

Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
It's highly unlikely, but does anyone here have any contacts in the Department of Immigration? The lazy sods don't seem to want to get off their arses and process Mrs Winmar's visa, so she's stuck over there while I'm slogging it out here.

If anyone knows anyone who I could talk to, it'd be much appreciated if you could hook me up. Obviously an Iron Maiden board isn't the best place to seek information of this sort, but I'm getting desperate!

God I've gotta make this thread relate to metal somehow. Hmmmm well she does like to sing a bit of Megadeth, and wears one of my Maiden t-shirts around.......... :)
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sorry i cant help specifically, but i've heard that if you write a letter to your local mp, and they're willing to help you out, they might be able to "have a chat" to immigration and speed things up. someone told my parents that when we were trying to bring my grandparents over, aparantley it worked for them, but we didn't try it, but i guess its worth a shot
Haha that game's a pisser. :)

I emailed a local MP on the weekend. She hasn't got back to me yet....hopefully she will though. It'd be really nice if someone like her could help me. Did your grandparents come out from Ireland?

What's your immigration problem, Bev and Mark? You're still having them now? What a pain!
Well, not really a problem - just in September my 1-year 'ok, you can work now but we'll be checking up to make sure you're still married' visa runs out. Then we apply for one saying I can stay here for as long as I wish (I think).
nope, from india, we applied for them in about 96 and they're STILL on the waiting list, they're just here for a holiday....fucking immigration!
good luck, hope your local mp help's you out, should speed things up a bit
Ah yep, I getcha Mark. That's the stage she will be at in a year (if she ever bloody gets here).

1996 - that's soooo long ago! Bloody hell, I was in year 12 then and have done a fair bit in that time. Woah! Why so long?
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we have no idea, they stuffed us around for years!then the office processing their application moved to perth, they've been alot more helpful and they said *hopefully* by next year they'll be granted PR status. i can't believe it's taken so long! and i definately 2nd what mark's said, immigration are the biggest pricks ever!
And I'll definitely 3rd that! No arguments from me!

We got an email from the department last night. Now they're requesting that we do extra stuff, which they really should have asked us to do months ago. Also they said my dad had provided the wrong form for assurance of support. I submitted that in January, and they tell us that now! Methinks they haven't looked at it for three months. They're getting paid taxpayers' money to provide this appalling service.
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Rule no. 17 in customer service: if someone calls about something a few months after they've sent it in, say that you are either doing it today (what a coincidence!), that the forms or whatever the customer was requesting were sent yesterday (but may have missed yesterday afternoon's mail so they won't get it for a few days, therefore giving you time to quickly do what was requested) or that your office hasn't received it and therefore it must have been lost.

Yours sincerely,

Someone who knows. :)
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