Albums you gave a second chance....


Nov 19, 2002
Boston, MA USA
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Hey everyone, I think this is a question that doesn't seem to get asked in most forums (I've never seen it at least) but what are some Hypocrisy albums that you like/love today that before you didn't care about? For me it's 'Into the Abyss' & 'The Fourth Dimension..' I'm not counting 'Catch 22' (I don't own it anymore because I only liked a handful of songs really., & I put those songs on a compilation CD.):cool:
I never bothered w/ the first because it sounded like typical death metal. The second one (Osculum) was WAY BETTER!! I love 'Into the Abyss' now! I've been playing it a lot the last few weeks! I think because Virus had so much energy, it made me check out Into The Abyss again & I saw the same intensity! Great stuff!:rock:
i didn't dig on into the abyss much at first. now i do.

penetralia i had no love for until i had it for a few months, then realized how awesome it is.
Yeah,it takes a few listening.

A good example of Hypocrisy`s talent is how they approach songs,IMO.

Take Nightmare for example.

As the counter hits 3:21,they start playing perhaps the coolest part of the song,and I just assume that any other band at that time would have played less good than the exellent melody that Hypocrisy plays.

I find it hard to put in words,so just listen to it.
I think you`ll understand me afterwards.
Hypocrisy was the band that got me into Death Metal. They were the first Death Metal band I ever heard so when I first listened to them I was like "Um, what the f---?" But I was hooked soon after that.
I haven't given The Fourth Dimension much of a chance, and Catch 22 I've tried a couple times. As for the first two albums I am slowly getting more into them. Everything else is high on my list.
virus at first to me sounded boring after a couple more listens its def one of there best albums ever:notworthy lol and catch 22 which is an awesome different album. Into the Abyss to me sucks except for a few songs.