Aleksi Laiho Imposter!

Bahahaha Alexi with a hotmail account. Just to let you know if you get an e-mail from a Nigerian Prince telling you to send them money so they can in turn give you millions it might also not be true.

Yeah... it's not forbidden to use one's brains.
Just when I think I could not possibly facepalm from anything else from this forum, I spot this thread and sure enough, just like a magnet, there goes my hand to my face...
Poor girl, I know that Aleksi hates the computers but come on! don't be mean! You forgot that because he was being nice with yes shit happens :/
lmao at that fat black lady who encountered Alexi on his tour bus and demanded "where the hell have you been?" and Alexi said "excuse me but who the fuck are you?", she had agreed on a date with a fake Alexi profile and somehow made her way to the restricted area on the venue... I remember Alexi did invite her in cos she had traveled so far...
Well that was nice. How did she get past security in the first place? Press pass? Those are classic. Maybe she was just so early everyone was setting up and nobody noticed her. Then shejust waited.
Okay so... I just had this guy add me from Vampire Freaks..
I don't listen to Children of Bodom.. He added me, in a chat room all the same, he said he was in a band called Children of Bodom, i was all like, oh cool, they actually sound familiar.. We got talking on skype, he seemed really nice... but he also came out with the odd 'i'm fucked up' and was saying how he may start liking me etc.
This is when i started to get a little suspect, some of the things he was saying just didn't ring true for a frontman of a seemingly popular metal band...
I asked him to go on webcam just to prove it was him, he didn't ... So i said to him, he seems like a nice guy, however i don't trust that he is who he says he is, as it all seems a bit suspect.. He tried to get away from the subject.. I then searched 'Alexi Laiho skype' .. found this thread.. Asked him what his email address was, he gave me the exact same email as in this thread so i was like lol, caught you... and pasted him the url to this site.. He then proceeds to go straight offline, funny that...

Some people are so strange! It took me one conversation with him to figure out he was dodgy... :|