Album of the year


New Metal Member
Dec 14, 2002
Corona, CA
Hello everyone. I'm new to the board. Just thought I'd join my fellow metalheads in discussing metal related issues. I live in Corona, CA and got reintroduced to metal a few years ago (by none other than dRIFTWOOD)! I used to listen to Metallica, Iron Maiden, and Priest when I was younger but kinda fell out of listening to metal. Then started again and oh my GOD I am so glad I did. Enough about me, I wanted to ask you all, what you think is the album of the year this year? I personally have been totally stoked about the new Shadows Fall, Dark Tranquility, and Dimension Zero, and Darkane. If I had to pick I'd probably go with Shadows Fall. What is on your lists?:headbang:
Welcome to the board. If you want to see everybody's top ten of the year, there is a thread about that awhile down. If you dont feel like checking, my favorite album of the year is Blind Guardian-A Night at the Opera
....................Arch Enemy- Wages Of Sin.....................................

The best sounding production, plus a band who stays true to their music & fans, & sticks to being Heavy, with some Melody to complement it, thrown in.
Damn... I'm stuck between a couple.

The Crown - Crowned In Terror. Awesome fucking metal from our Swedish friends... with Tompa on vox. But, considering how br00tal Deathrace King was, this one fails a bit. Definitely in the top ten.

Yakuza - Way of the Dead. In the same vein as the Dillinger Escape Plan, but focusing on jazz influence even more. The singer busts out a clarinet and saxaphone and almost every track, and the last one is 43 minute long instrumental jam. Totally fucking rocks, this one.

El-P - Fantastic Damage. Space aged hip-hop from one of Company Flow's front men. The soundscape is incredible, and the rhymes and lyrics have some serious imagery going on. Takes a moment to get used to, but DAMN the shit is bonkaz.

Mr. Lif - I, Phantom. Another hip-hop album, Mr. Lif sounds like Q-Tip from TCQ's hayday. Very listener friendly rhyme structure, this concept album is worth looking into if you like this sort of thing. We follow a Mr. Insignificant from robbing a store, quitting his job and making a go at music, to failing and returning to the work place. Nuclear war hits, and we are privy to four different perspecitives from people as they see the mushroom cloud bearing down on them.

Isis - Oceanic. Holy shit... Neurosis-esqe metal that blew me out the fuck when I first heard it. Bonkaz ass shit. Experimental, but still very listenable. Not too many tangents to lose interest.

Mastodon - Remission. These boys are straight up bonkaz. br00tal fucking metal at it's finest. Death metal, with no appy polly logies.

And those are my contenders. I don't know which to pick :)
I cast my vote for Isis Oceanic- and i love the experimental nature of Arcturus the Sham mirrors.

The new Dark Tranquility is in some ways the perfect melodic death metal album- but it has a few drawbacks, some of the songs are rather formulaic, and i dont think the record flows very well- but still some of the songs are perfect melodic death songs.

That Unas Slayer of the Gods song from Nile is pretty amazing, but the rest of the album is pretty much the same old nile- just a touch better
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Originally Posted By Speed:...."The new Dark Tranquility is in some ways the perfect melodic death metal album- but it has a few drawbacks, some of the songs are rather formulaic, and i dont think the record flows very well- but still some of the songs are perfect melodic death songs."

Excellant Observation, I agree with you, well said................
The Bonus Track should have been inserted somewhere on the regular album(not last on the US release), to help it flow better, its also one of my favorites on that disc......