
The Tragedy Of Man said:
What is death, and perhaps more importantly, what follows it? Do we pass into another world - what kind of world?

I like Schopenhauer: after death as before death.

And the Bhagavad-Gita: nothing created, nothing destroyed, simply a continuum.
Death actually fascinates me. I would like to organize my own death on my terms. Not by chance. I think that when the time comes, I would much rather pull the switch than someone else. I want that power at that precise moment.

When the body goes and the mind has left, there's no sense hanging on for prosperity. Just call it a day and move on.

Choose your method.....hanging, electrocution, lethal injection, the firing squad, the guillotine, the garotte, jumping from a tall building, drowning.....if you had the chance and could experience each type of death once, wouldn't you want to try it? Be honest. Because I would.....just to see what it's like.

I don't think that this is morbid.....just based on my curiosity. I've tried life, as we all have. Don't you want to experience something different? Because I do. It's no different than experiencing a new drug and it's effects.....a new sexual partner and it's potential consequences.....a new job and it's learning curve. It's all relative. And experiences are subjective.
What about this idea: when we die, we lie down for about a hundred years, and then we quietly get up, brush off the dirt, and go to the nearest pub for a drink?
Nonsense, agreed? The idea of reincarnation seems just as crazy as that to me. There is no need for it. (There is conjecture that we may have something called 'race memory' which might give us a feeling we have lived before.)
In fact we are a bundle of genes and if your genes came from a particular gene pool then you will look and think similarly to others in that gene pool. If there happened to be enough people from that pool you would be sharing the world with people who are virtual clones of yourself. If you have an identical twin, that is you basically.
So after your death there would still be people who were you, or near enough, and what if they were different from you anyway? I wouldn't like that so much, but most people would be hypocrits if it mattered to them. So why this narcistic obsession so many have that that their own specific mind or body has to go on forever. It is pointless!
Kenneth R. said:
the destination is not important, it is the journey that matters...
this^^^ kinda reminds me of a quote but i can't remember who it was "if i have to starve to death to get into Heaven, then i'm eating lunch and going to hell" and as a nihilist/chaos theorist/non-Christian i agree with both of them because i'm not going to let any kind of thoughts about an after life prevent me from enjoying this one to the fullest