
You guys caught me. But I consering eating part of sex. Well my favorite part. I treat my wife like XMAS its better to give than receive. Damn I'm hungry.
A lot of the LA based rappers are from the Long Beach\Compton area and my city is like a suburb of Long Beach. My city is close the border of LA and Orange counties. And I am also a town away from James Hetfield grew up!!
DarbysDad said:
I fucked sheep...So What, So What you boring little fucks. (Sorry for bad paraphrasing) :loco:
oK, first off, when i started this thread, i didn't mean for it to get out of was just a fucking question(!) and only ONE person bothered to answer it! --thanx. second, i'm still hungry!!! all I got was was ok but I need prime rib dammit! and i need some beer...and a good movie...come to think of it, in order to get all that, i need some money first:yell: oh well, another paycheck down the toilet. at least i was able to by my ticket to see Anthrax in buffalo. :tickled:
crystlpalace said:
oK, first off, when i started this thread, i didn't mean for it to get out of was just a fucking question(!) and only ONE person bothered to answer it! --thanx. second, i'm still hungry!!! all I got was was ok but I need prime rib dammit! and i need some beer...and a good movie...come to think of it, in order to get all that, i need some money first:yell: oh well, another paycheck down the toilet. at least i was able to by my ticket to see Anthrax in buffalo. :tickled:
I could use a prime rib too!!! and the winning Lotto ticket. At least your gonna see thrax!!!
Metal Maiden said:
crystal-You must know that we hardly ever stay on topic around here. And if some of us can turn the subject to sex, we do. :D
HAHA!!! I totally understand that, Maiden!:D I was just rippin' on you guys...I think this thread is one of the best! (but that's just MY opinion) BTW speaking of sex...I could go for some of that too...but I don't need money for that,
thank god!:Smug: