Stricter Immigration laws = Viva La Mejico?


hahaha, this rules. It would be even better if said in a John Wayne accent. Then he could like, shoot a few people and stuff. And everyone would be confused. Except me, I'd just be laughing. Why? Because everything is funny. EVERYTHING.
even nationalism?

BTW im not trying to preach nationalism, i just feel if you want to immigrate to a country do it properly and dont complain when you get locked for doing it illegally. A country has a right to say who should come in and who shouldnt for the good of the land and if they are coming illegally there is no way to 'filter' so to speak.
Rodrigo said:
@Claws: No offense taken dude.

@Reign: Actually I stand completely in favor with that House bill to the disbelief of many people.

Right on brother, what burns my bridges is seeing these people come into this country, exploit the freedoms of this nation, and then still be so proud of where they came from. O.K that's your roots, this I understand. But granted, who the hell is buttering your bread? Surely not Vincente Fox's mustache. How hard is it for the country of Mexico to rise from the ashes and take themselves out of their 3rd world hovel way of life, and provide opportunity for it's people? Hell China is becoming a global power with a billion people strong. India is following suit. But Mexico, it's like they don't even try."Oh just hop over the fence and tu vida will be muy bueno!"

With this being said, give me a 100 mexicans over 1 darkie anyday. :blush:
way to bring up the fact you got your asses spanked back in the 1800's. santa anna was a pussy

minor insults aside, fighting for illegal immigration is just stupid. just stay in your own goddamn country. we don't want any.
Claws of Perdition said:
even nationalism?
Nationalism is WAY funny. I mean people feeling some connection to a specific political border because they happened to be born there is HILARIOUS. "Gee I sure am glad momma decided to cop a squat in Uruguay to fart me out of her womb!"

It's like that time that Hank Hill, Mr. I Love Texas himself, found out he was born in NYC and got all depressed! HAHAHA!
Claws of Perdition said:
even nationalism?

BTW im not trying to preach nationalism, i just feel if you want to immigrate to a country do it properly and dont complain when you get locked for doing it illegally. A country has a right to say who should come in and who shouldnt for the good of the land and if they are coming illegally there is no way to 'filter' so to speak.

you're right of course, but then the hippies and tree huggers wanna believe the majority of these people actually contribute to the good of society (pay taxes, etc.)

i have an idea, why dont these same people open their own houses to these immigrants.
Reign in Acai said:
With this being said, give me a 100 mexicans over 1 darkie anyday. :blush:

i dunno, ill take spics over my pals if i ever needed a drive-by done. we keep hearing about all the drug cartel murders down in nuevo laredo. apparently spics can shoot straight.

RE: Nationalism-I dont see what's wrong with it.
lol @ krig.

We have a major problem over here in Australia with muslims im not saying all are bad, but we get the "fuck you you aussie piece of shit" WHAT FUCKING COUNTRY ARE YOU LIVING IN YOU TOWEL HEAD FUCK!!!1!
If you want to come to this country i think you should take on a certain set of ideals, not discard your previous way of life but except tyour new country and embrace it not try to rot it from the core like you did to lebanon. /rant