Alex Skolnick article in the Village Voice

When I last saw him play, I enjoyed the covers that he & his band did. I thought thats really refreshing & different. And who does'nt like seeing Alex play the guitar, he's was awesome. Even if it was a Jazz set................. :err:
And as you can see.....this great musician is doing something besides Thrash Metal....isn't it funny how so far, no one has called him a "sell-out". I mean this in the nicest way. People are always to quick to jump on the "bandwagon" and call Metallica losers because in their eyes they don't like the way Metallica has changed. "Oh, they sold out", "Oh what an embarassment". My post is simply how I feel. I have never called a band a sellout. I have always supported my favorite bands and I will till I die. I'm glad that so far, no one here has criticized Alex for doing what he choses to do. I commend that in a musician! Rock On!