Alex Skolnick Defends His St. Anger Comments

Testament Legions said:
I think Steiner means when a musician/performer goes on t.v. - (like on the Grammys or somethin') and blabs about their views on the war, or do something similar to what the Dixie Chicks :p did in concert. Look at how much criticism and resentment it stirred up - even the best fans get offended.

Singing about something "in a song" is a little different. Since I'm an artist, I express myself through my art, because that's "the way I feel," not because I'm trying to force my opinions on anyone else. If someone feels the same way, that's great...

Ya, that's all I'm talking about. The English Grammies were actually a perfect example too. The band Coldplay won an award and went up on stage. Some moron from the band grabs the microphone and starts spouting of his irrelevant political opinions about America, Bush, Iraq, Israel, etc. instead of thanking his family, fans, and friends. There were a hundred other things he could have been saying, you know. My fiance (who has no strong political opinions that I'm aware of) was watching the show, loves the band Coldplay, but couldn't help but say, "Shut up stupid"

If people want a political discussion they can turn on the news, talk to a co-worker or friend, or listen to talk radio or something. I dunno. Music is an escape. If there is a message in the music, more power to the artist. That's called artistic expression. But don't get on a stage and start preaching your wacko conspiracy theories or whatever to a couple thousand fans just because you have good singing voice or can play a guitar. It's the music that should grab the fans - not the musician.
Testament Legions said:
I think Steiner means when a musician/performer goes on t.v. - (like on the Grammys or somethin') and blabs about their views on the war, or do something similar to what the Dixie Chicks :p did in concert. Look at how much criticism and resentment it stirred up - even the best fans get offended.

Singing about something "in a song" is a little different. Since I'm an artist, I express myself through my art, because that's "the way I feel," not because I'm trying to force my opinions on anyone else. If someone feels the same way, that's great...

Oooooh, that's fair enough. Funny you mention the Dixie Chicks though, I remember seeing The Mighty Mighty Bosstones a few months back and during an improv. part of one of their songs, the singer went off on a tangeant (as you do) - "please, don't judge all Americans because of one moron!" and stuff like that. Pretty cool. It's a fair cop, isn't it? They play their music and make a fair point. I didn't quite see why the Dixie Chicks got shot down in flames for doing that - I know they said something different, but it was hardly worth apologising for, let alone all the other crap that came with it!

Ya, that's all I'm talking about. The English Grammies were actually a perfect example too. The band Coldplay won an award and went up on stage. Some moron from the band grabs the microphone and starts spouting of his irrelevant political opinions about America, Bush, Iraq, Israel, etc. instead of thanking his family, fans, and friends. There were a hundred other things he could have been saying, you know. My fiance (who has no strong political opinions that I'm aware of) was watching the show, loves the band Coldplay, but couldn't help but say, "Shut up stupid"

Funnily enough, I heard that Coldplay bottled out of telling the world their views on stuff. Maybe it was a different awards thing?
The trouble with this is that you're reaching out to a large audience at an event such as this, so it's an opportunity for lots of folk to hear what you gotta say. Especially concerning the issues you mention - I'd think that if you had the chance to remind a lot of people at once that, say, Israel is guilty of war crimes yet their leader cannot to prosecuted for them, go bloody grab it, because a lot of people are apathetic towards these things and shouldn't be. Considering what's happening in the world around us, thanking family and friends seems kinda trivial. Might as well order a Chinese while you're up there.

On the other hand, though, these guys give plenty of interviews and should be playing plenty of gigs where their thoughts can be aired (unless you're the Dixie Chicks - Big Brother is watching you!), and maybe they should've just given it a rest for one occasion. It's fair game either way. Can't please all the people all the time.
Ayeka said:
Oooooh, that's fair enough. Funny you mention the Dixie Chicks though, I remember seeing The Mighty Mighty Bosstones a few months back and during an improv. part of one of their songs, the singer went off on a tangeant (as you do) - "please, don't judge all Americans because of one moron!" and stuff like that. Pretty cool. It's a fair cop, isn't it? They play their music and make a fair point. I didn't quite see why the Dixie Chicks got shot down in flames for doing that - I know they said something different, but it was hardly worth apologising for, let alone all the other crap that came with it!
I think the Dixie Chicks got a lot of crap because they chose to bad mouth Bush (also a Texas native like the band) to a British audience. I understand the outrage from Texans. You don't bad mouth the president to a group of foreigners - fellow Americans maybe - but doing it across the pond was considered inapropriate, a cheap shot, and anti American by many of their US fans. Remember, a lot of Texans are extremely patriotic, supportive, and proud to say there is a Texan in the White House. The last person they would want to rip the pres is another Texan. Anyhow, that's my understanding of that deal.
Ayeka said:
The trouble with this is that you're reaching out to a large audience at an event such as this, so it's an opportunity for lots of folk to hear what you gotta say. Especially concerning the issues you mention - I'd think that if you had the chance to remind a lot of people at once that, say, Israel is guilty of war crimes yet their leader cannot to prosecuted for them, go bloody grab it, because a lot of people are apathetic towards these things and shouldn't be. Considering what's happening in the world around us, thanking family and friends seems kinda trivial. Might as well order a Chinese while you're up there.
That's exactly the problem though. Those little self righteous, pretentious, irresponsible bastards couldn't resist an opportunity to jam their idealogy down a national audience's throat. If they wanna be activists for a cause, well there are forums for that. Go to a political rally. Volunteer to do TV debates or whatever. At least pick a place were a dissenting opinion can be made. A music awards show should not be confused for a Dem or Rep convention, green peace rally, or a political "call-to-arms". Whether you agree with them or not, it's in extremely bad taste to use the acceptance of a music award as a segway for a political rant. Secondly I just fail to see how success as a musician equates to political expertise. Everybody has an opinion. That nerd from Coldplay, De la Rocha, Nugent, and whoever's opinion should only matter as much to you and me as the fucking UPS guy, the guy at the McDonalds drive thru, or those g'damn phone solicitors that call me every fucking night. WHO CARES. That's all I'm saying man. Their public displays insult the audience's intelligence.
There are lots of political activists that understand the importance of seperating career and politics in front of a national audience. It doesn't make you a bad mouthpiece for your cause. I just makes you repectable.

This just in: ST. ANGER STILL SUCKS!!!
Slightly off-topic but I don't agree that musicians and celebrities shouldn't voice their opinions outside songs but as much as I opposed the war on Iraq the way Michael Moore wnet up onstage at the oscars and burst into a rant was ridiculous

But there does seem to be some double standards when it comes to people like Nugent
Steiner said:
I think the Dixie Chicks got a lot of crap because they chose to bad mouth Bush (also a Texas native like the band) to a British audience. I understand the outrage from Texans. You don't bad mouth the president to a group of foreigners - fellow Americans maybe - but doing it across the pond was considered inapropriate, a cheap shot, and anti American by many of their US fans. Remember, a lot of Texans are extremely patriotic, supportive, and proud to say there is a Texan in the White House. The last person they would want to rip the pres is another Texan. Anyhow, that's my understanding of that deal.

I'd've thought it'd be more dangerous doing it on their home turf, then the outrage would've been understandable. It doesn't seem inappropriate or a cheap shot over here. Anti-American? That's just overreacting. Wouldn't it be more insulting if a non-Texan had ripped him? I dunno...they may be patriotic, but then so are National Front members.

That's exactly the problem though. Those little self righteous, pretentious, irresponsible bastards couldn't resist an opportunity to jam their idealogy down a national audience's throat. If they wanna be activists for a cause, well there are forums for that. Go to a political rally. Volunteer to do TV debates or whatever. At least pick a place were a dissenting opinion can be made. A music awards show should not be confused for a Dem or Rep convention, green peace rally, or a political "call-to-arms". Whether you agree with them or not, it's in extremely bad taste to use the acceptance of a music award as a segway for a political rant.

Considering the seriousness of the situation and its implications, no, I think every avenue needs to be taken to let people know why the war is/was wrong. But it's still a fair point. There's a time and a place for these things. If one of 'em had gone up there and said "support the war! Hail Zionism!" I'd be on your side :Spin:

Secondly I just fail to see how success as a musician equates to political expertise. Everybody has an opinion. That nerd from Coldplay, De la Rocha, Nugent, and whoever's opinion should only matter as much to you and me as the fucking UPS guy, the guy at the McDonalds drive thru, or those g'damn phone solicitors that call me every fucking night. WHO CARES. That's all I'm saying man.

There's opinion, and then there's solid facts that we know. I have a hunch that Zack de la Rocha would know a bit more about world politics than your average UPS bum. But then, we'll put this into context...I doubt anyone from Coldplay told the Grammy crowd that the claim in the September Dossier on Iraq that Saddam could deploy WDM in 45 minutes had originally said deliver instead of deploy...they were putting forward opinions, maybe some abstract facts (we all know war is BAD, man...FACT).

This just in: ST. ANGER STILL SUCKS!!!

Ayeka said:
- I think every avenue needs to be taken to let people know why the war is/was wrong.

- "Please, don't judge all Americans because of one moron!" and stuff like that. Pretty cool. It's a fair cop, isn't it?

- Israel is guilty of war crimes yet their leader cannot to prosecuted for them...

It took you a couple posts but you showed your hand too...anti Bush, against the Iraq war, and sympathetic to the Palestinian movement. It's tough man. Everybody has an opinion. It's tough to hold it back unless you try. I really don't want to know anybody's though. Especially since discussing politics and/or religion is like opening Pandora's box. Nobody ever wins. I save my opinion for the ballot box.
I agree with Alex. MetallicA is just plain horrible now. Testament can kick MetallicA's ass!!!!!!

I hve only listened to St. Anger twice on MTV and I was like eh.....I no longer give a crap about MetallicA. Testament is a WAY better band!!!!!
steiner dude, i agree with most of thie things you said then...
but WTF!?!
"This just in: ST. ANGER STILL SUCKS!!!"
isn't that comment slightly hipocritical?
i mean you just said about hating people who take advantage of their position to ram an opinion down someone's throat and now you're ramming your opinion down the readers' throat!!!
jeees man.... c'mon!

only joking man, i know that the st'anger bullshit is a bit of a joke on this board...

i've gotta say though, some fucking crazy person who goes on about some political issue is more interesting than someone who says exactly the same as the next person, and it makes life slightly more interesting to say the least!
Hmmm...I read part of the first page...then skipped to the second page and all of a sudden we're discussing the Chixie Dicks and politics....bad move...political threads are a waste of time...everyone just ends up pissed off....(IMO of course)

Back to Alex...

He is the man! So articulate and right on...people who think that album is good (St. Anger) need to take a second listen...without their Metallica loyalty blinders's the worst piece of shit ever!
Pyrus said:
I'd rather listen to that than Opeth, honestly.

Just because you don't like something doesn't make it bad. Personally, I think that Blackwater Park is the worst album I've ever heard, but a lot of people seem to disagree. It's all personal.

Hey Pyrus...if I want any shit from you I'll squeeze your head...K? Sometimes your comments are don't want anyone directing comments to you..but you're the first to sling your BS around when someone says something you don't agree with...see the irony here? Do I care if you'd rather listen to St anger than Morningrise? No...just for the simple fact that you just completely defined your lack of musical knowledge in that sentence. I'd almost be willing to bet that you've never heard Morningrise...since you seem to comment on several albums you've never heard or maybe heard once (case and point, Pantera)..and bands you know nothing about...keep it up's pretty amusing..but in the meantime don't complain when someone does it to's open season now sweetness:grin:.