Album covers

The Wintersun is just fine but I wouldnt have a frozen person, or maybe not a person. I love the winters twilight
heres a couple sweet album covers off the top of my head

Evergrey-In Search of Truth
Symphony X-Twilight in Olympus
Lanfear-aNother gOlden rAge
Dark Empire-Distant Tides
I think the best album cover is PARADISE got complex graphic stuffs and and expressed a clear theme of the title..
I like covers that have this sort of a mystical feel to them WITHOUT being cheesy. No dragons, glowing crystals or any of that stuff, thank you. I have to say that I like the Ensiferum cover, someone posted, really much.
Gamma Ray has almost always had great cover art. No world order is my favorite. I don't particularly believe that Land of the Free II is up there in quality, but the cover art rules.

Evergrey-In Search of Truth

Pretty good, but too Noren for my tastes (though at the time it was pretty awesome). My favorite Evergrey art is Solitude, Dominance, Tragedy
I can't believe what kinf of IDIOT friends I have. I asked their opinion on, which album cover is better, Ensiferum - Iron or Rhapsody - Power Of The Dragonflame.


or this:

all three liked the Rhapsody one better... Unbelievable. I should really go and find totally new friends.
That stupid fucken dragon is beaming his own foot.

I love Helloween's Walls of Jericho cover.

A giant punching a hole in a wall. Win.
Methinks you know little of art. :lol:


Thank you! Roger Dean is fantastic...doesn't have the cliched kind of fantasy work. When he uses Dragons, or females, he tends to have them in a not so typical setting, or action sequence. Another great artist is Krisitin Whalin

I think this album sucks though based on some songs I downloaded and I'm pissed that Mac left. Still a good cover though... :)