Albums KIND OF kicking your ass but...


This band was hyped to me and on first listen I was a little bit underwhelmed. Some of the music (riffs and keys) was pretty killer but not all of the keyboards were great and I wasn't too fond of the production. I think it might be a bit of a grower, I'll probably like it more but its still looking like nothing will ever really top Thergothon and diSEMBOWELMENT as my favourite doom bands

Im really enjoying some of the songs like Vom Gesicht und Ratsel and Ein Leeres Zauberspiel but the rest of the songs just seem too repetitive. Ill give it a few more listens and hopefully it will grow on me but atm i just get bored half way through most of the songs and i usually really like ambient/atmospheric black metal.

Im sure this album is mentioned alot here but anyway, this album was praised constantly at Thrash Unlimited so i listened to it over and over again. After not having my bowels emptied in my pants i was pretty confused why the hell this album was said to be so heavy. Now I realise my ass is just too tough for Morbid Saint.

King Diamond vocal stylings with an Awaken the Guardian level of mysticism/obscurity should be orgasmic, but this is inconsistent. Too many boring riffs amongst godly lead harmonies, like half the album is made of old NWOBHM-inspired songs recycled in vain into something that tries to be otherworldly.

Howie is a monster riff-writer, and the songwriting is well-paced and enjoyable. So what the fuck could possible be bad about this?

Phil motherfucking Swanson; dude's a great singer in his other bands, Seamount and Hour of 13 (well, those are the ones of his I am familiar with), but this shit is almost inexcusably bad a lot of the time. This is even weirder when, on M-A at least, it says that Swanson wrote the vocal arrangements. This leads me to believe he either a). did them in five fucking seconds right before entering the goddamn studio, or b). in his other bands, he doesn't actually write his own vocal lines. Either way, fuck this.

Sometimes, Corbin is the shittiest drummer in the entire world with some truly retarded beats, also. I just don't understand how you can heap praise on something that is riffically-speaking, excellent, but technically-speaking, almost horrible. That having been said, I try (and sometimes succeed!) to enjoy this album in spite of its major, irritating downfalls.
Formulas is one of the greatest newer DM albums recorded. It's classic. pure awesome
Overkill - Ironbound. Everyone raved about this when it came out, but it's not as good as their past couple of albums. "The Goal Is Your Soul" has totally ripped off riffs of theirs from earlier albums too.

It's a good album, but why the OTT praise for it when everyone ignored Killbox 13?
Megadeth- Endgame. There's something I off about this album, it's the only Megadeth album I dislike, but I can't put my finger on it. It seems so blah compared to their other works, as though Mustaine didn't put as much effort in on this one.