Ya know, we've been all over Butt Love Balm for his comments to Danny "Brown err I mean Lazy Eye" Spitz. But Butt has had said some good stuff before and after!!! Let's review!!
* "God I missed you" Butt's most infamous line. Not only did this line bring about accusations of man love lust from Butt in Dan's direction, but the whole discussion thread exposed Dan as a fraud!
* "I've been an Anthrax fan since I was five" HAHAHAHA Butt is 23, that puts him at 5 when Fistful of Metal came out! What a load of shit that is! Did anyone here give a hoot about anything other than kindergarten, crayola, He-Man, Star Wars, GI Joe, and Marvel Comics Secret Wars when they were 5??? OK, I also liked my g/f Brooke, because her mom and my mom used to let us "date" after school on Fridays when we went to happy meals!!! But Anthrax? Who in the fuck would;ve listened to Anthrax when they were 5. And fistful makes it even less likely. If you were 5 when "I'm the Man" came out, I could possible believe it. Because I did know who KISS and Alice were when I was 5, but I couldn't have cared less, I was more into toys and cartoons.
* "If someone would tell me how to tape from VCR to VCR, I'd tape it for them"
Butt's latest hit single! Wow, we're really talking rocket science here!! I wonder what Butt does for a living, because audio/video cables and RCA jacks are apparently overwhelming for him
I think my five year old niece (who doesn't like any metal bands because no 5 year olds do) can hook up one VCR to the other!
Anybody else have any quotes
* "God I missed you" Butt's most infamous line. Not only did this line bring about accusations of man love lust from Butt in Dan's direction, but the whole discussion thread exposed Dan as a fraud!
* "I've been an Anthrax fan since I was five" HAHAHAHA Butt is 23, that puts him at 5 when Fistful of Metal came out! What a load of shit that is! Did anyone here give a hoot about anything other than kindergarten, crayola, He-Man, Star Wars, GI Joe, and Marvel Comics Secret Wars when they were 5??? OK, I also liked my g/f Brooke, because her mom and my mom used to let us "date" after school on Fridays when we went to happy meals!!! But Anthrax? Who in the fuck would;ve listened to Anthrax when they were 5. And fistful makes it even less likely. If you were 5 when "I'm the Man" came out, I could possible believe it. Because I did know who KISS and Alice were when I was 5, but I couldn't have cared less, I was more into toys and cartoons.
* "If someone would tell me how to tape from VCR to VCR, I'd tape it for them"
Butt's latest hit single! Wow, we're really talking rocket science here!! I wonder what Butt does for a living, because audio/video cables and RCA jacks are apparently overwhelming for him

Anybody else have any quotes