New Album Ideas for Sym X for 2014

How about a song about apples? Its such a healthy fruit that I dont get how did Symphony X not think about this idea yet?

The song could start with one of the band members taking a bite on an apple, with a crunch sound "Kraof, ruf ruf"(the sound of chewing food in the mouth) and then a guitar solo could come in while the chewing noise is in the background. After that all of the band members can say separately in the song "I LOVE APPLES" and then Russelll would start singing about how healthy and delicious this fruit is. Then at the end of the song they could throw in some sample of them laying on the grass while eating apples in a nice picnic at a public park, encouraging everyone around them to eat the fruit because it makes them so sad to see others not eating it

They would even throw away any other kind of food that they have in their homes and only eat apples for the rest of their lives because this song has basically changed their lives. Then they would even go as far as change the band's name to Apple X to show their eternal love for this fruit. Then they would go perform a special show called The Apple show with all the band members wearing white T-Shirts with the logo "I LOVE APPLES" on the shirt with a red, ripe apples in their hands. Then they would perform the song, and after that they would throw some apples at the crowd to give their fans a taste of what they are all about now! Wow, I wish I would be there myself
Who needs that? Its obvious that Symphony X should change their name to Apple X and eat apples for the rest of their lives. Then the main point of their live shows is to throw apples at the fans, so they can get a taste of it. They could even become the first Apple metal band. I dont think, I KNOW this would work. Its an amazing fruit which deserves a genre and a band all dedicated to it

Who needs that? Its obvious that Symphony X should change their name to Apple X and eat apples for the rest of their lives. Then the main point of their live shows is to throw apples at the fans, so they can get a taste of it. They could even become the first Apple metal band. I dont think, I KNOW this would work. Its an amazing fruit which deserves a genre and a band all dedicated to it


Pears > Apples :Spin: about some sorta asian mythology? i cant think of any specific examples but im sure there are some good ones they could use as a concept. sorry if this idea has been posted previously, as im sure someone has thought of this before. about some sorta asian mythology? i cant think of any specific examples but im sure there are some good ones they could use as a concept. sorry if this idea has been posted previously, as im sure someone has thought of this before.

They did with Lady of the Snow, Yuki-Onna.

Come on Lavages, no negativity here... :Spin:
Hi everyone, sorry for the strange bump. There's a love story I heard about from two of my good friends George and Anthony that I think could be made into a really good Sym X song for upcoming album. We'd hang out with each other quite a bit and at some point Ive got the chance to hear this amazing story from them. They told me the whole story while we were camping at night and were all sitting in a small circle in front of a warm campfire. Now that I know the full story, I'd like to share it with you.

It started when George and Anthony were only 16 years old. They studied at the same high school in the same classroom, and were desperately looking for a gf for themselves. They realized it would be better if they focus on finding one girlfriend for both of them instead of 2 girlfriends for each one of them, because they felt it would be better to share the treasure. After they agreed on that, they started their massive search for their true love. First, they started with their fellow classmate Ashley. You see, Ashley was also quite lonely herself and needed a real man to be able to do love with, or in this case, two men. She had no idea who that will be, but then George and Anthony came up to her and asked her out. She gladly agreed of course because she was just a little teenage girl who couldn't do shit and saying no made her realize that it would break their little hearts. After that, they went outside and walked around the mall trying to find something interesting to do. They entered a clothes store and asked Ashley to try out some new clothes that they were planning to buy for her as a gift. But what they didn't know is how obese Ashley is beneath these cute pink little clothes of her's. So she took a large sweater to try out and undressed herself. George and Anthony walked in and immediately got creeped out by Ashley's belly, "Holy FUCK", they screamed, "Why didnt you tell us you are so fat?". Ashley couldn't believe what they said. She got so offended that they ran away while still being shirtless from taking off her shirt. She didn't get a chance to put the clothes on and got panicked from their response. She ran outside the clothes store, right out of the mall and to the cold lonely streets, when a group of police officers stopped her and arrested her for "illegal public nudity". Anthony and George spoke to the policemen, "Guys, hold on. There must be some mistake....She only took off her clothes because she was going to put on something in the clothes store that we were going to buy for her as gift!", said anthony and george in a loud, sarcastic voice. The policemen then said, "Sorry guys, we're afraid this will be the last time you will get to see that little Ashley of yours, although an elephant would have been a more accurate term for her...". Anthony and George gave up. They knew it wouldn't be worth it, especially because they wanted kids and if they had to marry that woman, they would come out just as obese as her, or even worse. "Whatever", they said in a lazy, exhausted voice, and went back to their homes and straight into their beds. The next morning, they met again at school. The class was about to begin, but then they stopped the teacher, "UH, excuse us, we have to go do something important real quick...", said Anthony and George. The teacher allowed them to leave the classroom, but said, "Be back fast or I'll make you regret the day you were born, you two.". They got really creeped out and ran out of the classroom, straight to the police station and attempted to rescue Ashley, who was arrested last night for running outside naked. "Guys, listen please! It was a mistake, please release Ashley!". They realized there is nothing sexier than a large belly like Ashley had and they knew that an obese 16 year old woman like her would be the ideal match for both of them. After the police declined their request to release her, they admitted their failure to each other to fulfill their mission. They gave up because they knew Ashley would probably never be released from prison. Since then, no one has ever heard from them, and they never showed up at school again. Who knows what they decided to do next? Perhaps one day we will find out.
Hi everyone, sorry for the strange bump. There's a love story I heard about from two of my good friends George and Anthony that I think could be made into a really good Sym X song for upcoming album. We'd hang out with each other quite a bit and at some point Ive got the chance to hear this amazing story from them. They told me the whole story while we were camping at night and were all sitting in a small circle in front of a warm campfire. Now that I know the full story, I'd like to share it with you.

It started when George and Anthony were only 16 years old. They studied at the same high school in the same classroom, and were desperately looking for a gf for themselves. They realized it would be better if they focus on finding one girlfriend for both of them instead of 2 girlfriends for each one of them, because they felt it would be better to share the treasure. After they agreed on that, they started their massive search for their true love. First, they started with their fellow classmate Ashley. You see, Ashley was also quite lonely herself and needed a real man to be able to do love with, or in this case, two men. She had no idea who that will be, but then George and Anthony came up to her and asked her out. She gladly agreed of course because she was just a little teenage girl who couldn't do shit and saying no made her realize that it would break their little hearts. After that, they went outside and walked around the mall trying to find something interesting to do. They entered a clothes store and asked Ashley to try out some new clothes that they were planning to buy for her as a gift. But what they didn't know is how obese Ashley is beneath these cute pink little clothes of her's. So she took a large sweater to try out and undressed herself. George and Anthony walked in and immediately got creeped out by Ashley's belly, "Holy FUCK", they screamed, "Why didnt you tell us you are so fat?". Ashley couldn't believe what they said. She got so offended that they ran away while still being shirtless from taking off her shirt. She didn't get a chance to put the clothes on and got panicked from their response. She ran outside the clothes store, right out of the mall and to the cold lonely streets, when a group of police officers stopped her and arrested her for "illegal public nudity". Anthony and George spoke to the policemen, "Guys, hold on. There must be some mistake....She only took off her clothes because she was going to put on something in the clothes store that we were going to buy for her as gift!", said anthony and george in a loud, sarcastic voice. The policemen then said, "Sorry guys, we're afraid this will be the last time you will get to see that little Ashley of yours, although an elephant would have been a more accurate term for her...". Anthony and George gave up. They knew it wouldn't be worth it, especially because they wanted kids and if they had to marry that woman, they would come out just as obese as her, or even worse. "Whatever", they said in a lazy, exhausted voice, and went back to their homes and straight into their beds. The next morning, they met again at school. The class was about to begin, but then they stopped the teacher, "UH, excuse us, we have to go do something important real quick...", said Anthony and George. The teacher allowed them to leave the classroom, but said, "Be back fast or I'll make you regret the day you were born, you two.". They got really creeped out and ran out of the classroom, straight to the police station and attempted to rescue Ashley, who was arrested last night for running outside naked. "Guys, listen please! It was a mistake, please release Ashley!". They realized there is nothing sexier than a large belly like Ashley had and they knew that an obese 16 year old woman like her would be the ideal match for both of them. After the police declined their request to release her, they admitted their failure to each other to fulfill their mission. They gave up because they knew Ashley would probably never be released from prison. Since then, no one has ever heard from them, and they never showed up at school again. Who knows what they decided to do next? Perhaps one day we will find out.

song? this should be nothing short of a concept album
Hi again guys, sorry for the unexpected bump. I just have another amazing story to share with you that could fit for the upcoming new album. It truly comes from deep within my heart, and I hope you will read and enjoy it.

It could start off where my ex-girlfriend Stacy started going to the same college that I was in. When we first met, our eyes locked for a straight 20 seconds. I couldn't believe my eyes, literally. From that moment onwards, there was not even a single day in our lives where we didn't talk or seen each other.

One thing we really enjoyed doing together is study mathematics. Especially one thing - counting the number of kisses and hugs we'd had each day. She was really good at it - she even wrote down every time her lips touched my delicate body. As for hugs, it was a first come first serve kind of thing. So when we went to class one morning, I remember it clearly, she showed it to the professor and he was truly amazed. His name was Erik. Well, Erik truly appreciated her amazing math skills, and I recall in every exam, or test, that we had - She'd get an A+ every time. Shit guys, can't get enough of her wisdom. So yeah, our studies went really good. Well, in the other professions we were studying, for example, Geology and Architecture - she knew well how to find me. Well, geologically we were supposed to be studying things like nature and how thins grow and stuff, but instead she was quite the naughty kind - she wanted to study me instead! She only cared about what I eat, what hobbies I have, how I swim, how I laugh, how I cry - hell, even what I dream about at night! Obviously, what else could I have dreamed about than her? She is the main focus in my dreams. I dream about a house, kids, and a double sized bed just for the two of us. I knew that we were going to be living together and doing things together, and we were really happy about the future that we were going to build together.

But, now - you're probably asking, "but you said she was your ex-girlfriend!!" - Yes, I know I know. After we finished college, things started to get really intense between us. She'd started complaining that I don't love her enough, or, broadly - that she isn't getting enough hugs and kisses from me. I told her "honey, why are you complaining? You know where to find me whenever you want hugs and kisses". But it seemed like it wasn't enough for her, she wanted me all for her, ALL the time! She even asked the campus manager at the time to move me to her own room. She kicked her two roommates just to make space for me and her! But I unfortunately had to say no, because I couldn't handle all this love with her together. I just felt like it was too much - and then, without saying anything further. she DUMPED me.

Since that day I barely sleep at night, guys - I can't stop thinking about her and about the mistake of not moving to her campus room at the time. I didnt show enough love, she was right, I was wrong. Well, who knows, perhaps this story would become a big Sym X album hit sometime soon. I really look forward to that.
Hi guys. You know, i always tend to look back at the days when I was still a little flower in my college days with my fellow roommates Norman and Steve. Especially one thing, that I really want to remember for the rest of my life because it was so cool, was catching girls all over the campus off guard and have them as our girlfriend's. It was really dark days, when all 3 of us were single and couldn't stand it anymore. We needed a girl by our side. So I think this could be a great idea for the band to think how they might be able to add it into the upcoming Sym X album. Who knows? I have nothing to lose anyways.

So here we go. It started when I was studying at the college. Me and my roommates, Norman and Steve, were really starting to get bored of our dull campus life and living in the college. We were okay with the studies and all, but the college was also full of girls just WAITING to get laid with us. So what'd you expect us to do? It's obvious, the most natural thing to do at the time for us, was to catch them like tiny bugs in the net and have them as our eternal girlfriends.

So when we planned everything out, we started our mission. We started with the women's bathroom - where all the beautiful girls go do what they do and poop what they poop. We didn't mind the smell, we're okay with it because it came out of a pure women's body. We were okay with the farts, too - although there was one girl at the time named Maddie who really farted a lot there, and it really made our mission much more difficult. Norman even started complaining - "shit man, she farts like an obese elephant that ran out of the zoo!". I told him "relax buddy, a fart here, another there, we'll get through it!". Steve could stand it because his mother always prepared dead cockroaches mixed with horse poop for him for dinner every time, so he didn't say a word. Well, we were peeking through the doors in the bathroom there and happened to catch a girl off-guard. Remember Maddie, the huge farter? WEll, she just happened to be that girl we caught there in the bathroom. Without a further word, she immediately saw our penis's through the pants and how they were just waiting to be inserted into her elephant body. She gladly agreed to our offer, and then, we performed what we agreed about. Yep - no need to say it, it's so obvious. And since then....Well guys, what is there more to say? We became the 3 happiest college students in the entire campus. It brings a big smile to my adorable cheeks just thinking about those glorious days.