Album Artwork ideas for SymX for new album


New Metal Member
Nov 17, 2010
The sequel to

It's one thing to make an album cover based on technology or stuff like that, but what would be seriously creative is to make a cover based on today's modern epic' Dragon Ball Z. Imagine how beautiful the artwork would come out like if they made it a stunning background with Son Goku in the middle of the cover, raising his fists and his blonde spiky hair as he turns into a super saiyan? There's a lot of epicness and mystery surrounding this anime show and I'd love to see it being featured in the upcoming SymX album artwork.

Hahahaha. Man, was I high as hell or what? I almost pissed myself laughing when I re-read that thread. I almost also drank my own pissed myself laughing piss, but thankfully I didn't, or un-thankfully.
Yeah man, I laughed so hard from it and really found some inspiration coming from it too. I'm not very original when it comes to making up funny ideas but as you can see I'm still pretty good for a beginner :lol:
the album cover should just be a giant, fresh turd. then the album can be about using the restroom and the pain of having to wipe and wipe and wipe and still no clean wipe
I might write up a new story idea on there for you guys, so you can read it and laugh. I need some inspiration / motivation for that though, and atm I don't have much of that. So might be a while, but you can sure expect it to arrive soon. I guess I could start by reading Canto's ones and then continue from there and use that as the basis for mine. It sure won't be about dogs or something, but expect it to be very silly.

Btw, I'm Yain - so yeah, I do have some experience with it. Some of the ones Ive written at the time are in that thread there.