ATTENTION FANS!! Peter interview questions


New Metal Member
Feb 2, 2004

Envision Magazine is conducting an interview with Peter T. this Wednesday February 4th and we want your questions! If you have anything you want to know about Peter or the band please reply to this post and we'll try to include your inquiries in the interview.

:rock: The interview and article will be posted here as well as on our website.


-Nire/Editor in Chief
Please if you can ask a question about their upcoming tour to South America , about the set list, if they haven't decide the song, please ask them about the number of song they will play, and if they are excited to be here in South America or if it will be just another day, it doesn't matter to us because we know that after they come here they will remember us forever!!!!!!!!
Damn! If i'm enough in time, give him our fucking great support and ask him if
he, or other Hypoguys want speack directly to us in the forum, and ask if Lars,
that now is Hypofree want do it! It is stupid, but tell him also that his best italian Hypofan want hear Carved up at Milan Show 6 04 04 in Italy! :)
