Butt Love Balms Greatest Hits


Ya know, we've been all over Butt Love Balm for his comments to Danny "Brown err I mean Lazy Eye" Spitz. But Butt has had said some good stuff before and after!!! Let's review!!

* "God I missed you" Butt's most infamous line. Not only did this line bring about accusations of man love lust from Butt in Dan's direction, but the whole discussion thread exposed Dan as a fraud!

* "I've been an Anthrax fan since I was five" HAHAHAHA Butt is 23, that puts him at 5 when Fistful of Metal came out! What a load of shit that is! Did anyone here give a hoot about anything other than kindergarten, crayola, He-Man, Star Wars, GI Joe, and Marvel Comics Secret Wars when they were 5??? OK, I also liked my g/f Brooke, because her mom and my mom used to let us "date" after school on Fridays when we went to happy meals!!! But Anthrax? Who in the fuck would;ve listened to Anthrax when they were 5. And fistful makes it even less likely. If you were 5 when "I'm the Man" came out, I could possible believe it. Because I did know who KISS and Alice were when I was 5, but I couldn't have cared less, I was more into toys and cartoons.

* "If someone would tell me how to tape from VCR to VCR, I'd tape it for them"
Butt's latest hit single! Wow, we're really talking rocket science here!! I wonder what Butt does for a living, because audio/video cables and RCA jacks are apparently overwhelming for him:lol: I think my five year old niece (who doesn't like any metal bands because no 5 year olds do) can hook up one VCR to the other!

Anybody else have any quotes
It was Spreading the Disease I first liked, Not Fistful of Metal it was rufly 18 years. My cousin would Play it all the time when i was at her house, and it grew on me from hering it all the time, and yes the vcr to vcr thing I tried doing it ones a long time ago and wasent able to ge it to record, fuckin kill me dude, you really have alot of time on your hands to be doing this dont you?..I am sorry I am not real smart, I cant help it..So is there anyway you could just chill out on the shit talkin man?..
in all honestly if you don't like buddy ignore him
and if he is gay why take the piss?! (im not saying he is cause i don't no if he is
you all come here to talk about anthrax joke around not take the piss out of each other
my silly rant over
Really man what do you get out of talkin shit
about me?.. is it that
fun?. aint there someone else you could talk shit
to on the board?..
Funny thing is, I have done nothing to you... yet
you bash the shit out
of me, yes I have been a Anthrax fan from age 5
or 6, big deal, whats
your point of pointing that out, i have a pic of
me in first grade with a
Anthrax shirt on.. anyways man, could you chill
bro, this is all un
called for...

It's all good love balm, really it is!
I have a buddy in my group of friends named Sam who is pretty much the butt of all our shit, and he asked me one day why we picked on him so hard and I said, "Because you make it so easy."
Originally posted by Jeffasin
I have a buddy in my group of friends named Sam who is pretty much the butt of all our shit, and he asked me one day why we picked on him so hard and I said, "Because you make it so easy."

Yeah, before someone goes off like "man, you are so hard on him, you are cruel" just remember, this is a fucking BB We're here for fun. Butt practically begs for it, having the Ambiguously Gay Duo as his avatar. Add to that his horrible grasp of the English language, and brilliant quotes like "I am sorry I am not real smart" make it easy. Get a grip.:spin:
Originally posted by Jeffasin
I have a buddy in my group of friends named Sam who is pretty much the butt of all our shit, and he asked me one day why we picked on him so hard and I said, "Because you make it so easy."

yes sir, we got 2 of them in our school. They try so hard to be cool and shit and we just shut them down all the time. One of them is a real fucking loser and the other is a stoner loser and man we bash on them all the time and they fight between eachother an un-named battle about "who is the biggest loser." QUITE COMICAL we exclude them from all activites, they dont drink with us, pull pranks, and everytime they jump in our convo, we fucking demolish them till they give a silent resignation, HILARIOUS
Originally posted by TD
Alex Stomp is gonna love it when his drunken self turns his PC back on:

That my friends, is a revelation from our friend Butt Love Balm

How'd you know I was drunk??? Time on our hands ??? Yes we do. In case you haven't noticed, there's a A FUCKING BLIZZARD outside !!!!!!!!! Read that over a million times until you understand it......