Albums Peter produced.

maria in the abyss

New Metal Member
Mar 14, 2003
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I'm sorry if there is the same thread somewhere, but I coulnd't find one.

I want to know and collect all the albums Peter produced, engineered or mixed.
Please name the bands and album titles so that I can sort out here.:headbang:

And one more thing I'd like to know is his son's name.

you got a mistake in your rank sham.
or the message is too profounded that i could ever get it.
Oh... I guess we have a mutual misunderstanding here? ;)
There is an official PAIN site where some sections are present. In one of them which dedicated to Abyss Studio you can find information about bands Peter produced.
Is it clear? :D
Yeah, Actually I did checked that info, and found it was not covering all the bands and albums.
I guess Peter produced tons of Black Metal bands, Death Metal bands and Viking Metal bands and His bro Tommy, too.
You know collecting such albums is one of my pleasure!!!
If you can tell me other bands than Pain's infomation section, just let me know!!!:oops:
Never heared before about this Lock Up thing..somehow I've misted it..but I have found that album, and either I don't like ( almost hate ) grindcore, it sounds pretty ok...well, it is more death than grindcore with Peter on's not bad at all:)
I disliked Lock Up and even didn't buy that CD.
According to great work Peter can do with his vocals, this stuff in Lock Up sounds like a crap.

if someone could send me THE OTHER SIDE from the abyss via msn I would really apreciate it

Ive been looking around in the local stores and unable to find it
You can buy both of The Abyss's albums from Century Media's online store.

Peter produced the first three Amon Amarth CDs, which I think makes itself evident through the very, very similar guitar sound.