Well, to defend my post there, i wasn't posting a lengthy review on my statement, merely giving a quick breif and then answering another person's question about the ambience of the album.
But, if you want a reason I personally think it is my fav album of the year I will tell you (mind you, we all have our own tastes and opinions so be nice

The vocals. I have always been amazed at the quality of harmonies that Arjen is able to drag out of the singers on his album. Like on this one, the contrast of Damien Wilson, Dan Swano, Floor Jansen and Russell Allen. Not only are each of them top notch in their own right at their particular style but when you combine them, WOW! The layers are bone chilling.
The music. Is it Yngwie/Malmsteen/Symphony X over the top epic layered with classical choirs pouring from every speaker? Hell no, don't know where it was ever said that it was. What it is, despite not being those things, is unique. Not when you simply take the guitar lines alone and listen to those. But when you combines the guitars (as simple as they may be sometimes), add the bass, the drums, the Hammond, the other keyboards.....you get one fine tuned SONG. While these tunes do have some guitar/keyboard wizardry like on Master of Darkness... I don't think I would care of there was not one solo on this album. I am entertained by the song writing itself as a whole. I can't believe how much I get into that Hammond sound on this album. I have NEVER really liked that sound in itself. Reminds me big time of the 60s...not that I don't LIKE music from the 60s...but, you know. Combine the singing describes above with the music... you have even MORE of a song than they are on their own. I call it magical.
Also, why would you think that someone getting Star One is thinking they are getting Edguy or Gamma Ray? Just curious. I don't think I have seen one thing that even remotely compares it to those kind of albums. I don't even think I have seen it marketed eluding to anything close to those bands.
Again, everyone has their own taste and favorite bands, etc.. so I present my opinion on the album here. We heard yours and ProgMetalFans (I'll get you for that mister!

)....to each his own eh?
Star One, as well as Ayreon music, is unique... I don't know if I can compare them to a sinlge other band out there, which is quite an accomplishment.