Album of the year


Oct 15, 2001
Dillinger Escape Plan- Ire Works

Winny, you'll fuckin love this album. It's like the last album, but with a massive injection of angel dust era FNM. I didn't think they'd top miss machine, but they have.


All other suggestions of what is album of the year are flawed and wrong, especially Spruceys, because he is likely to say some gay shit like fall out boy.
My album of the year = Fallout B......... Hey, waitaminute!!!!

I haven't stopped spinning Between the Buried and Me - Colors since I got it a month ago.
Fucking great album.

Did you hear that one Koich?

It's pretty insane
Slightly off-topic:

Koich, did you see on 20 to 1 the other night they had Corey Hart's Sunglasses At Night as one of the songs you can't get out of your head? They they proceeded to bag its lyrixx saying they were stupid... fuckin' a holes. Don't understand none of Hart's brilliance.

Also, in your avatar, he kind of looks like a hip Bob Dylan.

How dare they, they obviously haven't switched a blade on a guy in shades, oh no.

SIXX AM - The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack
THE BIRTHDAY MASSACRE - Walking With Strangers
BLACKFIELD - Blackfield II
Sounds like I should check out the new Dillinger then. :)

What's the go with Limahl, chris? Is the Neverending Story theme too catchy? :)
heh heh Ceydn , bro , you are a classic !!!!

I've got nothing on Limahl , I reckon neverending story is catchy , yet I have an immense problem with Too Shy when he was in Kajagoogoo:puke:

Your comment below your avatar photo thingy is a classic , wookin pa nub in all da wong places wookin pa nub.
Ohh napanoona blanka !!!!
SIXX AM - The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack
THE BIRTHDAY MASSACRE - Walking With Strangers
BLACKFIELD - Blackfield II

I have to add Editors 'An End Has A Start' and Expatriate 'In The Midst Of This'
I have to add Editors 'An End Has A Start' and Expatriate 'In The Midst Of This'

Not heard it, I read many reviews saying it was good but not essential if you have the debut so I passed. The B'day Massacre is a very good advance on their debut. Megadeth -United Abominations is fucking great and there's been some other but they escape me in my drunkeness.:kickass::lol: