illegal immigration story


80's thrash-miester
Jul 23, 2004
Seattle, WA

If this link works, read this story about how the republicans are being warned not to bring up illegal immigration at the convention this year. It's fucked up because you would expect conservatives to be, well, CONSERVATIVE on this issue....unfortunately, it looks like WE, as americans are doomed to slowly watch our country turn into a third world tower of babble!! Due of course, to illegal aliens, working off the books, who refuse to speak English. If it were up to me, illegal immigration would be stopped. Period, end of story. Massive enforcement. And sweeps of current illegals residing here. Secondly, I would cut the number of LEGAL immigrants WAY down.

Aren't there already WAY too many immigrants here already? Unemployed, living off of welfare, and refusing to integrate? It's not the same as it was 100 years ago, when OUR relatives came here. It's totally fucked up now. We need to gain control of it.

Speke' Engle' or die!! :yell:
Yeah, and check it out. Not only did Goerge Bush refuse to bring up the issue, he actually catered to spanish-speaking voters with a line en' espanol...

And of course noone else is gonna bring it up if it doesn't exist!! :erk:
The only problem with your theory is...who is going to work in the fields picking vegetables, and fruits. Who is going to work in our nations resteraunts cooking, cleaning etc. I enjoy having a strawberry smoothie every morning, and I go out to eat at least 4 times a week. I do not want to pay higher prices for my fruit, nor do I want my favorite resteraunts to go out of business due to no workers. Show me a willing American that will pick my fruit, work in a resteraunt, clean my hotel room. There are none. Thats why I dont really give a fuck. These people are not stealing any jobs from Americans, because most Americans are to lazy to do that type of work, or they feel that they deserve 15 bucks an hour. Bullshit.

Captain_Steel said:

If this link works, read this story about how the republicans are being warned not to bring up illegal immigration at the convention this year. It's fucked up because you would expect conservatives to be, well, CONSERVATIVE on this issue....unfortunately, it looks like WE, as americans are doomed to slowly watch our country turn into a third world tower of babble!! Due of course, to illegal aliens, working off the books, who refuse to speak English. If it were up to me, illegal immigration would be stopped. Period, end of story. Massive enforcement. And sweeps of current illegals residing here. Secondly, I would cut the number of LEGAL immigrants WAY down.

Aren't there already WAY too many immigrants here already? Unemployed, living off of welfare, and refusing to integrate? It's not the same as it was 100 years ago, when OUR relatives came here. It's totally fucked up now. We need to gain control of it.

Speke' Engle' or die!! :yell: