off the tax-paying public"

But seriously, why did y'all want to come here? Did you see Baywatch or something?
cause their own govt is corrupt and people want to better themselves?

I think this answers your question J.
just go live in Romania for a month and you will be like ... ahhhhhh :loco:
lol @ J. People want to live at America because its a lot less corrupt, and because hard work can really get you somewhere here, a lot moreso than other places. It's the same way with canada.
I was simply so amazed somebody else already didn't say it that I had to. Ah the powers of a hot chick on the internet. You have no idea how fast you would have been called on that otherwise. :p

Edit: Waits to be slapped by Care Crew members.