Dyslexics Untie!
Testament Legions said:I think Steiner means when a musician/performer goes on t.v. - (like on the Grammys or somethin') and blabs about their views on the war, or do something similar to what the Dixie Chicksdid in concert. Look at how much criticism and resentment it stirred up - even the best fans get offended.
Singing about something "in a song" is a little different. Since I'm an artist, I express myself through my art, because that's "the way I feel," not because I'm trying to force my opinions on anyone else. If someone feels the same way, that's great...
Ya, that's all I'm talking about. The English Grammies were actually a perfect example too. The band Coldplay won an award and went up on stage. Some moron from the band grabs the microphone and starts spouting of his irrelevant political opinions about America, Bush, Iraq, Israel, etc. instead of thanking his family, fans, and friends. There were a hundred other things he could have been saying, you know. My fiance (who has no strong political opinions that I'm aware of) was watching the show, loves the band Coldplay, but couldn't help but say, "Shut up stupid"
If people want a political discussion they can turn on the news, talk to a co-worker or friend, or listen to talk radio or something. I dunno. Music is an escape. If there is a message in the music, more power to the artist. That's called artistic expression. But don't get on a stage and start preaching your wacko conspiracy theories or whatever to a couple thousand fans just because you have good singing voice or can play a guitar. It's the music that should grab the fans - not the musician.