Album covers

Might as well submit my little re-design here too. :cool:
IQ is good.

Korruption, that looks like a Strogg baby. Pretty rad.

And here's a cool album cover from a band called Melechesh. I like that band.

They all look like they're either Noren's work or copies of his style. I don't think Noren has done more than a handful of good covers and am not a fan of his style. In general, i'm not a big fan of any digital art because it doesn't take much to find graphics and blend them together in photoshop. I just don't like photomanipulation and don't think it is generally the best kind of artwork. I like old school cover art.

Thats not to say that i don't enjoy ANY album covers that have been digitally manipulated, i just think the style has been done to death, it's tired and boring. Also note that CG art that is legitimately created is different than photo manipulation, but i still prefer good ol' fashioned artwork.

It's got a big monster, some sort of ancient structure, magic powers, crazy arcane symbols, an army, depictions of gods, things flying that shouldn't be, and lots of bright ADD colors. The recipe for pure epic.