Albums KIND OF kicking your ass but...

SFSGSW > any of Slayers albums.

I don't know about that. The production is pretty bad, the drum performance has to be among the worst of the major thrash bands, the ballads are whiny garbage that make A Thousand Times Goodbye tolerable, and the two best songs were (at least in part) written around 1984/1985. The album's material would function better as bonus tracks to the first two albums.

I developed some unreasonable expectations based on the sample of "Might is Right" that was posted a few months ago. This is still cool, but it really feels like Doom Cult revisited with a couple of dirge-ridden songs that feel present solely so that band can point at something and say "see, we DID do something different". I feel like what separates the elite from the imitators within this style is an elusive synthesis of purely unique aesthetic ideas and structural finesse (yes, it's as ambiguous as it sounds), and Doom Cult was ahead of the pack because it's such a varied album that reveals some interesting things once you've adapted to the feeling of being in the middle of a hazy, tumultuous battlefield. I'm still not totally sure on this one though, as I still have some time to put into it and there are definitely some killer songs (the grind-eqsue "Desolate Earth", "Might is Right", and "Death Tyrant" have really caught my attention) that might help me see the light in the others and the potential thread weaving in and out of each of them.

Irrelevant coincidence: Track 7 of Doom Cult is called "Bullet Vomited" and track 7 of War of All Against All is called "Nuclear Vomited". Jews did Diocletian.

Still good, but this is where they began getting a bit too comfortable in jolly three-minute jigs, skimping on the song-writing process. At least half of the album does have strong music, but the one-melody instrumental things are pointless.