lmmigration today

I'm kinda John Kerry on this issue. I mean, I flip-flop on the issue. Somedays I think we should kick out those who "broke into" my country. Other days I sympathize with those who dream of coming to America seeking fortune. I saw-- and I'm being 100% honest here-- American Tail on Telemundo a few weeks ago. That, my friends, is the American Dream. Well, that and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
So anyway, I go back and forth on the issue. But for the most part I agree with my brother-in-law who said, "As long as they pay their taxes, they can stay."
I am 100% for legal immigration. This country is beautiful and diverse, and I like it that way.

I am 100% against illeagal immigration. Good jobs are scarce and taxes are high enough as it is without a bunch of people getting away with not having to pay like the rest of us.

Take tha damn test and get your papers, it's not that hard.
Australia has similar problems.

We get a lot of `boat' people who travel from the Asian region (Indonesia, etc) to our land - assylum seekers and so forth... its really a hard situation - on one hand these people have to be dealt with as its Illegal but then again turning back to their countries (sometimes where they are persecuted) is tough also.

I honestly dont' know what the solution is. My parents were legal migrants to this country over 40 years ago. I have friends who have relatives in worn torn countries who for over decades have tried to legally bring them here to our peaceful nation.

Yet I see the deseparation of these illegal immigrants and I think do we just turn a blind eye - hole them up in those atrocious camps we have.

I will openly admit I am too naive of all the fine details on this to really make a final opionated statement.
fuck the queue jumpers,they are stopping the good people that try and go thru the right channels to get here,those people fucking hate us and we are expected to take anyone into this beautiful country,we have to draw the line somewhere,it will end up ruining australia it has already ruined america in a way....
I think this is one issue where people's opinions (including my own) really do not matter. Right or wrong, a law is a law. It is not legal to come to the US without your papers. It is not legal to work under the table to avoid paying taxes.

Immigration is something the USA has thrived on for years. We welcome immigrants from all nations. All we ask is that they take an easy test or keep their visa current. It's not asking much, we just wanna keep everyone legal. As big brother as it may seem, everyone in this country has to be identified by a number. When you have people running around takeing jobs and commiting crimes and you can't identify them, it fucks up the whole works. The fact that our Government even had to think twice about the right way to handle this blows my fucking mind. They wrote the laws, then they turn around and say "maybe we should just let them stay."

This country may have been founded by crazy ass white people who raped and pillaged a land that was once peacfull and tame - but things are different now. Laws are laws. If I, a legal US citizen can't break them, a border jumper should not be allowed to either.
mrthrax said:
fuck the queue jumpers,they are stopping the good people that try and go thru the right channels to get here,those people fucking hate us and we are expected to take anyone into this beautiful country,we have to draw the line somewhere,it will end up ruining australia it has already ruined america in a way....

It's not that black and white dude... I wish it were but it isn't.
Thrillho said:
I think this is one issue where people's opinions (including my own) really do not matter. Right or wrong, a law is a law. It is not legal to come to the US without your papers. It is not legal to work under the table to avoid paying taxes.

Immigration is something the USA has thrived on for years. We welcome immigrants from all nations. All we ask is that they take an easy test or keep their visa current. It's not asking much, we just wanna keep everyone legal. As big brother as it may seem, everyone in this country has to be identified by a number. When you have people running around takeing jobs and commiting crimes and you can't identify them, it fucks up the whole works. The fact that our Government even had to think twice about the right way to handle this blows my fucking mind. They wrote the laws, then they turn around and say "maybe we should just let them stay."

This country may have been founded by crazy ass white people who raped and pillaged a land that was once peacfull and tame - but things are different now. Laws are laws. If I, a legal US citizen can't break them, a border jumper should not be allowed to either.

So having a crime commited by a person with a social security number makes it easier to solve? I missed that episode of CSI. As far as taking jobs goes I woulld gamble that the illegal population is in bulk working the botom barrel shitty jobs. All neccasary but not desired....again a key part of the economy. The reason nobody know how to andle this is becuase it's more complicated then your making it.
You should try living in good old blighty!
We lost control of our borders years ago.
We're one of the most densely populated places going these days. We've no more room. It's fucking getting worse.
These days on the train to work its fucking scary.

And don't even talk about the government - have you heard the outrage about the release of foreign prisoners over here? Most of which were illegal immigrants. Oh, and Bulgaria will be joining the EU soon - and where do you think those fuckers are gonna head towards?
And Afghan hi-jackers - look what happened to those cunts. Free housing, benefit, health care etc. No wonder BNP votes are increasing. Although I would never vote for them racist fucks.

Fuck labour, fuck the government, fuck the EU, strengthen our borders, throw out the illegals. Fucking joke.
NO Comment.....

But my father was born in Missouri, his father was born in Missouri, part of the Confederacy......F- the Union!!!!!! LOL!!!! My last name is the same.....
whitey131 said:
So having a crime commited by a person with a social security number makes it easier to solve? I missed that episode of CSI. As far as taking jobs goes I woulld gamble that the illegal population is in bulk working the botom barrel shitty jobs. All neccasary but not desired....again a key part of the economy. The reason nobody know how to andle this is becuase it's more complicated then your making it.

I'm saying in order to prosecute and identify people properly, it helps if they actually belong here in the first place. That's not my rule, so don't come at me like I'm some nazi.

I know a lot of good, legal people who work said "shitty" jobs. They do it legaly, and they do it because right now, it's all they have for money. Unfortunatley, we all need money to live here. At least these people pay taxes on their wages like the rest of us. They did not sneak here in the back of a van in the middle of a night, only to get a cook or a dishwasher fired from his post the next day because he offered the same work for less money.

Years back I lost a job - one of the best jobs I ever had - because our whole kitchen was taken over with illeagal mexicans who offered cheaper labor then us. Sad thing is, as much as I liked the job, I did not get paid very well.

Good thing the INS is no more.

For the record, I am not against mexicans - I understand they have hardships and are trying to do better for themselves and for their families. That is what any normal person would do - but there is a legal way to do it, and it is not very hard. We have many hardships as legal citizens to - some of us much more then others, but a lot of us still have them Most of the Mexicans I have met are very cool, very hardworking people. They deserve to come here and make a home for themselves - I just want them to pay taxes like everyone else. By becoming a citizen, they are only helping themselves more in the long-run. Better pay. Healthcare. Pensions and Social Security money, investments, bank accounts, etc... Why anyone would want to be in the USA and choose to stay illegal is beyone me.

All I am getting at is that charity should start at the home. This country is drowning in it's own problems right now, and shit like this is just distracting us from what really needs to take priority.
This is almost as funny as the war on drugs- NOT. Illegals have been such a large part of where I live for ages. Yes I get pissed when I know we pay for their health care and that when they're children our born here they are citizens. Now for the work they do I don't see fucking toothless fucking white trash tweekers volunteering to sell me flowers or oranges on the side of the road. $$$$ is the key - illegal workers do the shit work and save companies\individuals a lot of it.

Don't forget the 911 terrorist cam thru Canada.

This is a no win situation maybe if we took a better look at the war on drugs and their illegality we might not need this discussion.

BTW may Mom's side of the family were white migrant farmers due to the dust bowl and WWII.

Build a wall bull shit - give me my taxes back.

word. I think taxes is what has most of us upset. I know that is one mof my main beefs with this whole thing.

Canada is an issue too, I agree, but we must prioratize. Not only that, pretty soon you will need a passport to travel between the US and Canada. Which does not really provide a 100% solution, but it is a start. I don't know why any Canadian citizen would want to sneak into the USA though - from what I hear Canadians have it pretty sweet. The hijackers were a special circumstance and we just have to hope that shit like that never happens again. If their will is strong enough, they will penetrate the US one way or the other, but it makes you feel like a dipshit when you learned they were able to just waltz in here.
Thrillho said:

word. I think taxes is what has most of us upset. I know that is one mof my main beefs with this whole thing.

Canada is an issue too, I agree, but we must prioratize. Not only that, pretty soon you will need a passport to travel between the US and Canada. Which does not really provide a 100% solution, but it is a start. I don't know why any Canadian citizen would want to sneak into the USA though - from what I hear Canadians have it pretty sweet. The hijackers were a special circumstance and we just have to hope that shit like that never happens again. If their will is strong enough, they will penetrate the US one way or the other, but it makes you feel like a dipshit when you learned they were able to just waltz in here.

On a tax level though either the illegal is paid under the table at sub minimum wage or they use some other Social security number. Most of them have taxes taken out and never file for fear of getting caught. Everybody pay realestate taxes (it's built in if your a renter) and everyone pays sales tax. There are plenty of people her legally without insurance and dodging the government bullet.

I agree it's messed up you can just walk in.

I propose this policy.

If you can reach the US from your country of orgin in an inner tube or life raft, you are now a citizen....welcome to America.

For Mexico we will allow once a year for you to enter the US from anypoint on our border in texas, however that day will also be mexican hunting day in texas. 3 mexican limit will be enforced.

For Canada, if you are willing to admit that curling is not a sport, welcome aboard.
that's what I was saying before - we have our own problems we should deal with first. Our country is packed with criminals, insane people, homeless people, dirty politicians, etc....

We should take out our own trash before we have to sift through Mexico's trash. We have people dying on our own streets, we are fighting a war in the middle east that keeps getting worse, and the approval raitings for our government are at an all time low. Everyone wants to be a patriot but no one wants to take out the trash. Typical fat ass america.

whitey131 said:
or they use some other Social security number.

this goes along with the other shit I was saying. That is not only a very fucked up thing to do, it is illeagal. Ever have someone use your SSN as if it were there own? I have. It's not fun trying to prove to TransUnion that you never filed for bankrupcy in 1976.
you all missed the bigger point though, if the lack of caring and consideration by the business owner and middle and upper class in mexico did their part like we do here...oh yeah tax collection in mexico is a fucking joke.

why pay taxes for social services we'll send em over the border instead.
Bleearg said:
:lol: The same guy who ranted the Confederate flag is racist supports genocide of Mexicans. Fuckin' Bigot!

Your a friggen brainiac. I guess you can't take a joke, I thought it was pretty obvious, but I guess no.