Albums you rediscovered


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Have you ever bought an album, not thought that much of it, then a few years down the track ralised that it's actually really good?

I can't think of a good example myself, but I've been listening to Pantera's The Great Southern Trendkill a bit lately, and I now realise it's a lot better than I ever gave it credit for.
Funny you should say that, Rob. TGST was the first Pantera album I owned, and I love it more now than I ever did. Been pulling a few old discs out of the collection lately as I work my way through them all and been rediscovering plenty.
I've tried listening to the two Pantera albums I own a few times and they just don't do anything for me. They were a very overrated band IMO, and I know I'll get a lot of flack for that. And no, I don't understand why Dimebag was considered to be such a great guitarist. Sorry.
They probably were overated, but I think they had the potential to be one of the greatest, but took a turn for the worst with their musical direction. People will probably disagree with me too, just my opinion.

Cowboys From Hell is awesome as though, mainly for Dimebag's playing, who certainly wasn't overated, even now with all the attention his playing gets since his death, it is still all well deserved. Amazing talent.
The problem with Pantera is they started making heavier and heavier albums just for the sake of it. After Vulgar Display of Power they decided to start making albums while they were drunk and just see how heavy they could get. Far Beyond Driven has some good songs, but it also has "Good Friends and a Bottle of Pills" which is one of the worst pieces of shit ever recorded and three or four others that are just not very good. They could have been one of the greatest bands ever but they were more interested in getting loaded and out-heavying everyone. Nothing wrong with that really, but it really took its toll on the quality of their output. Reinventing the Steel is crud and in a way its probably good they broke up when they did. Even if Dime was still alive, I doubt they could get back the magic they had in 91 - 92.
TGST is my absolute fav Pantera albums, and is well up there amongst all time fav's. I actually like Reinventing the Steel as well, I can't understand why so many people bag the album out, but I seem to be like that with lots of stuff everyone else considers shit.

Back on subject yes Winny, we all get like that I think, I had one of those days yesterday when I got back from a tatt show with a gutful of rum :headbang:
Goreripper said:
The problem with Pantera is they started making heavier and heavier albums just for the sake of it. After Vulgar Display of Power they decided to start making albums while they were drunk and just see how heavy they could get.

What Brian said. I was heavily into them in 1993-94 in particular, but then the albums that followed did seem to be heavy for the sake of it. Vulgar Display of Power had a perfect balance between heaviness, melody and all the other things that make an album heavy as fuck but not extreme. I'm into a fair bit of extreme metal, but didn't want one from Pantera. As I said earlier, TGST is still a bloody good album, but I wish they'd been able to produce another album like Vulgar when they made Far Beyond Driven.

On the overrated thing, they weren't overrated in the first half of the 1990s, when they were the best thing since sliced bread. They were highly-rated, but that was because they were awesome.

I've inadvertently started a Pantera thread. :)
Trendkill I rediscovered. I love that shit.

Brian said:
but it also has "Good Friends and a Bottle of Pills" which is one of the worst pieces of shit ever recorded and three or four others that are just not very good.

A-fucking-greed. I hate that piece of shit.

I actually like Reinventing the Steel.

What does everyone think of New Found Power? I love Damageplan.
White Pony was boring last time I bothered listening to it, maybe I should dig it out again, I only remember liking Elite and the one Maynard James Keenan co-wrote.

And Damageplan fucking rock, sad thare will never be another album from them
Yeah, but would it be the same, or just Big Vin cashing in a little, I mean the Rebel meets Rebel thing has been a long time in planning, so there is just an album to be released there, but another DP album when they weren't even in the studio putting it together hmmm
I don't think Vinnie would cash in as such on anything with Dimebag on it...if he released anything it'd be about getting the music out.
I rediscovered Overkills - The years of decay. I was kinda disappointed when I first bought it a while back cause it was more their groovey thrash style as opposed to their earlier fast/bay area sound they had on previous albums. But I listened to it again a few months back and I was a fool cause it kicks fucking arse :headbang: :headbang: